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 Mar 2014 morgan
Jonny Angel
I captured your musk
between my fingers,
licked them like a baby
all throughout the day.
People must have
thought I was juvenile
******* my digits,
but I am no child,
I’m just happy & satisfied
to be thinking of you
in my mouth.
 Mar 2014 morgan
Sydney Spencer
It's like I'm watching you
Open your eyes for the first time
And they've finally settled on me
And I can see your brain talking
And it's saying
"She's right there and you missed it"
You'll smile at me
Make me feel brilliant
Then you take her hand
Because six years is a hard thing to break
When your eyes have been closed.
 Mar 2014 morgan
Zac C
 Mar 2014 morgan
Zac C
Ask a man about his life,
His words are grey.

Ask a man about his love,
He speaks only colors.

Happy 11 months bbby
 Mar 2014 morgan
Absurd Rain
 Mar 2014 morgan
I thought of you the other day
Standing ten floors above wet grey streets scoured by gales
A drop of rain absurdly climbs the glass
Yet I focus someplace far off through the miles of murk.
And there, all rush and bluster, eyes flashing, you pull me close into the doorway
Your smile just a little crooked , like you weren’t sure you could
or should or would…..
And then what was is past
Now just for a moment I let myself feel
And it catches in my heart and makes it ache
With the indigestion of something lost
And I wonder if you are standing
Gazing through some storm soaked pane
A drop of rain absurdly climbing your glass

I thought of you the other day.
 Mar 2014 morgan
 Mar 2014 morgan
i'm never direct about my feelings
in fact, they are the reason why i'm drowning
within the recesses of my mind

maybe thats why its easy;
for me to glance at any pair of onyx orbs,
and see the misery and pain behind great walls
but they're so close to breaking
one touch and i'm afraid they might break

human beings are solid,
the atoms in our bodies packed so tightly,
holding us together
and i'm half-convinced that they'd do it for forever
but not even they could protect us
from the fragility of our hearts
and the naivety of our minds
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