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Dec 2014 · 541
What a Cheat
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
With a nervous chuckle,
He stammers frantically
about desire.

I sigh and turn away,
Giving his concubine
A little bit of privacy.

It didn't matter anyway.
I never expected
Love to exist.

My expectations were correct.
This is what I get
For caring,
Dec 2014 · 239
A little thought
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
Does anyone else find it ironic that Poe was a poet who wrote poetry?
Almost as if he was born to be haunted by words.
Dec 2014 · 351
I am the Raven
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014

The Raven, I am
An ill omen,
Dark plumage,
Circling the sky,
Looking for flesh,
Already dead.

Listen for me in the dead of night,
I come bearing news,
The four horsemen shall come,
but only for you.
Death watches closely,
Looming in the shadows.

Call me the Raven,
For I bring only
Bad intentions
And ill will.
A demon, or a Raven?
I prophesied the end.

and it shall come.
I've been reading a lot of Poe. Inspired by "The Raven". What is the Raven, really? A silly bird, or something more?
Dec 2014 · 255
Let it Fall
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
The glass tottered on the edge of the table.
Half full, half empty?
I don't know.
But I let it fall.
However full it was,
It's in the floor now
And littered with shards of glass.
Dec 2014 · 382
Take the Shot
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
Pull the trigger for me,
       ­                                     *I can't do it myself.
Dec 2014 · 435
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
If I come off as cold and aloof,
Please don't think that I believe
that I am special,
Perhaps better than the rest.
That is far from truth.
I am only distant.
Because seeing life from a distance
Makes it hurt just a little less.
Dec 2014 · 665
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
When I heard the news,
I went to the bathroom
and sobbed until I was sick.

I grabbed my coat and my car keys,
wiped away the tears
And rushed to the hospital.

He looked at me, and croaked,
hey there, lion.
He's always called me his lion.

I started to cry once again,
This is the most I've cried,
Since I stopped feeling.

you idiot, I mutter,
Taking his hand in mine, gently
examining the stark white bandages on his wrist.

I stayed with him,
They didn't make me leave,
And he understood.

I can't live without him.
I told him I needed him
I wanted him.

Every **** word
Meant all it was worth.
He could never leave.
Dec 2014 · 443
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
His smile had such a gentle glow,
His eyes shined so softly when he laughed.
Gentle, his touch was a feather,
and he never touched me without asking,
Not even my shoulder or hand.
He understood me, my fears, my pain.
He was my pearl, a beauty in this gritty world.
He's gone and left me
and I don't know what to do.
My pearl has lost it's luster,
The life and the glow faded from him.
It's not too late.
He brought pulled me back from the precipice,
I will bring back his shine.
Dedicated to James, my pearl. I promise I'll be with you as you were for me.
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
On the morning of the end, they wove the nooses of rough cord.
Daylight broke cold, the sun did not warm the Earth.

The sky was grey, the sun was dim.
The hoarse whispers of Latin drifted across the barren court yard.
Lined in stone, but for the creaking of the wooden gallows.

The sullen crowd gathers, heavy in their silence.
As they pull the bag from my head, I look blearily for you.
They shove me up the steep steps, I stumble.
The executioner tightens the noose around my neck.

My hands are bound behind me, there's no fighting death.
His grubby hand briefly grabs my face,
He whispers cruel words, intent for them to be the last I shall hear.
The lever is pulled and floor drops away, my last words I whisper,
Come to the gallows, my dear.

venire ad furcas, amica mea
Dec 2014 · 484
Cold Hands
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
Authors do so love to romanticize cold hands.
Saying thing like:
"He used to rub my hands to keep them warm."
"He always held my hand to keep it warm."
Those are lies.
Nobody wants to share you coldness.
No one wants you to touch them,
Not with your cold hands.
And when they get painfully cold,
And your hands are stiff and red,
No one will be there to warm you back up,
I would know.
Dec 2014 · 255
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
I didn't mean to break the mirror.
I thought I saw a monster.
It was my reflection.
Dec 2014 · 232
Because I Love You...
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
When I asked him why he said such cruel words,
He told me he did it out of love.

When I asked him why he threw things,
He told me he did it out of love.

When I asked why he threw a bottle at me,
He told me he did it out of love.

When I asked him why he hit me,
He told me he did it for my own good.

When I asked him why he forced me,
He told me to get out of his sight.

When I asked him why he choked me,
He told me to die.

I guess the answer isn't always
*because I love you.
Did you think this was going to be a romantic poem? Looks can deceive.
Dec 2014 · 654
Ice Queen, huh?
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
I stopped feeling.
It hurt too much,
So I froze my heart,
To make the pain stop.
Nowadays, the only pain i feel
Is the frostbite on my heart
And the melting of my mind.

Call me an ice queen,
Call me cold.
It can't hurt me.
Not anymore.
If you want me to feel,
You'll have to take an ice pick
To the frozen block
That I call my heart.

Distance is my best friend.
This is not a reference to the overpopularized animation that portrays a fairy tale inaccurately.
Dec 2014 · 962
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
I want to live in New York City
Maybe get a tattoo,
Go skydiving,
Kiss a stranger at midnight on New Year's Eve
Get drunk in Germany
Travel the world
Speak french with a real French speaker
(And not understand a word)
I want to get lost in London
And play in famous symphony halls.

but my dreams are constantly drowned by the tidal wave of reality crashing into my mind.

**Please, let me dream, It's all the hope I have left.
Dec 2014 · 494
Prompt #4: Voodoo Doll
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
Stab me with a thousand needles,
Get your revenge and use me.
God knows that's all I'm good for.
I was worthless before,
I'll be worthless in the end.
To you I am a poppet.
As your rough voices chants,
Come here, poppet,
I know I'll only be worth a moment.
A moment of pleasure,
Before being tossed away,
Like the rag I am.
Prompt: Write a poem about a voodoo doll
Dec 2014 · 237
Hot Showers
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
I take hot showers.
It's nice at first,
The steam flowing around you.
Gloriously warm, like an embrace.
But it starts to burn,
The water pelts against your skin,
Stinging and turning it red.
Revel in the pain,
For when you get out,
The numbness will return.
Nov 2014 · 260
Let Me (10w)
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014
If I asked,

Would you pretend to love me, truly?
Nov 2014 · 312
Cyanide (10w)
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014
Wake me when I'm dead,*

                                            I let the poison spread.
Nov 2014 · 552
Loss (10w)
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014
The day you died,
*was the day I stopped sleeping.
But you died two years ago and I haven't slept since
Nov 2014 · 376
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014
My eyes are melting.
I've forgotten how to see,
and it burns,
this searing pain.
It's because I cannot see.
For we see,
But we do not truly see.
No one truly sees anymore
I don't know.
Nov 2014 · 276
It Drips Red
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014
It drips down my face,
Warm and wet.
Red pours from my wounds,
Salty, it slides past my lips
and drips onto the floor.

I would apologize for bleeding on your floor,
**but it is your fault.
Nov 2014 · 250
Execution Day
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014
They've found me guilty.
Today I will die.
Are you coming?

I know you do so love to watch death.

The beat of the military drums
And the bitter stench of fear,
It all falls quiet as I am led to the end.
The grim silence of death is looming.
As the glinting steel of the axe falls,
My cold laugh echoes in the heavy silence.
I'll be seeing you again, soon.

Everything freezes as the axe hits it's mark.
Goodbye, for now.
Nov 2014 · 253
Untitled #6
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014
The nicest thing he ever did
was clean me up.
He wiped off the filth
that came from him,
And cleaned the blood
From my split lip.
I know he was careful
Not to hurt me too much.
Because he took me home
after he dressed me
And threatened that
Things would be worse
If I told anyone
What he had done.
I'm disgusted by this.
I need to get these things out, I need to forget. I'm sorry.
Nov 2014 · 369
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014
Your distorted lies
On my mangled skin
With her bruised ego
and his disfigured face.

Maybe if we look hard enough, we'll find someone whole

Not with our impaired vision.
Nov 2014 · 301
A Thought
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014
How long did it take you to break me?
For it takes a second to break,
And years to fix.
Nov 2014 · 627
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014
Does it make you happy?
Do you enjoy my pain?
I'd call you a sadist
but that isn't a strong enough word.
I want to disgrace you,
The way you disgraced me.


I want you to hurt.
I want you to feel humiliated,
I will leave you feeling
as ***** as you left me.
Think of it as payback.

As you once said to me,
*Just shut up, you like it.
Nov 2014 · 164
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014
Of all things I've seen,
It's you that I want to forget.
Gone from my mind,
The pain would disappear.
The nightmares and fear,
The jumping when I'm touched.
I could forget it all,
Simply by forgetting you.
Nov 2014 · 621
Set it Ablaze
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014
Fiery people have always fascinated me.
Those flickering personalities
Souls that burn and change,
Passion drips from their very being.
With inferno in their eyes,
They spit fire at those who dare
To challenge them.
They burn and burn,
Strong willed and brave.
But eventually,
The pyre devours them.
Nov 2014 · 999
Dear WickedHope
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014
Hope is a funny thing, you know. People have the power give it and to take it away. It's so easily crushed and easily stolen. Since I came to this site, I have loved your poems. Today, you made me feel wanted, special. Like somebody could care. And I want you to feel the same. I want to find you.
Liz and Lilacs
I'm awkward and you're really nice and words don't explain anything
Nov 2014 · 188
Just Once
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014
I want someone to tell me,
Just once,
That I'm not too broken.
Just once,
I want to hear that it'll be okay.
Just once,
I want someone to have faith in me.
Just once,
I want someone to see my potential.
Just once,
I want someone to love me.
Please, give me my just once.
Nov 2014 · 424
The Visionary
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014
She knows too much.
You can see it in her eyes.
Haunted by the future,
stalked by the past,
she hides in the present.

The demons, they come,
for she tries to save the doomed.
They judge her with their hollow eyes,
and empty void for souls.
The visionary is an inconvenience.

One such demon came to her,
sensing the misery in her soul.
Seductive words and exploiting weakness
You know you cannot save them all
Forget what you have seen, visionary.

*Won't it hurt less ?
The visionary never forgets.
Nov 2014 · 169
Trying to Sleep
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014
The sheets can't seem to stay on the bed
and the blankets flee from warmth.
The pillows end up across the room.
Every night, I fall asleep at three am
Sometimes it's four or never at all.
My bed is a war zone.
Nov 2014 · 287
Another Nightmare
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014
I dreamt of death.
I knew people were going to die.
Each circumstance and cause of death.
I tried to save them.
Every effort failed,
I desperately warned them of their fates.
The demon of death
Came to me,
Angry that I had stolen her prey
And she said to me:
Visionary, it matters not whom I take
you can't save them all
so forget the knowledge gifted unto you.
To me she looked normal, like any other person,
But she began to melt, a look of pain seared on her face.
*Visionary, forget what you saw.
A dream that greatly disturbed me.
Nov 2014 · 314
Little Thoughts
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014
You know those thoughts.
The thoughts that creep in
when you let your guard down.

"They don't like me."
"I'm so fat."
"I can't do this."

These little thoughts I try to forget
But it's two am and they're back
Because they won't stay away forever.

"They weren't really my friends"
"I wish they would talk to me."
"I hate this. I hate myself."
I never meant to write a poem about two am thoughts. It's so over done. But I can't stop thinking.
Nov 2014 · 443
To my Future Child
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014
I hope you smile with all the light of the sun.
I hope you want to be all the wildest things when you grow up.
I hope your eyes reflect the night sky.
I hope you never find yourself broken.
I hope when some one asks you what you love,
The first thing you will say is yourself.
That is important. I want you to love yourself.
I hope you're happy with who you are.
I hope you dream big and achieve what others thought was impossible.
Most of all, I hope you are happy, whoever you turn out to be.
My dear future child, always know, that I will love you, no matter what.
Nov 2014 · 677
Singularity (10w)
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014
Everything* or nothing can be truthfully expressed in ten words.
Nov 2014 · 228
All I could say
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014




Nov 2014 · 199
Just Me
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014
Let me clear the air.
I am no poet.
I am not beautiful or tragic.
I'm just a girl.
A sad, angry person
Who has been at war with the world.
But all the same,
I'll get into mischief with you.
Nov 2014 · 1.2k
The Oldest Profession
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014
A ****** girls stands on the corner.
She's to young to be this aged.
Flirty winks and forced smiles
draw the suited men in.
Heavy makeup, short skirt
Drugs to forget her misdeeds
Reminds herself not to flinch,
their ***** hands ghost across her skin.
She throws away her morals
to please a corrupt man.
For the price of disobedience
Is her fleeting life.
Nov 2014 · 711
Chapped Lips
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014
I run my finger across my lips.
They used to be soft and delicate
but this cold has frozen them.
My heart and my lips
seem to be chapped.
Nov 2014 · 207
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014
You asked me why I let myself hurt.
Because I don't know how to fix it.
and maybe, maybe, I like it
Just a little, in some little way,
I like the pain.
Nov 2014 · 365
To Love Oneself
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014
To love oneself is the ultimate goal.
To smile at the reflection in the mirror;
I know that you hate what you see
with every shard of your  beautiful soul.

When I say shard, I do mean shard,
For your soul was shattered by the world,
And you broke it into tiny pieces
When you cut your fingers trying to fix it.

You loved yourself once,
Before you grew up in this cruel age.
Your smile was filled with sunshine,
And mirrors were things to marvel at.

You can love yourself again, if you try.
It won't be easy, it will take time.
But love can grow from the cracks in your soul
Like wildflowers in the pavement.

When you find how it feels to be happy,
Will you teach your children?
In the future, tell them your secret,
Share the secret of happiness with them.
Not sure what this is.
Nov 2014 · 527
A Happy* Poem
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014
I tried to write poems
About sunshine and butterflies.
The kinds that smell like meadows
And feel like summer.

But the only ones that mattered
Were my poems about sadness
And anger and death.
The trainwreck poems are oh so interesting

We like to see others' sadness
This misery that might be greater than our own.
Maybe we aren't alone,
If we see that others suffer too.
* I lied. It wasn't happy
Nov 2014 · 9.3k
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014
His scaly skin slides across my tender flesh.
I never wanted this, but I asked for it.
His boney hands pull my hair
as his skeleton fingers slide across my delicate lips
and force their way inside my mouth.
"Hold your tongue, girl. Protestation will do you no good."

I close my eyes in desperation, waiting for the end.
Above me, below me, in me, I feel him.
Bruises blossom, dark beneath my ivory skin,
He feels no need to be gentle with a girl like me,
A girl who would sell her soul and body to survive.
The demon takes his pleasure and leaves his mark, ensuring his swift return, for his prey can no longer hide.
Nov 2014 · 329
Paper Killer
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014
I tried to write a horror story
But the paper bled crimson with each stroke of my pen.
I swear I could hear it scream as I marred it's snowy white skin.
It crumbled in my hands and blew away in the wind,
Its blood curdling howl echoed in my mind,
I never wrote again.
Nov 2014 · 217
I've Lost my Voice
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014
Lately, speaking is hard.
Not the kind where you stand in front of a lot of people,
Not the kind where your hands shake from the many eyes.
But the kind where I cannot find the courage
to open my mouth and share my thoughts.
I am not brave enough to have a conversation.
They told me I was more out of my shell,
But it seems I've gone back.
More than that, I'm paralyzed in conversation.
I'm afraid.
Because who would care what I have to say?
Nov 2014 · 438
How to become a cold person
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014
Someday, you'll give everything you have
and more to something or someone.
You'll care so much, and nothing seems
to come from your hard work and effort.

It's draining and you'll be exhausted.
One day you'll say to yourself,
I care too much. I'm done caring.
You'll shut away your hope and give up faith.

In the end, you'll be nothing but cold.
Nov 2014 · 316
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014
I always end up watching
As my friends lose themselves in liquor.
I don't drink because I see the way they change.
I don't want to get lost.
It makes me scared to see them change.
Nov 2014 · 212
I am Selfish
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014
I think of myself,
My existence,
I pick apart every little piece of me.
This hate, this self loathing,
Stems from my selfish desire,
To think of myself.
Nov 2014 · 283
A Deal with the Devil
Liz And Lilacs Nov 2014
What is the price for my soul?
For I would sell it,
In exchange for all the time I lost,
Every last minute spent afraid.
My soul is of no value to me,
If I spend my life as a shell,
A shell of what I could be.

Will you take it?
Do you realize what you're doing?
I understand, it doesn't matter, I want to be happy.
All souls are miserable in the end.
Well then, give me the chance,
And I will give you my soul.
A drop of your blood will seal the contract.
I hope you realize what you've done to yourself.
I don't want your warnings, it is too late to go back.
It is done. I will see you in the end, my delicate soul.
*There will be no rest, for your eternal life.
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