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Grace Nov 2023
trails in the long grass,
woven in and out and through
what time does to you.
a sister adventure
Grace Nov 2023
The asylum is the biggest building;
we called it the spider because from above,
its wings looked like legs with a body at the centre.
The windows are framed by metal grating,
and crosses mark each of them in the middle.

Now it is no longer an asylum.
It's marked as private property,
yet trails surround it in the fields of tall grass and the woods behind.
In the morning, runners sweep past it in a dreary march,
and in the evening, kids bike past in a race against the sun.
Sometimes they get off their bikes and peer into the windows on the ground floor,
plaster their faces against the metal grating,
see the peeling wallpaper and the over-turned tables,
but mostly the empty rooms and the view across to the next window.
Inherently they look through the building, onto the other side where a window, parallel to the one they are looking in, transports them to the other side of the walls.

On the second floor, there is a broken window,
forced from the inside since glass covers the lawn and pavement.

Maybe it is tragic,
all the people from the north side of this land shipped up here and trapped,
some of them sterilized,
confined to a labyrinth.

Now the building sits empty and deranged,
locked up from the outside world,
not for any purpose anymore except to sit there,
Now ghosts haunt the grounds, supposedly. But it is tragic.
Grace Nov 2023
tongues tumble things together until there is a stream,
sewn like a river,
so fluid it rushes in movements,
nonlinear, random waves, curving 'round bends and bays.

gizaagi'igoo - all of us love you

that was probably the string of sounds that stuck with me most.
I was exposed to the words of the Anishinaabe language today,
and in a sentence, I have no idea what she is saying -
but the sounds are so fluid when strung together,
and I can tell this language was not meant to be written but stoked,
like a fire,
or ridden like a wave,
although it is a living thing barely kept alive today.

She asked that it be ignited,
because language walks and lives,
just as we breathe.
  Nov 2023 Grace
We have a sister,
who lives in beauty;

Everywhere she walks
flowers bloom;

All her songs she sings
- to the winds.
Grace Nov 2023
With effort, relent!
The ice will fracture Fall's bones -
the Winter's consent.
Frost may not repent,
prepare for hibernation -
a loving lament.
Grace Oct 2023
The autumn grieves in muted colours
of life in warmth, stuck in twilight's hold.
Wolves stay away from the edges of the city
and howl in the cold.
It was spring the last time I felt real,
and now it has been half a year moving in phases, through to tomorrow.
I love the autumn, the fall of summer's empire,
the way I can be cold without trying, only warm if I want to.
All the hype about mittens and toques and sweaters gives overrated expectations,
because a short while ago autumn was the death of life, and winter its mourning
because nothing grows.
Is life seasonal? No, its always,
and I will always love you,
love the little ways you live.
The hermit in me is tired and malnourished and I am grieving for memories that feel too good.
Because life is swell.
what procrastination yields
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