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 May 2013 Joshua Dougan
I wonder what
it feels like to

To feel that
tight sensation
of water slowly
filling your lungs

Do you know
when enough
is enough?

Do you know
when it's time
to give up?

I wonder if
your body somehow
If it starts giving
its all
before it starts
shutting down
and giving up

Some people
think that suicide
is for cowards,
for people who
are "too scared"
or "not strong enough"

But that's not true

is proof
that you've had
It shows
how strong you
once were

But even
the strong ones
have to give up


 May 2013 Joshua Dougan
The last girl I kissed told me I have a heart like a colander,
it is 2007 and I have not met you yet
there was no reason for my feelings to be wet grounds in coffee filter
I had yet to need the caffeine, but with you,
it lays there soaking
more than five years of boiling into unattractive brown sequins.

I am still kind of the same: still hear
pinecones hitting the roof and think that rain is falling
still dream about ******* in front of my biggest infatuation.

My heart still strains a bunch of gunk, I think it could be a kidney too
but now it simmers for a while first and stores
images in locket cases, now sometimes I believe in love,
it is 2013 and my name means serene
yours is “wealth” for every bit of love you can collect, are keeping.

The last girl I kissed would not believe I gave any at all
I even rejected the sea
because inside every conch, I heard creatures who could touch me
if I would just climb into their shell-walled places.

When I was thirteen, I attempted to cook pasta without water,
this was also when I was obsessed with
cutting every photograph in my mother’s reserve
either to display it on my white plaster door or to **** those pictured.
I murdered eight different family members and myself
nine times without even sending them through a paper shredder.

I am still kind of the same:
though I soak everything up before I can throw it away.
 May 2013 Joshua Dougan
At nine, I asked my mother if I could shave my legs
and she said no
At ten, I asked my mother if I could shave my legs
and she said no
At eleven, I asked my mother if I could shave my legs
and she said no

At twelve, I asked my mother if I could shave my legs
and she said maybe later.

At thirteen, I had not shaved my legs
and my mother asked why, everyone wondered why –
that is like asking where I got my molars from
or why my tastebuds sizzle when I drink orange juice.  

Suddenly suddenly I was grown
but I had to hide every ****** tissue in the garbage.
generation of can't
generation of hate
blundering those who
get in their way
go on if you must,
hide your face
lock your doors up tight
the years will drag slowly by
and there
we won't recognize
 May 2013 Joshua Dougan
I remember when you
told us your dad abused
you and would lash your
bare skin on the ground
till you bled bones and
hair but he's your hero
now, I wonder if you
remember the lies
that you told, you
are so caught up
in yourself, I
can't stand it.
But they say
the things we
hate in our-
selves we
hate in
(c) Brooke Otto
Love's first true kiss
on the kindergarten swings
meeting internal bliss
when his lips touch your cheek
next step are the wedding rings
he leaves
only the ring pops left on the sand
trails led to that other girls hand
start counting heartaches
and mistakes
 May 2013 Joshua Dougan
Cigarettes and I have a
Each drag is like voluntarily
placing my lungs in an inferno to be scorched.
The strongest people I know have
wasted away
because of that cancer-on-a-stick.
I especially hate how
they taint the tantalizing taste
of my lover's lips.
Yet, on rare drunken occasions
or when a thick layer of red coats my lips,
I crave the **** thing.
I don't smoke, I hate it, but if you've ever taken a drag of a cigarette while drunk, then you should completely understand this.
 May 2013 Joshua Dougan
loads of birthday wishes
already rolling in
you people
need to get
a ******* hobby
it's like super-
everyone is saying
how glad they am i was born
how they don't know where they'd be
without me
i know exactly where i'd be...

OH MY GOD three more since i wrote this two seconds ago. i feel like puking and crying and getting really drunk. it would be nice if there was actually something in my stomach to puke up...
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