Thou, thou violent fires,
Though thou might rage
With all Hellish desires,
No more in a peculiar cage
Of fear, thou shalt shroud us.
At length, thou shalt calm,
And like as the tides of the sea,
Return whence thou dost come.
Thou, thou violent fire,
Though more fierce thy anger
Than the Dragon's ire,
Thou shalt lose thy power
But hark! Into the balmy air,
Rage nevermore to drag men
Into shadowy vales of despair
Like as the hungriest lion in a den.
For though thou might rage
With all Hellish eternal hate,
Nevermore to shroud us in a cage
Of fear, for death too is thy fate.
©Kikodinho Edward Alexandros,
Los Angeles, California. 10/28/19.
My boat brimful of prayers and well wishes sails unto all people that doth dwell in those rolling hills that have been a beauty to behold but now girthed in mere cinders and darkling smoke. God bless ye all.
I just opened my Facebook page and I realized people have embarked upon fundraising but since I'm not a position to, I came up with the poem above. What more could a Bard give?
However, I've not revised this dirge well, for I've just penned it upon watching the news though I pray it may act as a beam of solace unto the victims of such a great tragedy.