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Alexis Nov 2015
Being broken is not an easy thing
Everyone thinks you're crazy
That you take those pills to feel happy
That we DO, what most people do not understand
Is that a lot of us don't
Reason being is; They make everything hazy
They also make you feel ******
(What is that about, they are supposed to help us not make us worse)

The pills don't make you happy
They turn you numb
Until you forget you are actual person with feeling
We live our days going through the motions

The thing with society, is that we can not be happy with out being fake
Nor can we broken without begging for attention

So most of us do not even show that we need help
We try to escape people and their questions
We don't want any attention
We don't want others knowing how crazy we feel

Who wants to be around someone who depressed?
No one, That is why they lock us up
So they don't have to deal with our sadness
They are to weak to deal with something we fight with everyday
  Aug 2015 Alexis
Avery Langcaster
I'm better off without you
I'm really starting to see
Now that time has past
I've dried my tear soaked sleeves

I thought you were my angel
What a cunning disguise
Turns out you were my demon
Crippling my mind

So thanks for the memories
But I'm finally moving on
It seems that to catch my breath
I needed you gone
Alexis Jun 2015
Who is that girl?
      Who is she behind that smile plastered on her face?
      Who is she behind the hurt in her eyes?
      Who knows?
      Does she even have a clue?

      Walking around trying to figure it out
      Trying to Remeber who she was
      Before her heart was shattered and
      Played with, like she deserved it
      Who is she?
      Does she even have a clue?
      Her heart is big
      Maybe that is why it is so easy to love all the wrong
       That people do
       She doesn't judge
       She believes every soul is good.
       Even when they break her.
       Who is she?
       Who knows?
        Does she even have a clue?
Alexis Feb 2015
Why does it hurt so much
Like a thousand peices falling off my heart
My tears shatter the world
While I hide in my own little corner
My walls start to crumble
The secrets explore the darkest part of life
no longer can I feel them  
I try to run and run but
Before I could comprehend
My life starts to fade
As I lie on the ground taking my last breath
I can see the one I've been
looking for
He isn't that kind. He won't release me
Because even for Death I am
Too empty and cracked  from inside out
Sorry that I am not that good at writing poetry especially in the more traditional form. I have my own way.
Alexis Feb 2015
Roses are red
Violets blue
My love for you is so true and bold
Every time i think of you my hearts Breaks a little more
When you died
Each and every good memory went into the grave with you

Lexi Kudlacz-Fenninger
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