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The rain lets up as the sirens start
One world fell in two parts
Remarks silently spoken of reality being broken
Idea recoils further into isolation ruled by false allegations
Under exaggerated hyperbole transcribes the true feeling hidden above the covered-up abomination
I don't think it's right for anyone to tell a person to avoid family
A person should be the only one who makes that discussion
Sometimes they make mistakes
Other times they embarrass you
Blood is thicker than water
The family blood beats through your heart
You may not agree or see eye to eye
Loving one another is an agreement that should bring you close
Family looks out for you even at times it feels they are against you
The heart tells you to fo what's right
while the mind explores new ideas and emotions
You will always be loved by family even though they might hurt because they don't know how to express themself
Unite on holidays so one another love
Life gets you so busy you forget those close to you
Family strength and family judge all they want is the best for you
 Apr 2013 Joshua Dougan
You said you would be here forever.
Where are you now?
You said you would never leave me.
Where are you now?
You said that you would always catch me when I fell.
Where are you now?
You made promises you couldn't keep.
You said things you didn't mean.
You shattered my heart into a million pieces.
You abandoned me.
Left when I was at my most vulnerable.
Now I'm left here all alone.
You were my safety net.
But you ditched me and took off.
When you left, it hurt so bad.
I've never felt so weak,
So powerless,
So unloved.
It's all because of you.
So many unanswered questions,
I would love to know the answers to.

Why aren't you still here?
Why did you leave me?
What am I supposed to do?

But the question that pains me the most,
The one that breaks me,
Is the one I have been asking,
Ever since you disappeared.

*Where are you now?
If you were to read the desperate thoughts, that circle and spin around in my head
Would you consider me as already dead?
Would you burst into tears as you quietly hear
The screams of a heart that is drowning in fear?

Fear of the darkness, fear of being alone,
You would step back in horror at the images shown
Images of young girl who cuts her own skin
With her ribs sticking out as she wants to be thin

You would feel your stomach churn, with your heart left in sorrow
Knowing that broken young girl has plans to **** herself tomorrow
You would grasp at your chest for the pain in your heart
Would be so overwhelming it would tear you apart

But you would have never known of the things that she feels
Every day she is struggling and skips all her meals
She looks at her scars and wants to make more
For she feels some comfort when there's blood on the floor

You would ache at the fact that you ignored all the signs
Of her dying soul, because inside all your minds,
"It's not all that awful, because everyone gets sad"
But little did you know of all the pains that she had

She hides all her emotions, and puts on a smile
But those lovely painted masks only last for awhile
For when she returns to her bedroom at the end of the day
She lies bleeding on the floor, slowly withering away

Once you have read her mind, and have seen her true face
Would you still think she'd make it, or is that not the case?
Would you see her scars and her skin that's too fair?
Or must she truly be dead for anyone else to care?
I gawk
at the way your calloused hands
can graze my skin
scraping apart
what little sanity
I've got left--
of fabric-
               ated thoughts
and memories
litter our feet like fallen
leaves in Autumn.

I laugh
at the way
you rock cliches silently
into omission,
cleaning the rest of the world
of originality
and three word stories
that play like music boxes
sprinkling magic
into my ears
like I was a child again.

I even dance
in rooms with that creaking wood
we love,
easing into step
with our momentum
on heavy nights
of weary thoughts
that rattled our minds
breathing heavily and easily
all throughout
our little
and howls,
making songs from free
style instruments.

I think of how
I still hum myself to sleep
with our tempo
long after the music box
has stopped playing.
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