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Kawa Nov 2018
Handle a woman as a bee does a flower, extract her sweetness but do not damage her.
Kawa Jul 2018
She said after all maybe i am a gold digger and you’re the mountain that I chose to ascend, maybe I am here to explore and delve into your hidden inner world, so tell me, what treasure lies within your deepest caves, how far does your emptiness reach and what is it that I shall find in the end.
Kawa Jun 2018
Expose yourself to the natural radiations of life, the cosmic waves of energy, so that even when you’re in darkness, you’ll still be emitting light, become phosphorescent.
Kawa Dec 2017
Maybe she is a butterfly among your garden of flowers, collecting nectar from the sweetness of your beautiful heart, maybe you’re not supposed to catch her because that would render her wings useless and prevent her from flying.
Maybe your purpose is to let her be free.
Kawa Dec 2017
A flowers true beauty is revealed in the process of its blossoming, and so similar to this must our hearts be broken open so that we can unveil the depth of our truest love.
Kawa Dec 2017
Our bodies are like incandescent light bulbs,
That spark of electricity, that spark of heat and energy that is generated to light us up from the inside is love.
In its absence there is no light and so the world around us becomes dull, sombre, and lightless.
Suddenly we become purposeless, since our purpose is to shine, to emit light.
Kawa Dec 2017
In somber silence,
Im wandering through this world,
Through this life,
For i am nothing but a shadow with a body attached to it
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