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Jun 2021 · 105
Grace Jun 2021
Much to think
much to feel
too much to know
much to conceal.

Places to hide
places to cower
places for time
places of power.

People to miss
people to like
people to know
pig's head on a spike.
Jun 2021 · 79
mad at society
Grace Jun 2021
no one is to blame except the billboards and ads and standards
no one is suffering except the girls in the showers and the boys in the changerooms and the people in their rooms
no one is helping except the conscience of your conscience
no one is changing because we are afraid of something.

she talks about everything not bothering her
she cries alone about everything bothering her
she takes pictures of her pretty self
and she envies all the others who are just as pretty and just as self conscious
how to i tell her she is aphrodite
how do i make her believe me because its true
May 2021 · 69
Grace May 2021
how do people survive
when society kills their souls and culture?
how do people get away with torture?
how do you -
how do you move on when
things just stay the same?
horrific, deranged, completely wrong things happen -
have happened, are happening,
you know why?
me neither.
there is nothing you can do, say, give,
to make it go away.
what would you want if someone took your child? you'd want your child back.
I know this isn't much,
but i'm sorry.
if anyone is offended or anything i will get rid of it right away - I hope i didn't offend anybody by doing this but I 100% understand if i do.
This was about the residential schools and recent discoveries. I know everyone who suffered from these deserves way more than an apology, they deserve their life back, their culture, their children, their pride of who they are. I hope to be way more aware of how effected people are by the oppression of society and how terrible Indigenous people were/are treated. I feel so ashamed for what the past has done and so horrified that people got away with it, so horrified that so so so many people were effected and are effected and are suffering the consequences while we do nothing. This is genocide and I am so so so sorry for being unaware of how racist and rude this society is. I know this is nothing, that it doesn't give you back what you deserve and you deserve the world. Once again, I don't mean to offend anyone but if I do or you want me to remove this post I absolutely will.

You are so strong, hold so much worth to this world, you belong, you matter.
May 2021 · 537
Les Arts
Grace May 2021
When you are a musician
you have every songbird and melody.
When you are a philosopher
you have every question like clockwork.
When you are an artist
you hold every delicate stride and stroke in your soul.
When you are a poet
you have every avidity with words.

When you are a person,
what do you have?
May 2021 · 160
Grace May 2021
When Innocence has a baby,
born in Spring,
they name her
May 2021 · 77
the fly
Grace May 2021
the fly which buzzes incessantly
gets caught first by fatigue.
May 2021 · 83
what a sapling told me
Grace May 2021
What do you think of when you think of beauty?
Please tell me you think of yourselves. Your beautiful, handsome, pulchritudinous selves.
May 2021 · 90
Little kids
Grace May 2021
My teacher once said that the basis of all our knowledge comes from kindergarten.
Don't hit, be kind.
She said children don't have filters for people who look, sound, believe, think, different from them.
She said children are kinder because they don't care about anything except the need to be nurtured.
And in turn, the little ones will smile and give you a seed,
one that grows into a flower of purity.
May 2021 · 262
The Starfish and the Storm
Grace May 2021
I'm the monster who made her question her ability to thrive -
and now look at her, struggling to survive.
May 2021 · 145
Perscription's off
Grace May 2021
My eyes see things differently than how things actually are.
Everyone's eyes do.
Our glasses are fogged
we see life through interchangeable perspectives.
you are beautiful, we were made beautiful
May 2021 · 101
Forever Winter
Grace May 2021
I gave my happiness as collateral
and now I'm stuck in Khione's hold
May 2021 · 1.2k
Poison of society
Grace May 2021
I think she isn't sick from sour cream,
but sick with sour dreams.
May 2021 · 89
Sorry Mother
Grace May 2021
After lifetimes of silence,
the whole world quiets down
and we can see the beauty we have destroyed
from our windows and t.v screens.
Grace May 2021
I took a break on
trying. But tomorrow is
when I try again.
this is the future we were given - it's time we do something with our present
May 2021 · 98
Grace May 2021
What do I have that is only mine?
us humans are a greedy species
May 2021 · 154
forget me not
Grace May 2021
take care not to abandon me,
the blue things whispered as they fell apart in the terrible fog of forgotten memories.
May 2021 · 85
Grace May 2021
all the lines in my hands, they...
I trace them quite often with an empty pen.
They map out my future, my being, who I am.
Who am I? I am the tectonic plates of earthquakes,
and you, my sweet child,
are the burning magma moving me into a new puzzle.
once again she sings from the shoreline and they have the audacity to blame her inevitable change. It isn't her, it is her world.

Tip - try not to ignore little girls when they're crying in smiles
May 2021 · 102
Grace May 2021
i lose myself at least once a day
but at least I can watch it happen in the mirror

I miss a thing I have never known
and it's ever so lonely to miss alone
i give in to the moon again because happiness is hard to come by when spring teases you with her pretty innocence
May 2021 · 441
and my tears to the swans
Grace May 2021
And in your eyes, you breathe into me a new dream,
I'd give my soul to the loons and my hands to the lions
for that moment where our eyes meet.
May 2021 · 95
a love so extreme
Grace May 2021
every word i read gives me hope.
hope for someone I can be,
hope for what goes on out there,
and what sedatives will soothe the monster in me.
oh words!
what would I do,
if I didn't have you...
May 2021 · 102
endurance is tricky
Grace May 2021
tell me someone
what happens when I just give in to the tentacles reaching for me
do I drown
May 2021 · 83
Grace May 2021
rosemary and romeo begin with a letter
May 2021 · 216
don't turn back
Grace May 2021
when eurydice fell
down into hell
orpheus wept
stars never slept
for his painful cries
were as pretty as lullabies
but agony pined
in his heartbroken mind.
and when he got a chance
he took one glance
and eurydice fell
back into hell.
why is this my favourite story
May 2021 · 70
Grace May 2021
echo loved you so much
but all you left her was the whisper of other's words,
the silent swan and mockingbird
May 2021 · 99
Mes Myosotis
Grace May 2021
Pretty blue forget me nots,
I never knew your name,
I never knew your meaning
but I liked you all the same.
looks don't matter but aren't these blue things pretty
May 2021 · 1.6k
Cherry Blossoms
Grace May 2021
Blessed Ostara and Beltane,
as the sun shines and the earth rains,
let me let go.

Let me cleanse my feet in fresh soil
and kiss the wind with my whispers.
Let the world take it all from me
so I may bloom anew.
May 2021 · 597
Mothers Day
Grace May 2021
Happy Mothers Day/Guardians Day

To all the moms/parental figures who give the world and ask for nothing in return (but deserve the universe)
Apr 2021 · 85
Grace Apr 2021
lesson 1:

you are born with some innocence
and you lose it.
someday in your eighty's, maybe,
or early on too.
how you lose it is a different lesson
and to be honest I'm not entirely sure how.

but children often have some,
so don't take it.
innocence is a candle wick,
deminitioning by the moment.
hold off on lighting their candle.
Apr 2021 · 123
freedom fighters
Grace Apr 2021
one man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist.
I don't know why but I love this quote. It is the fine line, a description of all humanity, I think. Everyone is different and has different beliefs, so one man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist.

at least we can acknowledge that now.
Apr 2021 · 167
the fox
Grace Apr 2021
in your eyes
a monster lies;

in your smile
a steep beguiled

in your hair
flames that flare
and cease.

in your mind
what will I find?
an ever delicious

and in your song
a siren call,
a melody ever
Apr 2021 · 103
Grace Apr 2021
plastic bags hang beneath my tired eyes
but i got up this morning and i did it.
and i did it yesterday and i will do it tomorrow, and the next day too.
and i will keep on going even if the bags get darker and longer
and i want another five minutes of darkness and comfort.
i will not stop for nothing
and then one day i will wake up and i will have no purple eyes
because i am used to early mornings
and i won't want to sleep in
because i need the sunshine
and i will look back and be proud,
even if i skipped some days or slept in.
Because I did it. I did it. No one did this for me.

And trust me, everyone.
I promise that you can do it too.
you can do anything, even if your world is catching fire,
be the phoenix and renew from the ashes.
have a little hope and you will get there.
Apr 2021 · 2.1k
the girl and her avocado
Grace Apr 2021
she likes to draw
and paint
and she likes her avocadoes.

she is afraid of the dark
avoids people in the park
and she likes her avocadoes.

her hair is copper blond
and this girl is ever fond
of green ripe avocadoes.

she has more fluorite
and lepidolite
than avocadoes,

but man oh man
does she love avocadoes.
and she really wants water right now.

hehe she told me to write this - prompted by 'I want mangoes' by shamamama
Grace Apr 2021
hello children.
our lesson today will be on patience.
she is like fire when you try and touch her
but once you have some
it burns for a while.
forgot about patience today. sorry, ma fleur
Apr 2021 · 100
you got this
Grace Apr 2021
getting there may be walking through fire, hot coals,
getting there may need your two favourite things taken away,
getting there may be harder than anything, anything,
and you may want to do anything but get there.

but take it from me,
it is paradise here,
and getting here feels so worth it.
Apr 2021 · 195
spur of the moment
Grace Apr 2021
nothing I can do, except
fall in love with you, and then
I'll be stuck inside the luck
of having you pretend that
you love me and you want me
even though you taunt me
nothing more could please me
if you would just believe me
I'm drowning in suppression
and I think I need suggestions
for I might just fall instead of fight
but give me wings and I'll take flight
Apr 2021 · 425
Grace Apr 2021
set your own pace
beat yourself
try again
you can do it -
will do it
if you give yourself the right attitude.

how do you think all these flowers survive through late snow?
they shrivel up and begin dying
but don't give in.

and with their perseverance, the sun rewards them.
Apr 2021 · 315
Grace Apr 2021
my hands shake when sunlight hits their stony surface
my heart picks up as if I ran away
away into the dust which settles
on these rusted empty kettles,
kettles that once brewed water
to garden a flower, called
Apr 2021 · 97
Grace Apr 2021
Apr 2021 · 75
Hazel Eyes
Grace Apr 2021
"hello," I say, greeting her reflection.
In response she smiles at me.
"It's been a while since you've been here."
She says, "it's been a while since I've been free."
Apr 2021 · 91
Here's what I think
Grace Apr 2021
When you protect a child's innocence,
they see the world more purely.
When you are the cause of their guilt,
they are misunderstood.
But children are much less fickle than opinions and rules and adults.
Adults change the world secondly,
children come and sadly go
but they always know
a little thing called
They interpret the world with what they know
and what they know is what you give them.
What they need is a shield, a stuffy, a friend, and an influence.
Save the swords for adolescence.
_not_ what I know
Grace Apr 2021
there is no room
on the moon
when you're floundering
in doom.

there is no reason
for the season
to stay
for your treason.

there is no way
I'd deny
I'm in love
when you cry.
i hate that you hurt though dear
Apr 2021 · 85
Hypocrisy, she laughs
Grace Apr 2021
I told her not to stuff her mushrooms up the chimney.
Not to brew any potions.

Here I am, stuffing my chimney and downing elixirs.
Elixirs that aren't even mine.
Apr 2021 · 54
Sleep, they say
Grace Apr 2021
all the words holding me
soothing me
sedating me.
I don't resist because she is comfort
comfort in letting go and thinking,
dreaming, wishing, hoping, creeping.
Creeping back into myself, finally.
My eyelids weren't heavy
but having them closed makes me sway
in and out and slowly down.
Down into a dark place.
I am not afraid.
My mind is its own anchor
my body losing feeling
my heart slowing.
I am at peace within myself.

Apr 2021 · 82
the we in refractory
Grace Apr 2021
Love is always fire,
pretty or pretty destructive.

Hate is always ice,
forever or ever cold.

Sadness is always an abyss
salty water, sinking, drowning.

And you and I are magnets.
I hold you close and then you are untouchable yet attached.
Apr 2021 · 78
Grace Apr 2021
What did I learn today?
I couldn't tell you.
I am afraid of what the future holds,
though in Time's arms,
I'm just a little girl having nightmares about the next eternity.
I feel like I'm dust to the universe
and other times I am the universe,
all the gravity spinning me around,
stars in some spots,
but utter darkness everywhere else.
I either expand or contract,
******* all the life out if you forget your space suit.
Why should a little girl have troubles such as these,
I never wonder.
More like:
why am I lost in an odyssey of myself?
Apr 2021 · 778
Grace Apr 2021
I am afraid of change -
it's so relative, so hard to prepare for.
I might like it better if it came less frequently,
if it waited just a day more so I could enjoy myself in the thicket of catkins.
Or gave me a notice so that I'd know it would be goodbye.

Spring comes again next year, I know this. But too fast we move on from the mourning of Winter. Slow your sunshine, pull the winds back, give me one last song of sorrow before you forget about her and move on.

Like we always do, always moving on, leaving it in the dust.
Take a breath first so I can at least let it go.
Apr 2021 · 98
Vimy Ridge/Prince Philip
Grace Apr 2021
Today is April 9th,
Vimy Ridge commemoration.
But it's the morning Prince Philip passed away.
I didn't know him personally, of course,
but it took me by surprise.
It reminded me that nothing really is eternal.
He has been the prince for my whole life and he lived until 99 years old, he would've turned 100 in June.
Anyway, I saw it on TV and I was taken aback because he died.
I don't know of all the things he's done
but I don't know...
My condolences.
Few things are is one of them, I think.
Apr 2021 · 79
Grace Apr 2021
Short and sweet,
it's what I eat.

Maybe I miss
the long things written
but with the short and sweet
I am smitten.
Apr 2021 · 34
Grace Apr 2021
like my love for you
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