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 Mar 2014 morgan
I do not judge you,
for who you are,
or what you do,
for I am not the judge nor the jury,
I am merely the executioner.
Whom everyone knows holds a bit of fury,
although as I look upon your face,
and see the facade melting off it,
your guilt shows your disgrace,
and as my heart judges your actions,
and my soul decides upon your fate,
it is my mind that must do the transactions,
and executing isn't its best trait.
 Mar 2014 morgan
 Mar 2014 morgan
The feeling of you enveloped in my arms,
Weeping into
Sweet nothingness.
My horse whispers cannot even deter your chain of thoughts.
© Maniba Kiani
 Mar 2014 morgan
pluie d'été
It was so easy
When we were alone

The lights would lie
Like bright shadows
Stained pink
At the horizon
Heavy in the sky

You would hold me
To you
Watching my thoughts
While I would feel your heart beat
Behind me

When you spoke
You read
Of a fairy tale
With the only ending
We could imagine
It was what we had been taught

We were happy alone
You were happy with me
I was sad with you
But they cancelled each other out
A little bit
Scraped apart
It made us
It made us
Who we were

When we were alone
You had me
Almost all of me
Convinced that there were only two to a world

There are not
There is a much greater number
 Mar 2014 morgan
 Mar 2014 morgan
I linger long for you
in the desolate wasteland
that is
my speechless silence.

Lusting for replies
to my love
that demands
and scorns.

Why would the rose
of fields so fertile
dare to touch
this trodden ground
and weathered?

Who am I
to claim
your ****** toes?
 Mar 2014 morgan
Petal pie
 Mar 2014 morgan
Petal pie
She was always trying
To please
Smile, encourage,
Put them at ease
Daftness ensued
Goofy giggles ricocheted.

Her boundless enthusiasm
Though backfired.
It flailed around
And met walls
People got tired of her trying
Like an over eager licking pup
They found her presence trying.
This reflects how I feel I am received by some people
 Mar 2014 morgan
 Mar 2014 morgan
pretty is so played out
so used
like a childhood toy
when youre in your 20s
its manipulative
and tired
pretty gets you places
like a strangers bed
or stuck in someones
pretty gets you
into thinking
thats the only thing
good about you
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