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Caffeinated and bright-eyed,
I'm running on coffee's power.
Each sip, a liquid boost of might,
Fuelling me by the hour.

The aroma, it beckons me near,
The flavour, it's oh so divine!
A cup in my hand, my mind grows clear, This Arabica, is truly sublime.

Perked up and ready to go,
My energy is quickly revived.
With coffee as my trusted sidekick,
Helping me to feel alive.

Lizzie Bevis
Soft droplets dance upon the window pane,
A soothing, calm rhythmic refrain.
The thirsty earth drinks deep and slow,
As nature's tears begin to flow.

A curtain of grey obscures the sky,
yet calms the soul as heavy clouds cry.
The parched ground softens & flowers bloom,
The soil awash in nature's boon.

Through the pitter-patter of nature's song
The gentle rain drizzles long.
Refreshing the air, renewing dry ground,
In rain's sweet melody, life is found.

Lizzie Bevis
Do you dare to search deep within me,
reveal my darkest secrets
and uncover the truth?

I am a master of disguise,
displays of emotion are denied
enough to outwit any sleuth.

So I must ask...
Are you sure you want to see
what is behind this mask?

Lizzie Bevis
The bottle, your loyal companion,
Numbing your pain and fuelling your vice.
Dragging you deeper into the abyss,
Evading the value of your precious life.

Each warm sip, a false promise of solace,
Betraying your heart and ravaging your mind.
Shackled by the chains of hard addiction,
You become a prisoner to demons so unkind.

The cheer of old times fades to silence,
As the light in your eyes slowly dies.
Unsteady with no anchor to ground you,
Treading a sea of lonely unsettled demise.

You tell me you want to break free,
To see the world through sober eyes,
But the waves keep pulling you under,
As you drown in whiskey's tragic goodbye.

Lizzie Bevis
In this ceramic sanctuary,
I find restoration and clarity.
A simple pleasure
yet profound,
in this cup of tea
my joy is found.

Lizzie Bevis

— The End —