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So far away you are from where I am today
I often wonder how you are and what you'd have to say
If I traveled far to where you are and knocked on your front door
And you look at me in confusion as I kiss you just once more
 May 2013 Joshua Dougan
Opened a book today
My eyes fell upon a page of poems
How odd, it feels so familiar to me
Yet, how can this be?

Picked up an organic instrument
And played a song I do not know
Whence cometh the inspiration?
Only from the whispers of ..... a previous life....

These things I see doing, I claim not expeditious
For it's only if and when....the muses decide to see fit
A mere vessel to transport what already is there!
Every possible thought-combo has its keen template.

Never did an equestrian thing before
Yet I find me mounting superb horse and ride
Flowing action, wide awake and so thrilling
No expletive required to tell of happy lingering.

Going upon the mountain to pray, this day
Not to find you
But that you ....find me
Don't you just give up so fast!

Can't deny strong polarising effect in here
This life affords us another chance: second time around.

S T, 4 May 2013
Hey, man...hello.

 May 2013 Joshua Dougan
Entertaining an angel unawares is not an everyday thing;
Playing a guitar in solemn solitude.

Being loved is beautiful
But please, set that caged bird free
When held, I don't want to be smothered.

True freedom is too rare
A PC for company can be so demanding
You are making tea; the child wants some chicken
I want some of your love
Is that so hard to understand!

Pictures on the wall, fresh fruit
The metre's (quickly) running away
Find it to forgive yourself; find it to forgive others
Guess you gotta hide within your own mind.

A sibling bored chez lui
A stand cradles somebody's scribblings
Stars are sometimes too far to reach.

Where is this promised windfall?

S T, 5 May 2013
Written 1993.

Was hesitant to post, 'cos content so seemingly disconnected....but, let me not fear..for, ironic context sits smack bang within the title!

Also, this one's structure flies in the face of all rhythm and rhyme.
If ye like not it...hey, man...sure ain't gonna cry buckets over it, ok.
Life's short enough, as it is

Sometimes, we gotta be content...seeketh not too

yeah, man

so many conversations in my head

it's like I never

One stormy night
In a blink of an eye
Everything changed
A tragedy…
This once colorful life… is now dark blue and grey
So fast it changed
No beautiful blue sky, no Orange sun…
Colorless days… gloomy dark blue nights
How could the bright sunlight..
Be so solemn and sad
This once colorful nature
Abruptly, entirely, completely turned colorless
Lifeless, like a still picture..
How could the colorful rainbow
Is too lazy to portray its dazzling beauty?
Where is the delightful day?
And the raindrops taste so bitter
Crying as its pouring with this poor heart..
Warm and salty tears…
Colorless life, Is the world sulking today?
Praying for the sun to shine again
And add some colors…
To this poor lifeless soul..
Paint it again…
Paint this empty heart with colors..
So it can bear one colorless day
And be secure once more…
In many colorful ways
In many colorful days
I'm falling into
all the
holes in
everything you say

because I walk
beside the
one compelling
me to sway

but when the
wind has left my
skin I hide
it in my

and taste the
breath of life
each time I
saturate my tongue

my open lips
release a
tune I do
not comprehend

that manifests itself to me
in ways I
can't descend

it only lasts
but long enough
for me to hear the sound

of something
coming closer still
of feet upon the ground

and that
is where it all
begins and clarity returns

as I am climbing
out of you
without a single burn
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