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I believe in you
At a loss in your dream
Battle galactic against the oblique obscene
So for every rest
May you think of me
And obscure the Earth
Of maniacal deeds
I prefer for you to lay inside of my head
Dreary lyrics forthcoming a shake of the head
The constant pasted within my head
Brewery of destruction sleeps in my bed
Although slightest of touch conveys in my head
Dread of which you have dreamt about
Portray above any doubt
You deem over my stars
All that seemed placid
Human dreams surpassing mars and all that once seemed alien
Imagine a being up to par
The more the may be merrier
For you are my wish
Pray to a God that I have the strength to carry you
Provider of doubt
Pre-scarer of many
The ***** in you hides inside of your *****
The ***** in me prefers problematic
Insecurities prove self-Satanic
Blood I bleed is that of a hopeless romantic
Society full of timeless encounters
In my dreams I see visions and fathoms
The air I breathe is a wicked enchantment
What you see I hope is a reminder of me
Dear sickness,
I couldn't carry her up the stairs.
Her weight was unbearable and she lay limp in my arms.
Dear chemo,
She really did lose all of her hair.
We would go out in public and people would stare.
She wore a wig but still, I knew.
Dear limbs so skinny,
I watched her walk down the hallway using her walker.
My father clutching her arm, guiding.
It broke me in two, to see the jutting bones.
There was nothing left of her.
Dear insanity,
I remember the night she called to say goodbye.
She thought she wasn't going to last another day,
After all... the nurses were out to get her,
and she didn't understand why she had to take so many pills.
Dear rotting tumor,
You had been growing for over a year in her brain.
Taking up space where there should have been healthy cells growing.
You took away so much, the little things,
the big things, the important things...
The heart and soul of things.
Dear growing pains,
I realized what it meant to age quickly,
To grow up sooner than you are ready.
I did it, and I'm still here.
My mother's still here,
although some parts of her
will never be the same.
It's been five years now since, but still the memories from this time remain the same.
I saw the great change in him
After he saw the nyanga
As if something was tailing him
Something sinister from the Okawanga

He wanted to gain mental strength
That was why he sought witch doctor help
So together they went to great lengths
To summon the Tokoloshe for this whelp

Born of ****** and sinister thought
The foul creature was called to this world
And a wake of ill doings it brought
Causing fear in each boy and each girl

With this new friend he didn’t need me
But he still needed praise and accept
So he brought me along just to see
How he ***** a girl whose blood he kept

In a bottle for pride in his deed
After he killed her and chopped her up
“I was brought there to watch her bleed”
That’s what I said, when I told the cop

The Police came and took him to jail
But the Tokoloshe followed him inside
Soon he vanished, no trace, not a trail
And rumours said Tokoloshe helped him hide

No one saw him for several days
But a rise in disappearances occurred
And soon he revealed his wicked ways
He stole belongings from his victims, I heard

So, he was caught again but not held for long
His Tokoloshe had not finished yet
It was his purpose to match evil with wrong
And **** and **** whomever he would get

18 months he was on the loose
Sometimes aiding police investigations
He would help them pick up the clues
So he could re-live the gory exhilaration

They could only find partial remains
Tokoloshe had made him use his axe
Rather thoroughly and thrown them off trains
He made sure souls would never relax

When they caught him the final time
He was smiling with satisfaction
He felt no sense of remorse for his crimes
Now he hangs as the judge’s reaction

Tokoloshe is still hiding somewhere
Coming out at night when your dreams are deep
Wreaking havoc and causing a scare
Biting toes, ****** women in their sleep
Another challenge poem. The challenge was simply to write about "Tokoloshe". Obviously, I had to do some research first....In relation to that, I admit to having taken some artistic liberties with the historical facts about the South African serial killer Elifasi Msomi.
The night is dark

The stars are shining.

But city lights blur the vision.

Lost I am

In my own devision.

You are the sweetest sight I never did see.
 Apr 2013 Joshua Dougan
Over and over again it happens:
Work piling up into massive
vertical structures, threatening to
topple over and smother me.
You'd think I'd have learned by now,
but I have not.
 Apr 2013 Joshua Dougan
this alcohol
has drunk me
so efficiently
i am one of those empty bottles
rolling around the barroom floor
collecting dust
until they come to take me away
clean me up a bit
refill me
only to be
i am that little bottle
that says
drink me
you'll shrink
 Apr 2013 Joshua Dougan
Time burdens the wrist
With a watch always ticking.

Its gears and cogs fall into place,  
As the wearer falls out of time.

As if you actually owned any time
In a world of moments and memories.
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