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sweetycandy Sep 24
In her father’s grand empire, she took her place,
Once full of visions that time could not erase.
A heart full of plans, she envisioned wide and far,
But duty called her back, like a guiding flame.

She set aside her youthful flight,
To carry his burdens, to stand in his light.
At first, anger surged, a fire inside,
But now she sees the love he tried to hide.

For he was not a man of easy words,
His love unspoken, like distant birds.
Yet in his silence, she finally knew,
Every act was a way to say, “I love you.”

No longer burdened by anger or pain,
She saw the care in his quiet refrain.
Through sacrifice, both hearts found their peace,
And her soul, once restless, now found release.

The man she loved heard the tale one day,
Her father’s heart, in its clumsy display.
With a gentle smile, he took her hand,
“Regrets mean nothing, it’s all just the plan.”

“Every step you took, though hard to see,
Was part of the journey that set you free.
You did your best, even if it felt late,
Now you’re free to create your own fate.”

In his words, she felt the weight lift,
The past, once heavy, became a gift.
Her father’s legacy no longer a chain,
But a memory to her growth, after the rain.

So she embraced her present with a heart unbound,
Her father’s love, in silence profound.
And with the man she adored by her side,
She walked into freedom, her spirit untied.
The red girl gave me a death wish and painful truth. She is no longer in my memory but the blessing. My man told me the same thing, we don’t hate her as we thought. I found my dad and my man in the darkest nights. Wishing everyone will archive everything they want in life.
sweetycandy Sep 24
On a quiet shore where the waves softly kissed,
She wandered alone, lost in the mist.
The sun dipped low, painting skies of gold,
When a figure emerged, his story untold.

He knelt by the tide, where the ocean meets land,
Writing something secret in the warm, golden sand.
Curiosity stirred as she drew near,
A message inscribed that brought forth a tear.

“I was dead,” it read, “but now I am found,
In the whispers of waves, where hope can abound.”
Her heart skipped a beat at the words he had penned,
A moment so fleeting, yet time seemed to bend.

He looked up and smiled, a light in his eyes,
A warmth in his gaze that felt like the skies.
In his hand, a bottle, filled with sea’s treasure,
A gift from the depths, a token of pleasure.

“Take this,” he said, “for you’re never alone,
In the depths of the ocean, we’ve all found a home.”
With sea glass and shells, the bottle held dreams,
A piece of the ocean, or so it seems.

She stood there in wonder, with the setting sun,
As waves danced around them, their spirits as one.
For in that brief moment, a connection so real,
She found something precious, something to feel.

As the tide washed away what was written that day,
The message lingered on, in her heart it would stay.
For the man by the shore, with his words in the sand,
Gave her hope in the ocean, and the strength to withstand.
sweetycandy Sep 24
He loved the flaws she tried to show
The scattered pieces, her tender side.
The little cracks, the gentle strain,
All the parts that brought her pain.

She once sat in a father’s dream,
A chair bound tight in another’s scheme.
His ambitions pressed, her own were lost,
She paid the price, she knew the cost.

But in his eyes, she found her peace,
His perfect vision brought release.
He saw the beauty in her mess,
In every stumble, no less, no less.

She loved his gaze, so pure and true,
For it was what she longed to view.
Not another path laid out for her,
But the love he gave, so sure, so pure.

For in his sight, her heart could be,
The woman she had longed to see.
No more the weight of others’ dreams,
Just his love, like flowing streams.

And as she sat, no burdened chair,
But in his world, so light, so fair,
She found the man who loved her flaws,
And in his perfect view, she saw.
sweetycandy Sep 24
For Star, with love from lilac

I loved you as the night loves the moon,
A quiet, distant glow in the gloom.
You were cold, yet beautiful—so far,
I reached for you, my lonely Star.

You smiled, but the sadness in your eyes
Held secrets, like the endless skies.
A soul so deep, so rich, so pure,
But pain too vast for love to cure.

Your talent gleamed like morning light,
Yet darkness clung to you each night.
No family held you close and warm,
No arms to shield you from the storm.

The world gave you its fleeting praise,
But in your heart, you’d set a blaze.
A fire that burned from deep within,
And none could see the hurt, the sin.

I tried to love you, tried to stay,
But you were already drifting away.
The closer I came, the more you’d hide,
Lost in the emptiness inside.

I called your name, you heard my plea,
But you were too far gone to see
That love could reach, that love could heal—
You’d frozen your heart so you couldn’t feel.

Now, I speak to the stars at night,
Hoping that somehow, you’ll hear my light.
Though you’re gone, and the pain won’t end,
I’ll love you, Star, until the bend
Of time itself brings you to me,
Where your soul at last is free to be.

But until then, my heart will weep,
For a love too deep for you to keep.
For the person who I will never forget, my star!

— The End —