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Jessica B Jun 2018
And I sit and wait
Wait for your letter
Of unknown words of love and wisdom
Have you found it yet
What you’ve been searching for?
Have you climbed mountains yet?
Have you ran for miles and miles across the open fields of glorious unanswered questions?
Have you traveled to every star?Have you seen the eyes of every soul? the ones that behold the look of true magic?
Have you found it yet,
Have you found what you’ve been searching for?
Have you found you?
#army #faith #survivorsoflove #patience # serenity
Jessica B Jun 2018
When these buried emotions come to surface, they’re unexplained, unrecognizable. They can sometimes be Overwhelming. So much so that I’ve lost control of them, I don’t know what to do or where to go, or how to direct them. They explode like a million fireworks that fly in all different directions. How beautiful they are yet intriguingly unorthodox.
Each one a different color that represent every part of me and they blend together almost like a picture.
But then the picture fades and that’s when reality is no longer valid, without a picture there can be no reality. Just a blur of lost thoughts with no direction.
My sense of self has yet been lost again, so let me swim in this blur for just a moment without judgement and I promise you that reality will return as it always does.
And in that one moment that comes to pass ever so often, it can be unique, undeniably intriguing, yet hard to understand. It’s okay to let go of reality sometimes, for these brilliant colors can not be suppressed forever, and as time comes to an end, your artwork will be finished and the picture you have unwillingly painted will be clear to see.
Jessica B Jun 2018
F* this *****
In reality I hate this
But he shall never know How much exactly
It hurts this time.
How could I let myself fall
Why did I let myself fall so deep into someone I barely know.
It doesn’t make sense.
It never seems to, why this, why now?
What was it about him?
Why does this seem to make so much sense yet the timing does not. Maybe I am wrong, but when I’m with him it feels exactly right.
Everything, his smell, his touch, his smile, his eyes that tell me so much more.
It’s there, I know it, I feel it, I’m not crazy.
But This is crazy.
This is more real than anything I’ve ever come across, much more.
And I was meant to touch him, just as he Was meant to touch me.
I can’t shut this door, not completely, so I will leave it cracked, just so I can check in and see my love every now and then.
to make sure he’s okay, and that he still thinks of me as I think of him.
I never told you I loved you
And again the possibilities are endless, just like the love we never got to build or express.
And yet maybe one day.
Jessica B Jun 2018
How I feel timeless in the present, wreckless in the past and consistent in the future may never compromise my free spirit.
For I have no control,
only thoughts and they soar high above the universe as they reflect off the ocean with a single glimpse of our souls.
The stars spoke.
For I have touched them with untold stories.
As we speak to them unconsciously and unaware of our entire selves. ❤️
Jessica B May 2018
Love is complete freedom.
The freedom to be yourself, to be free of all worries and doubts.
To understand you without thought.
We’ve met once before.
To feel your entire existence as
My hands become your hands and your hands become mine.
And In that moment I float away with freedom.
Jessica B May 2018
This love is infinite.
It was just as though;
I already knew it to be.
It was when our hands first met.
For the first time,
I came home.
It was when you asked me,
Can I kiss you?
And For the first time
i saw you.

— The End —