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There was a garden full of butterflies
They we're buzzing around
From flower to flower
It seemed everything was fine

But one butterfly didn't had a nice parental house
The parents often didn't say nice things to it
"You are Not good enough"
But also didn't do other nice stuff

In the school the Others laught about it
And started calling it names
The teachers only looked away
Also when it Changed her colors to Grey

The butterfly tried to be perfect
And wanted at least controll one thing
It wanted to controll it's body
So it lost a bit to much weight

While the others ate and ate
It sat in front of it's full plate
And in her head it praid
"Sorry for not beeing perfect"

The body started to shiver
'Cause it felt cold
Even when the sun was shining
That put it a nother crises

The butterfly's body started to change
It started to get problems with it's skin
But also with it wings
In it body everything started to sting

The day came where it was having a nap
A storm came up
And took the butterfly with it
And it was never seen again
When I stand at the ocean shore
I can look far in the endless horizon
It's the mirror of the emptiness inside

Storms come up and Followed by sunshine
That reflects my mood swings inside
It changes faster than day turns to night

The Ocean shore marks my emotional borderline
If I step over, I could drown
But if I stay, the path will be dark

The waves mark my friendships
Try to hold on to them, but in the end they break
But some are not like waves, they are who will stay

I take a photo of this view in black and white
Do I like the endlessness or the ocean shore
I can't like both, so I have to decide

I build a few lines with Stones
The Wind and time tries to destroy the lines
But they will stay, like my scars
I wonder throught the Forrest
I'm a big mighty wolf
But I don't feel so mighty
I don't want to be like the pack of wolfes

They taught me how to hunt
I don't like it
But have to do it
Have to show, that I'm the mighty wolf

If I don't hunt
Then I'm the hunted
They tell me "You have to provide for the family"
But thats not me

I would like to be the one, who raises the children
But that is not my task
The others would laught at me and chase me away
So I play the mighty wolf

But inside I'm the lonly wolf
The wolf, that doesn't fit to the pack
So I left the pack
Looking for a Pack where I can be myself

— The End —