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 Oct 2013 Hayleigh
The missing
 Oct 2013 Hayleigh
The black tide of Nothing swells
deep and cold, inside.


This tenuous filament we grasp and flail for,
this meager connection,
it is a smokey spiderweb,
an eyelash falling.


I am not the same person I was
when I began this sentence;
you have never existed
anywhere but in my blood.


The nothing of us,
this chasm, abysmal
and familiar.

My dearest, my darkest.

*My only
 Oct 2013 Hayleigh
 Oct 2013 Hayleigh
december 29th –  i was a blizzard
infant, had
not gained my first color until the new year

even my eyes went white, were made of snowflakes
even my heartbeat had
a murmur, landed on my ribcage like snowfall

and every three months i give myself
up to my childhood
dye my hair so i stop fading into my white sheets

their threads are stitched from
the breath of ghosts, my mother never called to say
she wished it were hers

i only ever believe i have skin when it is
not being touched.
 Oct 2013 Hayleigh
Madeleine V H
I may never forget that white shirt
or those late nights we spent together
I know I can never erase the phone calls and the promises
I cannot delete the number 2330 from my brain
and I cannot act like I never loved you.
Even when you spoke of leaving I wanted you to stay
and I may of been foolish and blind
but I loved you more than anyone has loved someone
since the beginning of time.
I hope you're happy and I wish you were here
because then things
could have
would have
and should have
turned out differently for us.
Every night I want to call you and make sure you're still breathing
after all this.
I know you said you loved me that very last day
and I've found all the undertones in those messages I've saved
because you were the most beautiful person to me
and sometimes you still are.
So I'll still love you more than I hate the miles and I'll still worry about
how fast you drive
but I will love you differently, otherwise I won't survive.
 Oct 2013 Hayleigh
Madeleine V H
Depression ate me alive
while I starved myself
and the demons bled me out
and the words bruised my skin.

Anxiety pushed me to panic
while I clung to the bed posts
and screamed and cried
and wished it would stop.

Death tempted me
like the taste of sadness on my lips
but life coaxed me in to tasting the sun.
 Oct 2013 Hayleigh
Anthony Marvin
The world keeps crashing down down down.
While the rooms spins round and round.
And my mind is such a whirl,
From all these stupid girls
Playing games with my heart.
And tearing me apart.
 Oct 2013 Hayleigh
Arphra Behn
Love in fantastic triumph sat,
Whilst bleeding hearts around him flow'd,
For whom fresh pains he did create,
And strange tyrannic power he shew'd;
From thy bright eyes he took his fire,
Which round about in sport he hurl'd;
But 'twas from mine he took desire
Enough to undo the amorous world.

From me he took his sighs and tears,
From thee his pride and cruelty;
From me his languishments and fears,
And every killing dart from thee;
Thus thou and I the God have arm'd,
And set him up a Deity;
But my poor heart alone is harm'd,
Whilst thine the victor is, and free.
Simply she stands at the cathedral’s
great ascent, close to the rose window,
with the apple in the apple-pose,
guiltless-guilty once and for all

of the growing she gave birth to
since form the circle of eternities
loving she went forth, top struggle through
her way throughout the earth like a young year.

Ah, gladly yet a little in that land
Would she have lingered, heeding the harmony
And understanding of the animals.

But since she found the man determined,
She went with him, aspiring after death,
And she had as yet hardly known God.
 Oct 2013 Hayleigh
Jenna Kagbanda
you get to a point where it starts to feel okay to
feel again, and the midnight aire doesn't suffocate
you, and the sky doesn't seem to hang so low
anymore, and if i would've told myself this a
month ago, that it'd all be okay, i wouldn't have
believed dit, but here i am, standing in the middle of
a forest with no one around for miles and a miles,
and i do not feel alone.
 Oct 2013 Hayleigh
Sara Ellen
i lay awake in bed at night
wondering how you do
you are so far out of my sight
i need to start a new

these late night thoughts unravel before me
i scramble to show i don't care
but my words speak for my aching soul
amidst this lonely air

you have taken a little piece of me
of which you may not care
but that piece held my naive body together
before you took its share

lost in my thoughts
of this late summer night
the insomniacs stay awake
hoping we can survive the solitude of the darkness
to then give our heart a break*

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