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 Jun 2013 K G
Lydia Ann
A friend I am not
I do not know how to mask desire with faithfulness
To falsely turn my cheek for the sake of another

No friends have I sought
But only intricate details of a lover
Held up in brilliant contrast to the sun
Until their affections I have won
Which subdue me for a while or so
But a friend I am not, so off they must go

As sidewalks are laced with tiny delicacy in blue
They say to me, 'I will not forget you'
But what is forgotten, if remembered without meaning?
Ah, and the blue laced flowers waver, unsure
As if to remember is to abhor
 Jun 2013 K G
Lydia Ann
 Jun 2013 K G
Lydia Ann
We created a world of false accusation
Love soon became only partial remission
You took my freewill, as well as my vision
In return I gave my utmost provision
Of hasty provocation
And less than mindful incision
Into your every thought, and each passing decision
I often sat down, but for once I had risen
Asked, "Why are we crawling on the floors of this prison?"

Could not stand one more night under your supervision
There was no longer room for revise and revision
And life doesn't offer any hefty commission
For complying to someone - always asking permission

Our twisted sheets became more like a distasteful collision
Fingers tense as they ached for division
While nails dug deep with careful precision
Yes, sometimes we held hands
And sometimes we held our tongues
Gone quiet with desperate premonition
 Jun 2013 K G
Lydia Ann
The treetops are a guise
And we forget that there is more beyond them
A cushioned bed of life beneath

We pass by,
Admire the seasonal effect their leaves have taken
Stare until the leaves are shaken
We devalue this quiet force
Then turn away when their depths are revealed
It is the places between ourselves and our source,
That we have sealed
 Jun 2013 K G
Lydia Ann
Oh, Theodore
Take me to the shore
Of where I used to play

I want the gravel, and the stone wave
With the sign that read,
'Children, don't misbehave'

Foggy afternoon, you'll set sail
And when you do,
Don't you lose that red ball cap

Imagine that,
Imagine something more
Than just a photograph

Briny sea breath
Rolling off the cove,
Into the cracks of the car window

Heavy highway left behind
For small back roads,
And hidden groves

Where by itself,
A salty breeze blows
 Jun 2013 K G
Lydia Ann
 Jun 2013 K G
Lydia Ann
The moonlight is welcome on my bedroom walls
So long as it leaves the corners dusty with shadow
 Jun 2013 K G
Kitty Prr
 Jun 2013 K G
Kitty Prr
Mistakes were made.
Getting involved with you was a mistake,
Falling for you was a mistake.
Choosing not to see you again because it's wrong was a mistake,
And starting to see you again is a mistake.

Ahh sweet mistakes.
The imperfections that make life so beautiful.
I will gladly make mistakes with you.
My intellect shouts 'this can only end badly'
I don't care.
Each moment with you is beautiful,
I choose to experience every one to the full.

Tomorrow can look after itself.
Today, my sweet mistake, I am yours.
 Jun 2013 K G
The Last Cigarette
 Jun 2013 K G
"It's over," you insist.
But we're not really finished yet-
Darling, you are my last cigarette...
Well, maybe just one more...
 Jun 2013 K G
ian jonsan
do i love her?

her eyes,
as deep as the ocean
as vibrant as the light
a hint of sadness
i just want her to be alright.

do i love her?

her smile,
is covered in braces
that are as blue as her eyes.
i can see right through
her smiling lies.

do i love her?
i do.

she smells perfect like flowers,
i could kiss those perfect lips,
for hours.
her beautiful laugh,
fills the room with joy.
she's perfectly terrible at math,
i get to help her.

do i love her?
i must.

— The End —