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Katlynn Grilli Feb 2019
The way we met just worked
The way you looked at me worked
And the way you make me feel
It works
I feel like flower blooming into this beautiful world with the mindset or how everything's going to be perfect
You make me feel perfect
The carnations you bring me
The kisses you plant upon my cheek
The hugs that make me feel so secure and safe
It all works so beautiful in my new world that you have been apart of to create
It all works in this world of ours
There is no problem that needs to be solved because it all just works
The way a machine works
The way a balloon with helium works
The way peanut butter and jelly works
But most importantly the way we work
The way we work together in this life of ours
We work and I love it
I love how we work
Katlynn Grilli Jan 2019
To her
He's different
He's real
He's the type of a man searching for soul
Searching for someone to make him hole
To her
When hes hurting, because I know he hurts
Help him
Help him smile
Smile at him
Because when I did he looked at me in less pain gripped my hand and was okay again
To her
He's  not questioning you
Hes simply doing what we all do
He's protecting himself from getting hurt
He's making sure
To her
He wants you to lay with him every night even if his snoring is incredibly loud
He wants to feel your body next to his
To her
When he questions your choices he is just worried
He cares
He doesn't understand yet
Be patient
To her
When he cries in his sleep
Lock your fingers in his
Kiss his cheek
He will wake up and hug you
He will wrap his arms around you and make you feel protected even when he's the one who needs to feel safe
To her
He'll let you do his make up just to make you smile
Even if his man pride had to be put a side for a while
He wants real love
Please give him real love
To her
He's a bit of a mystery
He's hard to understand
He's a puzzle
But put it together and you have a piece of amazing work
Hes stubborn and he gets angry He snores so very very loud and he has a small disability
He can be rude and painfully blunt at times, but you will never have to question his love
But to her
His love is genuine
His hugs are safe and warm
His words are sweet
His touch is electrifying
When he holds you his body heat doesn't bother you
He bumps into you while hes gaming and smiles in a playful manner
He's real, but even better.
His love is one of a kind
To her
Katlynn Grilli Jan 2019
Lets talk
Lets talk about what happened
Lets get the ugly details
Lets talk about it
Like talking is going to be doing me any good
Lets talk about how that made you feel while I type away on my computer and repeated questions more than once because I'm not actually paying attention
Lets talk about it though
Lets talk about the ****** knife
Lets talk about the grip he had on my throat
Lets talk about my head hitting the tile floor when I passed out
Lets talk about how hard his fist felt against my face
Lets talk about it
If you were listening you wouldn't be able to talk about it with me
But lets go on
Lets talk about the night I felt like I lost everything
Lets talk about how he pinned me down
Lets talk about how he spit in my face and laughed while I cried
Lets talk about what happened next
but that's just too uncomfortable for you
Lets talk about it though
I'll talk about it
I'll talk about the smell of his cologne mixed with the smell of *** on his breathe in my face
I'll talk about how hard his hands dug into my wrist
Lets talk about it
He grabbed me with a threat
His tongue sharpened with the names of my sisters just a couple blocks away
I got in
so I was asking for it
all that *******
Tears coming from my eyes didn't bother him because nothing bothered him other than me not listening to his every instruction
His every demand
He claimed his words were the gospel
And I was sinning
Only he was the devil himself sitting in front of me
I was abused and I can talk about it
I'll talk about it
The hard stuff is over now
But lets talk about it while I answer a few phone calls but don't worry I'm listening
I'll talk about it but your not listening
Katlynn Grilli Jan 2019
I'll wait and watch as a flower blooms
The flower that blooms on the cactus in the middle of a desert
As it slowly opens up into something so beautiful
I'll ***** my fingers on the thorns just for the simple taste of beauty within the flower
Katlynn Grilli Jan 2019
I know plenty of things.
like how 1+1= 2
I also know that  people don't really care when your happy
I'm not happy I'm in love
I have this love that goes so deep inside its like my imaginary friend i had in first grade
My love is always there for me
He always has my back and pushes my chest down when I need to return back to earth
My love helps me think about my problems
My love keeps me awake at night in deep conversation that would be too complex for anyone else to understand
My love is always there and never leaves my side even when I ask him to
My love rushes me to the hospital when I feel like I can't breathe
But my love is the cause of all that.
My love pushes me down when I am happy
My love keeps my mind in dark places exploring dark universes and even darker galaxies that I don't want to be in
My love doesn't leave my side when i ask it too it stays there to torture this soul
My love beats me ever day
My love sends me to the hospital because his hands around my throat block the air to my lungs leaving me breathless.
My love never allowed me to have friends so the imaginary ones that I had to make up was all I had.
And god forbid he find out about those
My love took my hand and dragged me down an gravel road to ensure that I had learned my lesson
My love left bruises on my skin and scars in my heart that people could and could not see
My love was always on top of making me know what I wasn't and what I was
And I was nothing
But I wasn't allowed to argue
My love broke my ribs and made me bleed
My love cut my skin with a sharper knife than his tongue
My love took my innocence
My love took my baby and her last breath
Why didn't he take mine?
Because he loved me
But I hated him
He took the last thing I wanted
My love destroyed me then destroyed himself and took his breath just to leave me here alone to take care of it
To live it all over and over in my nightmares
My nightmares can paint you a picture
My nightmares will paint art that no one will want to buy
My night mares show that just because you call it love doesnt mean its love
Because my love was my biggest nightmare
My love wrecked my entire life and my love stole my normal and replaced it with a jar of nightmares, flash backs, depression, and social anxiety
My love stole my normal gave me PTSD
My love is not my love my love is my nightmare that never ends
And my nightmare never ends
Katlynn Grilli Jan 2019
She has a story
She was once 300 pounds.
She was never worried until someone called her fat.
She brushed it off at first , but the comments kept coming and the people kept judging until she cried her self to sleep at night because no one took the time to know her and see her beauty within.
Instead they visualized her imperfect body onto a piece of paper to pass around the class.
She was so embarrassed,
She ran home from school that and never left her room.
She slept through the weekend
She began passing by mirrors so quickly she didn't want to see the drawing that was passed around and ridiculed by and abundance of people.
The scale became her best friend, but her worst enemy
The number on the scale dropped just as her body did each time she forced food from her body.
The mind that once was so beautiful became a math class for calories
You couldn't get a bigger number or the answer would be wrong
She consumed less and less each day
Hating the feeling
She hated feeling this way but she hated being laughed at more
She was congratulated on the drop of pants sizes
No one realized her drop food consumption.
The loss of weight became her addiction
The drawing wasn't being passed around anymore.
She wasn't a fat girl in huge clothes
She wasn't a walking diabetic waiting to be diagnosed
She wasn't a "muffin top" people would make fun of
But it didn't stop for her
The calculator in her head felt more familiar and more supportive than her family
Her sickness soon became all she had
She kept that drawing and replaced it for the food that would never touch her lips
But she never realized that her body didn't look like a giant marshmallow
It was a work of art that had way more beautiful detail.
She was just too busy counting to see the canvas where it all lied.
Katlynn Grilli Jan 2019
People will claim to be so kind
But when it comes to them seeing something
They claim to be blind
They are deaf all of a sudden
They have nothing more to say and they become mute
They watch pools of blood cover more and more ground
They walk away and act like they couldn't hear a sound
But my blood shed on their hands proves that they were there
My screams in their head will forever haunt them
My face will never leave their dreams
I'll forgive them
Forgive them in hope that I will receive some kind of closure in the fact that they watched and walked away
I hope they will never endure what I have
But I hope the next time they see something they will come forward
These whispers in the threes with the wind hitting them will forever be my peace on a cool winter day
I hope they find their peace
Because I forgive them
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