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 Nov 2013 Hayleigh
maybella snow
will there ever be a day                              
when people are just dust    
nothing more
where it doesnt matter          
how happy, sad, perfect, imperfect
you are              
where being gay, straight, bi
doesnt matter    
religion doesn't occur    
because thoughts are limited
only floating matters  
getting caught in                                    
different air flows                                  
rising and sinking                                  
will there be a day
where life is just                that.
life,                                                                 and death
is another way
of living
 Nov 2013 Hayleigh
olivia grace
i sat down on the bench at the bus stop on 24th and 3rd, next to a girl with a black long sleeve tshirt on in 93 degree sticky august weather. she looked about 17 years old, not much younger than i. i noticed her small, elegant fingers holding onto a black leather sketchbook and i found myself yearning to know what was inside of it.
i looked at her and smiled, commented on the weather;
"i would be sweating buckets if i were wearing that shirt."
she looked at me with such repugnance, it was as if i had told her that i killed her puppy and ate it for breakfast.
i looked away into the distance and watched the hustle and bustle of new york city on a tuesday. i held my gaze on a window of a large office building, 17 stories up and 4 across from the left. i imagined the cubicles; small, cramped and disgustingly humid, and the people inside of them; lonely, fed up and hungry.
"i would love to not be wearing this shirt. unfortunately my skin isn't pure and unmarked like yours."
the girl stood up, and looked at me with such sadness in her eyes that i could not unsee them. she walked down 24th towards the subway. she left her leather sketchbook sitting beside me, an unopened treasure chest full of unknown secrets and dreams.
i watched the girl walk with her arms crossed, bag thrown over one shoulder down the street, expecting her to turn around realizing what she had left behind - but she didn't. she kept walking and walking and walking until i could not longer see anything more than a small black dot.
i was brought back when i heard the large bus screech and halt to a stop, the black woman driving stare at me as if she had been waiting three and a half years for me to get on the bus. i picked up the black sketchbook and climbed the steps, popping $2.75 into the fare box.
i sat down in an empty middle seat, and leaned my head against the hot window. i felt the sun beam down on my face through the plexi-glass as i looked down at the black leather sketchbook still in my hands. i found myself holding it as if it were a very important document given to me by a secret agent to bring to the CIA.
i made it home to my stuffy one bedroom apartment with the sketchbook still unopened, still in careful hands. i set it down on my kitchen counter beside my yellow sticky note to pick up eggs, ketchup and lemon juice. which i forgot. again. i stared at the beautiful black leather of the sketchbook for a good ten minutes before finally flipping the cover to reveal two words, written with pencil in the most beautiful calligraphy i have ever seen;
"tragically beautiful"
i was so taken aback by the juxtaposition of these two simple words that i wished i had never opened the book at all, but somehow i felt myself flipping page after page looking at sketches drawn by an amazing talent whom i don't even know the name of.
i sat down at my desk after analyzing each and every sketch and put a fresh piece of paper into my typewriter. i entitled it
"tragically beautiful.

scars do not make an individual beautiful. scars simply add to the tragedy of the beauty shown by that individual. tragedy and beauty are two things that can not seem to be more opposed to each other, but somehow they can not exist without one another."

i wanted so desperately to know how to reach this girl, and tell her to wear her smallest tank top. i wanted her to know that her scars did not have to be covered up by unforgiving cotton. i wanted her to realize that her tragedies don't define her beauty.
her sketchbook is still beside my typewriter, bringing me back to that day on the bench.
if only she knew how impure and marked up my skin really is, that would truly be,
tragically beautiful.
 Nov 2013 Hayleigh
a m a n d a
it's hard to realize
that you are being knocked off a pedestal
you were never on.

it's hard to believe words
when you can see that the words are as thin as air
no meaning exists where nothing remains

admiration matters
beauty matters
and above all else
thinness matters

depression doesn't matter
sadness doesn't matter

**** art.
wrote this a couple years ago
 Nov 2013 Hayleigh
I know I've been your worst nightmare,
i know you had given up on me.
I know I've made you angry,
I know I've even made you cry.
I am sorry for all those times you've thought of yourself as a bad parent,
coz i know how lucky I am to have you and how precious you are to us.
Your soul is sweet and full of kindness that no matter how hard and hurtful I've been to you,
you've always forgiven me.
No matter how harsh life is for you ,
you've walked through it with a smile.
Many a times I've heard you say "I am perfectly fine",
but still I've seen you go to your room,sit on the bed and cry.
I know many of my words have hurt you really bad and some have even left a scar
but still you've always come and hugged me and said 'i love you my dear child".....
 Nov 2013 Hayleigh
Tori Hart
There are so many moments throughout my day
Where I miss every aspect of you
From the musky smell of sawdust after you finish work
To the small whine of desire when you outstretch your hand to take mine
You always know how to mix the perfect amount of milk and sugar to my coffee
You detect the strangled lie in my voice when I try to say I'm "okay"
I've never been able to understand how you do it all
You are a Miracle in my eyes
A Beautiful Miracle
Sprinkled with tinkering laughs and silly jokes
We speak a language that only we understand
Filled with silent moments of eye contact
Snorting laughter
And hand squeezes
I've memorized and harmonized
With the pitch of your first yawn when you wake up in the morning
You keep your breaths in time with mine
When you hold me against your chest
You still manage to put my hair behind my ears to caress my cheek
Even though my hair is even shorter than yours most of the time
I've never seen you look at me
Without seeing all of the Love in the world in your eyes
Your Spirit brings so much hope
It shines a path for me when my Soul has lost its fire
I know each and every spot that tickles you
And never plan on revealing those beautiful secrets to anyone
You listen to my ramblings as if they were strung with golden threads
And your laugh sparkles more than diamonds
I love the roughness of your slightly-callused hands
And the gentle rumble in your whisper
You are the greatest of mysteries
The most beautiful of poems
More harmonious than the purest of music
I drink your Words, your Laughs, your Smiles
As if they were the deepest, richest wine
I want to explore you forever
To me nothing is more true than you,
My Beautiful Rescue
I cannot wait until our distance is just a distant memory.
 Nov 2013 Hayleigh
 Nov 2013 Hayleigh
what is wrong with society?

children are crying.
teens are dying.
drug overdoses, suicides.
they cant make up their minds.

smoking dope
they have no hope.

knives are no longer used for food,
now used as  an escape from your mood

dudes are getting nudes.
girls are getting exposed,
there getting called hoes.

she's 8 and crying,
her sisters upstairs dying
not physically but mentally

bullies, insecurities.
all caused by what?
you can be hated, sedated
depressed , stressed, or even  messed.

but in society,
you're only accepted if your well dressed, pretty,
powerful, or successful.

no one will ever care unless you're pretty or dead .
and that's the truth everything that must be said has been said and done.
 Nov 2013 Hayleigh
Russell D
What do I do
When I feel your love slipping away
Do I just let it go
With so much left to say

Do I fight for a love
I can't make you feel
Resign myself to sorrow
Return my heart to steel

Do I stay to the bitter end
Until all hope is gone
Or do I just lick my wounds
And try to soldier on

After all that was said
And promises were made
How can I live my life
In a world where your love fades
 Nov 2013 Hayleigh
Russell D
Can you tell me now
Of the darkest color you know
Is it as black as the night
Or as murky as my soul

Is it as dark as the space
Where all your demons hide
Or as black as the box
That you keep your happiness inside

Is it darker still
Than any color that's seen
Or even darker than that
The color of a nightmarish dream

Into every darkness
There must peer a little light
I wish I could be that ray for you
And be perfect in your sight

I long to shine the light of love
In to the places you don't dare go
I want to split the darkness
So I can make you glow
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