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Feb 2020 · 129
The Be of Cause
The two become one, Thoughts and words in a rhythemical display of Love.
Even in our fallen state, we can ascend to heights through the power of Love, for Love is a power unto itself. If we seek to transform the world, our eyes must look beyond the veil, and our hands and hearts must become the very instruments of a "Love Supreme" like John Coltrane, our humanity towards one another is a music that reaches into the Throne room of The Heavens.

From our Eyes, below to that which is above, may our words and actions reignite the forged fires of the Soul. Let the words of our mouth Spiritually be of medicinal use to "The Soul of The World".
It is our charge to keep, and a calling that we all must answer at some point in our lives to provoke change in the powerful name of Love.

There is a greatness in beyond the chaos we see. No longer do have to accept that our fate is that of hate, despair, and disrepair. The human spirit was not forged with complacency, but a tenacious expectancy with a hope breaks down barriors like the "Wall of Jericho" and the Berlin Wall.

We are the Hands of God. And via the hope filled lines of poetry, we can write into history a New Genesis. With the consensus that the human condition is made well by the infallible touch of the heart.
It is my fervrent prayer that we remember Love like the air we breathe, and we extend Grace and Mercy one to the other forming a bond that is not easily shattered by divisions that corrupt our spiritual eye sight. There is nothing greater than the Lazarus affect of a resurrected Love.

A Love Untold, yet Unfolding in the symmetrical lines of poetry. From my mind, heart and hand, may we see through each others Eyes that a Life of Love is Sublime.

Kevin Mitchell..
Feb 2020 · 184
Ammerikkka we're appealing
To your truest heart
The Conscious,
A revolution is infolding

Your land is
Is cold full of hatred
War on the minority
Masses walking for
Real freedom
We aren't savages
We rewriting the
True story.

All is One
As the Sun rises
In our lives
The Soul of a
People desperate
For all to Hear
Our cries
Watching and
Waiting on God
"GoTell it on the
Mountain" like
Baldwin said
We've articulated our position
As the Victim
Time for
Love's Vaccination
Into your greed filled veins
Our skin is not a sin.

We done Historiography
Lie and tell us to our
Faces we're less than
God's own Kings and Queens
Royalty runs throughout
Our D.N.A.
The imprint of
The Source Almighty
Masculine and Feminine
9 to the Ether
With No substitution.

Our Story is unfolding
All Life is Matter
Carbon copyright of Righteousness
Factors of dark and light
Star dust to Universal matter
Cutting thru your dogmatic
Chatter of divisions and classes
With clear lenses gazing into
The future Human

Gaia is our home
mother to All
Hatred in Amerikkka no longer
It's called Love's Patience
Sending racism to the depth of
While we Raise Heaven
As above so below
Thy Will Be Done
Above and beyond false
Religious and Political

Question why you're separated
Contaminated systems
The water is filthy like
Amerikkkas violence and lies
Who's God is Lady Liberty
Really trusting
Rothschild or Builder burghs?

Feeding us brain washed
Religion with pimps
As the preachers
I gotta pay for my
Salvation Again
And Again with my
Soul and skin?
That's double jeopardy
That's twice you've
"We the People".

Ammerikkka you
Enslaved us but we
Forgave you Gracefully
Building all your
Even faithfully  tithing taxes
Exploited by Capitalism's ism's
Like regentrification
Let's not forget
You created reservations and
Ghetto Slums and
"The War on Drugs"

Still consider my bloodline
Unworthy of a Promise

We are not *******
We're Philosophers
Still writing Emerald Tablets
For our children's children
Children Children
Prayers form Pyramids
We're setting out
To make living Legacies
Can't Erase Obama
Out of History
Time to pay up
No more insufficient funds
From the Founding
Father's Constitution
King said it
Poetry demands it
We fact check you
Because we dream
And still have
Hope in
Your Faithful Promises
To Be
"Home of Brave
Land of The Free"

Kevin Guru© 2016
Black Lives do Matter
Feb 2020 · 103
Love's Journey
Why are you anxious
Perfection is a craft and creation left to time
I AM careful eye's
fashioned me for you
from the Universe
the Taylor's soul match

It is time that must obey
space that must allow
static hearts to charge
and discharge love's storm
from chaos to beauty
divinely ordered notes
angels do sing of
our journey above
and below,
four directions bestow
the love
I used to know.

Kevin Mitchell
Pen Name:
Kevin Guru©2018
Love's Journey

— The End —