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Nov 2017 · 217
JoshuaX Nov 2017
hard for me to not have her
nights so cold just like winter
would rather lose everything just to win her
Nov 2017 · 196
JoshuaX Nov 2017
She acts like the sun
And i think I'm not her only one
Shine on me when I'm feeling dark
Made me feel like a painter and love is our canvass that turned into art
But i think she was the painter
Cause she gave me nothing but pain after.
Nov 2017 · 177
JoshuaX Nov 2017
I'm not sure of what she made me do
made me into something new
made me felt something that was felt by few
she made me look in a better view
but she changed and left and it was on cue
Nov 2017 · 253
failure? ii
JoshuaX Nov 2017
How will I be a winner? when I always lose
How will I be proper? if everything I do is a mess
How can I have happiness? when I am always depressed
What is love? when everyday I am hated
What is hope? when I'm disappointed
How will I know warmth? when my heart is always cold
Why would I hate bronze? if I never had gold
Why would I treasure friendship? if enemies is all i got
Why would I love you? if you never loved me back
What is good? when I don't experience kindness
What is light? if I'm living in darkness
Nov 2017 · 169
JoshuaX Nov 2017
What if I was born as a failure?
I will never know and I will never be sure
Did my best but it wasn't enough
Stood my ground but I wasn't as tough
I need a rest cause I forgot how to laugh
Nov 2017 · 141
JoshuaX Nov 2017
I'll get what I want from her until none of her remain

Did all those things and nothing was gained

Regret everything tonight and tomorrow do it all again.
Nov 2017 · 238
fake love
JoshuaX Nov 2017
What we have is fake cause it happened too fast
You should have just avoided me cause I break hearts for breakfast
And I try to fix it at lunch and hope everything's get better
I regret what I did
I regret everything at dinner
Nov 2017 · 173
JoshuaX Nov 2017
Leave me today and fill me with sorrow
I don't take hearts usually I just borrow
I got nothing to say cause I know you'll return tomorrow
And I'll never worry cause everything's alright
I want you the next day guess I'll text you tonight
Nov 2017 · 151
JoshuaX Nov 2017
Why are you trying to brake the heart of someone with a broken heart

Why won't people care about others who have nothing to care about

We love ourselves but doesn't know how to love others back

Why are you tryna brake the heart of someone with a broken heart

Why wont people care about others who have nothing to care about

We love ourselves but doesn't know how to love others back

We want people giving us love but we don't give it back.
Nov 2017 · 167
JoshuaX Nov 2017
Baby i will hit you like a meteorite
You never noticed that i treat you right
We're already together but you still want to meet your right
Us forever you said its just a myth, your right
Nov 2017 · 248
be leave
JoshuaX Nov 2017
I drink to relieve the pain but endin up reliving it
i just want to leave but you forced me to live in it
true love i was believing
then you told me you would be leaving
Nov 2017 · 138
JoshuaX Nov 2017
I told her that ill break her heart
Then she said that its alright
I said ill punch you baby with my fist
Then she kissed me on my lips
I told her that my feelings ain't true
She said baby i'd still love you
Nov 2017 · 170
JoshuaX Nov 2017
She'll kiss me when shes drunk
Then slaps me when shes sober
Our love starts at night in the morning its over

— The End —