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Katlynn Grilli Sep 2024
Blood has been shed and water seems thicker
Your words cary no meaning
For your lies are greater than your actions
Your actions are less than your word
And your words circle back around to many forms of many stories
This fairy tail you painted is just that
Katlynn Grilli Sep 2024
There’s a dagger in my chest with a story on it
A knife in my back screaming betrayal.
There’s a bullet hole in my forehead where the gun pointed.
Now this hearts just too frail.
Bullets and daggers
Katlynn Grilli Sep 2024
When I am gone
Remember the actions you showed
And the intentions behind them that you’ll never own up to.
When I don’t want anymore to do with anything
Remember what your mindset was
Remember how you never could hear anything other than your own excuses or lies
Remember who was telling the truth and labeled a liar
Remember the liar who was always believed.
But you’ll never get a glimpse of my truth.
You don’t deserve it
Katlynn Grilli Jul 2024
The nightmares I have in my mind while my eyes are open are far worse than the nightmares I have when I lie my head down on the pillow.
I’d much rather awaken to me falling than to breathe through these thoughts of loved ones dying.
I often wonder if I’d awaken to find that it’s all just an imaginary dream
But everything’s the same day by day night by night
I’d much rather be having sleep nightmares than awake nightmares at least the nightmares when I’m asleep give me a break.
Do you ever get a break ?
Katlynn Grilli Jul 2024
I just saw your name
And **** what a shame
You’re still breathing
Hate you mean it
Katlynn Grilli May 2024
I keep looking for this on and off switch in my head.
Turning corners
Wondering where the switch is.
Those switches are for my emotions
But I can’t seem to find the right one.
There’s no labels
It’s like going through a fuse box and looking down the hall way to see which switch turns off which room
But this isn’t a room
And there’s no switch to stop all this.
Turn it off
Katlynn Grilli May 2024
My eyes are tainted.
I’ve seen what people can do.
What can be destroyed
My eyes are tainted.
I’ve seen the things lurking around the corners
My eyes are tainted
I’ve stared the monster under my bed in the face
It stared back and spoke perfectly
“You’re so Beautiful”
My eyes are tainted
Ive seen the lies on their lips
My eyes are tainted
I’ve seen the fingerprints on my skin
Practically printed on my bones.
My eyes are tainted
I’ve seen the curse they placed on my body.
My eyes are tainted
I’ve seen the blood stain my face, my fingers, my thighs, my hair
I’ve seen what the mirrors seen.
My eyes are tainted
So I close them.
Sleep as many hours as I can
Praying I don’t see anymore evil on this body
My eyes are tainted
My eyes
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