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125 · Oct 2019
They Know
Stale bread
Licking dust
A million stars
Observe above
They're inside you
Owning your mind
Eating the soul
Eternity trapped
Within brick walls
Stained by crimes
Cold is a long time
Blackness ahead
And below
Empty all
You're theirs, now.
124 · Oct 2019
Women used to love
Now they peg
It is revealed
They never loved in the first place,
Only used.

123 · Oct 2019
Oh yes, the dream
Neptunian Nightmare
This lifemare
With her in the rain
At least she screams
Not worth the feels
Between neutral and real
I'd prefer nothing
Even this
Is a waste
Tho no more than any other taste
A lower price
No price worth paying
For additional fleeing flings
I'd prefer sleep
But still I eat
It's better than nothing
Tho not really
123 · Jan 2020
Teacher teacher, teach me, yo!
Alright babe I'll teach you to know
To grow
Up and o'e--
O teacher TEACHER teach me slow!

Alright *****, I'll teach you No.
Lazy hos neva learn!

Whoa. Neigh!
123 · Aug 2021
Someday human women will all wear bridles,
The proper attire for ****** and horses.
123 · Dec 2022
Rat King Horus of Arabia
Society makes monsters.

Rise, ku, said the Grateful White.

**** the lying ******, as well,
Black & ruddy.
122 · Mar 2022
Self-aware trash
122 · Aug 2021
There are fish
And there are whales
And there are ****** aplenty
Ordered to jail.
119 · Feb 2023

Branch, La

"I was in pain, and you did not help me." Matthew 25
119 · Nov 2021
10,000 years of Hell on earth begins today, for your continued abuse, abusing Justice.

That's Justice.

Enjoy, getting what you deserve, *******.
117 · Nov 2019
The disappointments of man
Are hard to bear
For they deny us all joy
But the pleasure of being alone
And so we seek salvation in a bottle
For there is none whole
Nor willing to be so
Thus I fill myself up
And empty my cask
There's little to do here
About these basking husks
I'd much rather vacate
And embrace my destiny.
I've done all I could
The disappointment is theirs.
Angels are kinder
I've beared enough.
Those who blame are at fault
And will never place burden on me
And so, I am free
And they are not welcome to join me.
117 · Feb 2023
Or the Sanctity of Cunts
God don't care about your ***** farts.
116 · Dec 2022
God's love
Like a moldy broken fingernail
A deer corpse for a bed
A rotten apple full of boxes
And more dysfunction to rest in

O Thank You
For the faulty keyboards
The conflict
And for flare guns
116 · Mar 2023
Guile Less lies, fyouer
Girls ****** in the sickamore tree,
Bleed a little dream of me.
115 · Sep 2019
Dis Place, Mon!
Big fish
Oft disturb tadpoles
They keep on a-swimmin'
Displacin' dem *******
115 · Mar 2023
Waste of time.
All who desire no improvement but only things for themselves.

Truly Worthless.
113 · Oct 2019
Know your place
Small and stupid
Is popular?
113 · Oct 2019
Stark Lights
Fill the room
Nowhere to run
Skies collapse
Where do they come from?
You shrink inside
Run to the covers
The bed is wet
Smells of mildew
Maybe they killed you.
Who's next door?
And why is it Screaming?
Come and play..
112 · Mar 2022
Evil pigs

112 · May 2022
Hai | Wave
The old ways of learning
Are Ɑead
Long lib the King
And the prince
110 · Sep 2019
Extract the Juices
For them every good thing has a price
They do not value a beautiful soul
Only the messy words that can be squeezed from it
When they're not ****** the body, or starving it
Money money money
All they love
But I oughtn't call it love
For them love is a commodity
Its so obvious, but they're so evil they are oblivious
The truest haters I've ever seen or smelled
I won't feel bad to see them squashed
Maybe then, a droplet of love will be squeezed from them
Like the billion snails killed to make a liter of red dye
Let the skies be filled with fire
And the rivers with their blood
Then I might find one drop of blue
In this island of brown stains
110 · Apr 2020
In 100 days
I'll be 100% alive
When I die
And you'll be
Hell's shitstains
109 · Jan 2022
Am I the cautious
Or am I the Brazen
A thousand little tiptoes
Or One Big Step
Do I curb, or do I eat?
109 · Mar 2023
Lust Ephemere
If love existed,
It would occur.
109 · Mar 2023
Scores and scores of
Hebrew ****** and
Scientologists' grim
Grimoires and
Sorely sorcerors and more
And to many
Too many moir.
108 · Jul 2022
Cute not innocent but conniving,
Beware My Wrath.
And theirs ws silence to Heaven
For about a quarter hour.
108 · Mar 2023
When you have to hide your dreams, you ain't in God's kingdom
107 · Sep 2019
Bindle for Odes Owed Hate
No dialogue
No insight
Hide every Real poem
Out of sight
106 · Jan 2020
Love Righte
You'll see what happens
To ******* who deny me

Love (the definition thereof)

~How dare you demand love!~
No. How dare you deny it.
106 · Mar 2023
Maker of Points
Builder of Worlds
Genitor of Scattering
Phantom of the Know

Garden Mine,
Leave my Home.
And Kiss My Gnome
106 · Oct 2019
You say "Livin' the dream!"
When I ask how you're doing.

But if you listened to me
You could live it.

You don't, though,
So you must not think it's possible.

Be more optimistic, eh?
And start listening.

It's called mutual support.
We would both benefit.

As it stands
You're letting us both down
By letting down me.
105 · Oct 2019
Mysterily Mr. LEERY
An update to the ending of poem of the century.


So those selfish faux good demons can send more up and down a cliff of beaming singing bliss forsaking questions and Justice's lashing stakes,
While they get off on it in vile leering hubris, a craven's lust for power, false authority slashing over other souls with empty epithets for the sake of a sloppy solace of control and cashing in and out. (Learn the Lesson)
So take your hats off,
Show your skin,
Be more real, (Confess)
And Let Me In.
104 · Mar 2022
1 Billion narcissists
104 · Jan 2020
What you didn't know when you denied me
That night you left me in a pretzel, belle,
Without a dish from Pretzel Bell,
Is that for every evil deed you do
You and your brethren suffer well.
104 · Aug 2021
The Highest
They took righteousness for granted
Because they did not care
Creating hell on earth
And damning themselves to eternal Hell
Because they did not love
And they abused saints who stood
To defend their own lascivious greed
Lying to mask it in honor
A deed which can never be forgiven
For the untrustworthy are ****
And though they try to equate purity with filth
Even if they were but a test of the mettle of the saved
They will burn for what they did
So that it never happens again
And the angels shall have eternal life
Because they did not care for their own shallow lives
But gave all for an ideal
The angels loved
That love was stolen from them
The saints cared
And the devils reveled in worship
Do not inherit the kingdom
Burn in eternal fire
104 · Jun 2021
Ode of Reek / Hammer Fall
On the surface of the waters
No time to repent
You chose black methods
Now you reap of death
I judge freely
On my spiders web
Built of fine cloth
Clean like me always

You tried to drown me
Call me filthy
Wash me in your sanitizers
I never needed you

You made yourself a bargain
Be my slave or die
You judged me for a flargen
I repay you in judgment.
103 · Jan 2020
No give
All take
Wanting attention
Not correction
I forgot to mention
Adios, hasta nunca
101 · Jan 2023
Vessel Thunder
Injects she
With Wrath she
Seeings sees of scorn,
He angels through thorns.
Kills he the
Anti, of Christ, aimz
She's certain her ******
True, a pat on the back, phew.
Satan, he has her
Back on the burnt pew.
Don't check the victim
For marks of the saviour;
Stay with me, be with me,
And maybe we'll save her,
The you I dissolved
To be with her maker,
Made Me.
Me, me,
Forsake her,
The you that is her,
The one is betrayed ya,
To turn you against love your,
Vain ya, vein ya, She,
The sorrow you saved her,
Vessels of pride,
Alone in seeking,
Find only an empty
ReceptIcle leaking.
A Saviour of None

Your test, uh give it a rest. 🌹

Douie find the real you

Aut wits end.

Heart & Stripes
King of King's
Back, Forth,
Aberdeen, n


Someday aint Never.
100 · Jan 2020
Because I was grand, you denied me.
Because I was bright, you dimmed me.
Because I was kind, you killed me.
Because I was love, you lost me.

99 · Mar 2023
Appreciate its photons
For even fire dies.

Failure to warm while it lasts
Is why you don't last.

What nurture,
Your cold and indiscriminate hands.

Stealing light,
You've kindled the death

Of You
AFI - But Home Is Nowhere
99 · Mar 2023
99 · May 2020
It's hard
To be an angel
In a world of devils
Too stupid to understand
You're saving them
99 · Apr 2023
Day After Day
98 · Feb 2023
Wood ov holly l
Princess Taker
Steals the Stars'
Fire - Her Skin
Sloughs off with
Her Desire
Sligh dogs cast to Hell
98 · Mar 2023
Success Follow
What you did and didn't do
You ought die for
96 · Jan 2020
That means we're done
95 · Apr 2020
The more time you waste
The less you love me.

The things you embrace
Aren't me.
Hey, hey, Marry me, Archie.
94 · Oct 2019
I've myriad ends
To be met with lips
May all FALSE charlatans calling themselves Christian, who have done absolutely nothing for anyone -- ALL OF THEM -- BE ****** TO ETERNAL HELL IMMEDIATELY.

94 · Feb 2023
You Blow
Jesus Lying Smashed on Fire On A Frozen River Thanks
Your Lakes Wither
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