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 Jun 2021 B E Cults
10 31 19
 Jun 2021 B E Cults
drunk driving

broken furniture

bad relationships

friends i really miss.

knives in my arms

and my face.

more importantly the things i dont say

the way i drink

deteriorating my brain

i wish i still wanted to stay.
 Jun 2021 B E Cults
Not man enough for me, Adam
Your garden brings me grief
He opened up his darksome gates
And granted me sweet relief

Poison apple sits heavy
From lush tree to teeth
To caught in your throat
But alas Eve was the thief

My children are set free
Roaming in the shadows
I am not a grieving woman
But I am a widow
 Jun 2021 B E Cults
 Jun 2021 B E Cults
Constellation Kaleidoscope
Blue and grey plaid flannel
Marlboro reds infiltrating
Front left pocket
Millions of miles
Eyes travel to your smile

Red embers sizzle
Smoke slowly escapes
Michaelangelo sculpted lips
My walking cathedral
Requested sanctuary
My prayers elevated

Constellation Kaleidoscope
Cells growing and dying
Shooting star wishes
To be held betwixt
Your middle and index
To be completely inside you
 Jun 2021 B E Cults
You replaced the sun many years ago
An ideal apparition of you floating
My central perfection to dance around
A love that one could only dream about
Now I can only see you when I dream

The claws of fate play the harp beautifully
Leaving me often in shambles and unruly
To fantasies over adoration so wasted
The candles in my shrine now dust
The mechanics inside of me all rust

You brush the hair from her eyes
And lines grow and I go grey
This wound doesn't seem to heal
No matter how many times I've spun
Around you with your arms crossed
 Jun 2021 B E Cults
Fine mist permeates
Decorated, adorned
Sweet caresses
Glistening, drenched
Pulse points pounding

Inhale deeply
Influx of images
Some imaginary
Most are memories
Muffled deep within
Beneath the subcutis

Dewy skin
Silver shift
Moonlit dancing
Forceful invitations
Disrobed temples
Soft moans
 Jun 2021 B E Cults
Kim Denise
 Jun 2021 B E Cults
Kim Denise
It's 11:11
and for the first time
after a very long time
I'm wishing for myself
and not for you
 Jun 2021 B E Cults
Anais Nin
 Jun 2021 B E Cults
Anais Nin
And then the day came,
when the risk
to remain tight
in a bud
was more painful
than the risk
it took
to Blossom.
Don’t play
with the real people
in your life
they really are
 Jun 2021 B E Cults
 Jun 2021 B E Cults
Don't shut the sink
off yet,
there's a lot more dishes
to do!
it just keeps comin
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