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 Oct 2013 Hayleigh
matt d mattson
A mantra of the shiftless souls
The weak and will less
Gutless wretches of world
With quivering quaking shaking legs
The brittle bones of those who cannot stand
Shout retreat at break or loss of their command
Their eyes scream run
When wisdom bids they fight for what they can
But their bridges they have burned,
Roads blocked and rivers ******
They flee from what they feel they cannot fix
And hide with weak and sordid tricks
From things they do not understand

Poised for desperate violence
They stutter uttering lies
Attempting to disguise
The fear within their minds
As they make their alibis
For those who question why?

Is their master and their king
Fear for them, the driving thing
And they have given in

You cannot save them

They are lost so let them run
From the hot and burning sun
Let them make it for the hills
For the dark cold comfort of their caves
Where in time they  learn
Courage for their soul to save
Or die in anguish
Never learning to be brave
 Oct 2013 Hayleigh
Daniel Kenneth
Terrified of growing older
When work is an obligation
They have no sympathy
For a mental health vacation

Locked up in my room
Voices in my head shouting
Saying I should **** myself
That's the only way out  it

So forgive me if I'm reckless
While I'm still young
Because I don't give a **** if I live
Past 21
 Oct 2013 Hayleigh
James Ellis
If only you can see you're potential.
Life's not detrimental.
That's just your current mental.
Understand that your health is at risk.
Ignorance is bliss, but not with this.
I want you to quit for you not for me.
Be everything and anything you want to be.
A doctor, a teacher,
an actor, a preacher,
a lawyer, a cartogropher,
a musician, a photographer.
Be stronger, get past it.
Quit being a drug addict.
 Oct 2013 Hayleigh
kelly pye
 Oct 2013 Hayleigh
kelly pye
you know you've gotten away with everything
except your mental health
the love of the world dies within you
and you rely on paranoia and stealth
to get away with everything
remains the only goal
looking for a tomorrow
to try and fill the hole
you feel within you
emptiness within you
no one else would live a life like this
unless they felt that gnawing
that screaming cursing burning, drawing
you to the brink
loosing your mental health
 Oct 2013 Hayleigh
Leonie Adams
Hush, lullay.

Your treasures all

Encrust with rust,

Your trinket pleasures fall

        To dust.

Beneath the sapphire arch,

Upon the grassy floor,

Is nothing more

        To hold,

And play is over-old.

Your eyes

        In sleepy fever gleam,

Their lids droop

        To their dream.

You wander late alone,

The flesh frets on the bone,

Your love fails in your breast,

Here is the pillow.

 Oct 2013 Hayleigh
Timothy Kenda
I walked by and heard your voice
I looked around but I couldn't find you
For every love that didn't mind you
I can't just wait forever and sit
In a place without you; it's just not a choice
But you weren't here and I swear I heard your voice
Filled with so much beauty and poise
That every other voice just fades to noise
It is such a shame that I am all the way over here
In a land where all the men are mere boys
Where insanity reigns and everyone plays petty games
Children don't have love, just plenty of toys
Nothing around here is as it may appear
But with you everything is so crystal clear
Not here, everything is hazy in this place
People act out of frustration and fear
The anguish and hopelessness is thrown in your face
I will not succumb to this misery, darling
I will find my way to you or I will forever be disgraced
I would forever be shamed
For though the distance is a temporary pain
Our hearts still beat the same
On mine you've staked your claim
And regardless of flames or the rain
Or the end of the earth due to drastic climate change
I am making my way to you to love you
Until the end of all of time because I am yours
and through the void you are mine
It's through the void that I hear the beauty of your words
And though you aren't here I am coming to you
Because a love like ours deserves to be heard
Where I am now is ripping at me; making me depressed
And you deserve nothing but the best and I am so blessed
to have the opportunity to love you like you deserve
So I am coming there and getting out of this place
So that I don't have to hear your voice echoed by ghosts in the space
 Oct 2013 Hayleigh
Timothy Kenda
We took our dreams and crushed them into dust
Stirred them up with our own blood and spit
We built a prison to hold our souls forever
We built it up with stones made from the mix
And if the walls ever start to crumble
We'll crush more dreams and fashion bricks
Keep our hearts locked in the dark until the end of time
Until we're forced to wade across the river Styx
Only when we are stranded staring back at shore
We realize it's too late there is nothing we can fix
We never learned how to let ourselves be happy
We lived a life that was filled with tricks
While others ****** the life right from our bodies
They swelled up with disease like swollen ticks
Good decisions and outcomes mostly escaped us
On a losing streak we made horrible picks
And we never learned our lessons well
As life passed us by we just chose to sit
I have worn down the leather in the soles of my shoes
Our bones have shattered like brittle little sticks
Walking forever down a dark and desolate road
The sad part is the path was mine to choose
Now watch me stack needles end to end
And attempt to balance on the top until I lose
My footing and come crashing back down to earth
And die alone with no obvious clues
Just a dark void left in the shadows of the earth where my soul once was
And a prison built of broken dreams to show I've paid my dues
Over and over again I have fallen down
The look of your broken heart shows me you have too
We are all stuck in our own prisons of spit and dust
We have watched it all disappear down the drain
I will show you my deep black sars if I must
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