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Feb 2019 · 161
You Are
Jen Feb 2019
In another
What you
Dream is
Only that,
A dream
What is it
You see
Into the deep?
When you
Are taken
When you
Have left
The day
Left the
Left your
As you
To new
Like the
You are
You are
Just in time...
Feb 2019 · 1.6k
Jen Feb 2019
The stillness
Moves near
Keep it close
Don’t let go
What you’ve
Been searching
Doesn’t exist
No one has
It invades
Just throw
Try to be

Feb 2019 · 250
Couldn't Sever
Jen Feb 2019
No longer young
They have grayed
Hair thinned
Adult diapers worn
Skin frequently
Pricked by a nurse
With a pin
Formed roads
He traced
His finger along
One on
Her hand
All the way up to
Her heart
Then back down
To her wedding band
To discover
A faint whisper
Death couldn’t
Sever their love
One so rare
Death couldn’t
Sever their love
Feb 2019 · 300
What We Are
Jen Feb 2019
Sometimes we aren’t meant
To be more than what we see
Make believe past reality
Not meant to be more than
What we are meant to be
What we are
Is intrinsic to us
What we sometimes
See and think we will be
We already are
Feb 2019 · 259
Jen Feb 2019
What is ever truthful, and is anything real?
Just have to believe it...just have to...
I try to hold the tears back, they still fall
Uncontrollably, no more and again, again
They fall...
Disenchanted songs play in my head
Thoughts like water shed, overflow
Beyond the cliff, Down to drift free
All this disbelief is made of dark
Things that attack and hurt the soul
In this place there is nowhere to go
No way to grow, the more warmth
You bare, the colder they stare and
So, you disappear because it’s what
They want and you can’t please
Everyone, so the only thing to do is
Pick yourself up and move on until
You don’t fall, keep trying in hopes
You’ll find the glow of a star that's true...
Baring my soul here, it is human to feel...just being real which is hard for me sometimes.  I am used to putting on that happy face like a lot of people.  In a sad state today.  I arrived at work this morning, and thirty minutes later was called into an office with my supervisor and a HR rep and fired for a vague reason.  I was given the choice to resign within two days or be discharged.  I chose to be discharged because it doesn't feel right to resign when I was told to and not my choice.  My dad died on 12/20/18, and it was hard enough to go into work while still in the grieving process.  This poem is a release of some of what I've been feeling.  Just being real.  Peace and love! <3
Feb 2019 · 295
Jen Feb 2019
What scares me most
Is that you are my ghost
Visiting past and future
Thoughts passed through
Never led me back to you
Here on earth our paths
Didn’t cross
Fully alive
Nothing to lose but all
Was lost
I tried to
Bury the memories
Never made
Never meant to be
One day I told myself
That you were my mirror
Now I see clearer
Did I hang on
Only because
It was loneliness
I feared?
Feb 2019 · 472
Sun in the Sadness
Jen Feb 2019
There is always sun
In the sadness
Splash in the madness
Jump jump jump stomp!
It poured down
Looked up soaked
Saturated with love
Skies absorbed
Oceans like sponges
Floods flowed
They sang
A sad song
That’s when
It’s time to
Let it rain
Pick up
Move on
Sing your own
Let the sun shine
In the sadness
Feb 2019 · 182
Up & Down
Jen Feb 2019
Steady grip
Pressed down
To pull you up
Held with
All my strength
To pull you up
From below ground
No matter how
Hard I tried
To pull you up
You stayed down
This piece is in the eye of the beholder.  It could depict a person with depression trying to overcome it, or it could be seen as someone trying to help a person that they love who is suffering from something.  There might be other views too.
Feb 2019 · 437
Jen Feb 2019
Static chill
Shines submerged
Making love
To dying galaxies
We all die eventually
If it were the last day
If it were only yesterday
Would you still hold back
Would all remain the same
Feb 2019 · 711
Beautiful Soul
Jen Feb 2019
You have a beautiful soul
It's been beaten
Tortured and tamed
Don’t hide it
You have a beautiful soul
Living inside
Let it out
Let it shout
Let it hide
Let your inner beauty
Shine out
Jan 2019 · 358
Jen Jan 2019
The shame
Lies in more
Than the eyes
Where does
The truth hide
When everything
Was a lie...
Say, we're human
Make mistakes
We all do
So many miles,
So many trials,
No one the same
We're all part
Of a different
Jan 2019 · 932
Next Turn
Jen Jan 2019
Riding a pale blue bicycle
The ghost of your past
A passenger set free
It's like you're seventeen
All over in a dream
The beach breeze blows
Your hair with the wind
Scoops all cares up in a
Plastic Sand Bucket
Covers your Toes
Until they surface
Where seashells
Are found on the cove
Waiting to see what's
Hidden behind
The next turn
Jan 2019 · 624
Jen Jan 2019
Where you are,
I can hear
Them whisper
From somewhere
That barely
Touches the
Lines between
This world,
And mine.
Make your own,
And separate it.
If you lose it,
Find your way,
Back to it.
Back to a place
That barely
The lines between
This world,
And yours.
Jan 2019 · 396
No Longer
Jen Jan 2019
If I wanted to call you
You’re no longer there
If I wanted to see you
You’ve disappeared
Up to where
The angels exist
On high
You’ve disappeared
Up to where
The sky meets
Jan 2019 · 585
Red Eye
Jen Jan 2019
I looked down
To the ocean
Turquoise & Midnight
Twisted, frozen
You’d never drown
We could swim
Sounded like wind in a tunnel
Raced on steady wings
Clouds, weightless flew by
The day ended
The earth
Broke in two
And my heart
To beat
For you,
Fainter now,
Don’t stop to
Break in two
Jan 2019 · 311
Jen Jan 2019
I want
A love that feels
Of your touch,
No explanation needed
No words suffice
Because your heart
Folds within mine,
And flames
And warmth
Is felt
Deep down,
Its beat
You near
To a space
Without fear
Jan 2019 · 640
Jen Jan 2019
Northwest damp cold
Comforting envelope
Hidden in its own
Sealed by
Its palette
Thickly drenched in
Charcoal shadow
Meshed with evergreen
On a cobalt metal roof
Dancing in-between
The cracks
And living in
Black rain boots
Jan 2019 · 104
There You Are
Jen Jan 2019
There you are,
So close
So far
I reach for you,
I reach for truth,
In tablespoons
Poured like sugar
Grains running away
Melting your youth
With the coarse
Hands of time.
Oh! There is
So much coldness
Here in this place.
Oh! There is
A stark disparity
Cutting silence
With the sharpness
Of a knife.
Lift you up,
Only to break you.
Build you up,
Only to destroy you.
Jan 2019 · 320
Your Shadow
Jen Jan 2019
Your shadow
Holds me
Come forth
Out of the bleakness
Out of the gray
You see them
Living there
In the corners
You see them
And you are sad
You see them
And it makes me
Feel it too
See that you are
So much more
Not quite though
An elusive mystery
You see them
You see me
Or do you not
See anything?
Jan 2019 · 658
Abstract Wings
Jen Jan 2019
An abstract butterfly’s wings
Are made of unpractical things
Rings, springs, flings, and pings
It tries to fly but fails to flutter
There isn't enough fuel
In its tank, so all it does is sputter
Jan 2019 · 286
Jen Jan 2019
Recalled a voice say
“I’ll teach you.”

The only thing is,
“I can’t reach you.”

Never learned
How to climb

I was always
Afraid of
What I’d find

The rope
So high

Some ropes,
Aren’t meant
To be climbed
Choose your ropes wisely
Jan 2019 · 195
Jen Jan 2019
Remember when it rained,
Poured down in stripes
It always falls
Melancholy on
Shoulders & shoes
Where do we go
When it leaves
Where do we go
A bird soars out
An open window
To the deepest blue
The words the glue
On mended wings
A bird soars high
Soar high and never give up
Jan 2019 · 522
Jen Jan 2019
You say we’re one and the same
You agree with me that
We’ll see what this is
I haven’t let you go
I’m caught up on you
Tied with a ribbon and bow
We’ll see infinity until tomorrow
It could be anything
We could be on the same wavelength
A frequency going the distance
Traveling side by side
Rocking out and enjoying the ride
It could be anything
The could be anything...
Jan 2019 · 192
Jen Jan 2019
Not all know the tales
Of sorrow some hold
Deep beneath the skin
Those that also suffer
Can feel it more than
Those that don't know
What hides behind it
We never know what struggles someone is dealing with...let's be kind. <3
Jan 2019 · 270
Jen Jan 2019
Impending darkness
Cuts into this hollow
Cave, need the one to
Come in and
Let in the sun
This hollow cave
Is covered in floods
Flowing in and out
Night after night
Need the one to
Let in the light
Jan 2019 · 527
Summer Love
Jen Jan 2019
Summer Love,
That’s why it’s called
What it is as it flames
Up so fiery with sweet
Passion and sunshine
Seen in your eyes and
It comes to no surprise
That they call it what
It is, and it is only one
Thing, not meant to
Remain, but it's always
Remembered, and it's
Sad when it ends
So suddenly, and there
Is a reason why they call
It Summer Love.
Jan 2019 · 447
Stay Awake
Jen Jan 2019
Don’t fall asleep

Don't miss
The meteor showers

Stay awake
We’ll see what
We've been
Across the universe,
Stay awake tonight
Jan 2019 · 339
Jen Jan 2019
Pitch blackness
Touched sunlight

Tangled in
A cloudless sky, stretched
Far and wide

It was night
All was light

Children played
Jump ropes
& water hoses
Exploded high

Eerie scene
Supernatural sight

Yawning fissure
Opened its
Hungry mouth

Drenched in
Surreal surroundings

It was night
All was light
Ever have that spooky dream where you wake up in the middle of the night and it is daylight?
Jan 2019 · 175
Break Free
Jen Jan 2019
Thoughts break free
That feeling of longing
For you
This is crazy
It could never be
Feelings for you
Make me insane
Thoughts of us
To break free
Light in the dark
Heart in the cold
Ice in the hot
In minutes you’re gone
These thoughts invade
Thoughts of you
Thoughts of love
Thoughts of us
To break free
Jan 2019 · 489
Jen Jan 2019
In our younger years
we would wish on shooting stars
“I wish I may, I wish…”
on the first stars we…
Shined so bright

What did we wish...
Why wouldn’t we tell...

Birthday candles
Blown out year after year
And no one will ever know
What was wished

We stopped wishing,
The stars were still there

Stars shine so bright
Never to disappear
Imagination is real
The stars are still there
Don't stop wishing

They shine so bright
Jan 2019 · 267
Until the End
Jen Jan 2019
I'd give anything
Just say the word
At least we can dream

You are up there so high
Igniting the sky
A nova so bright only
Dimming with time

Go on shining
In the dark
Igniting the sky
You are up there so high

I imagined I could fly
Drowned in your fire
Until the end
Go on shining
Originally imagined a love story of a living star and a dying star but it turned into something else :)
Jan 2019 · 184
Jen Jan 2019
Danced down
To the merry-go-round
Horses whirled up & down
Spun in circles around
Lifted off the ground
Then gently back down
Lights of many tints
Blended delightfully with
Sugary songs that sounded
Of Childhood memories
And tasted of cotton candy
Kisses on the carousel ride
Jan 2019 · 236
Jen Jan 2019
Perception: "In the eye of the beholder"
Frostbite: Can lead to the loss of fingers and toes, if careless
Heat Stroke: Sometimes fatal but can be avoided
Sleep: A necessity
Sugar: Sometimes deceiving
Salt: More than meets the eye, combine with sugar
Awake: What salt does to the tongue
Dreams: Escapes from reality

Eyes: Windows to the soul
          The most intriguing part
          Of the human body, to some
Nonsensical play with silly definitions
Jan 2019 · 5.9k
In Dreams
Jen Jan 2019
Warm breezes in the night air
Whisper away every nightmare
Stars above in heaven's depths
Blink freely in the dark
Glowing with every promising spark
And during rest in dreams we see
The unreal and our thoughts are set free
To drift and live in sleep
And experience everything so deep
Sometimes waking, wishing you were still there
All that you can do is remember, and keep it near
Unearthly as it seems
Our souls are connected in dreams
Jen Jan 2019
He saw the glow of soft promise on his horizon
And road maps were only an excuse for getting lost
Her heart yet beats within his like a full blood moon
The memory of her whispers softly present in his ear

She mailed him a letter, scented with a clue,
A set of coordinates scribbled hastily
Upon a half torn page,
A compass, a key, and an address

Sweet forgiveness in her musky scent upon that sacred note.
The coordinates marked where they had fallen in love
The compass, a golden needle pointing always to her soul
A bejeweled silver key, the only one to her heart and dreams
And an address that pounded in his brain like a hammer!
With eyes seeing only her face, casting his doubts to the curb,
He rode the highways to the place they both called "Home"
As his heart made love with the ghost that haunted his soul

He arrived in the night to see no lights welcome him home
After many miles and thoughts, he knew it was her voice
That called him home to the place that holds their lost love
Her message was crystal clear, yet dead silence filled the air

Sitting on the front step where it was they first kissed
The cold winds of yesterdays swirled his memories
Howling thru his mind and echoing thru his heart
Turning the silver key in his trembling fingers
That hung now from a chain around his neck
Whispering, as a prayer, her name over and over again
They fall into questions that may never be answered

All this time he'd been speaking to a wraith unrequited
Words she sent him somehow from the other side
How could this be? That she could still be here
To send him her wish delivered as a silver key, compass
And the softly sung verses of her letter?

She kissed him one last time, as a lover brought back to life
Something he could relive as if it were only yesterday
The next morning he awoke on the porch they used to share
Reached for her note and it was no longer there
No compass nor key, only an empty chain around his neck
Everlasting memories
Bound by an undying love sent from above
By Poet's Creek & Jen

Please leave this world behind and get lost in this tale we've spun for you.  It's one of an everlasting love and haunting memories.  Thank you!
Jan 2019 · 1.2k
Zero Gravity
Jen Jan 2019
Zero Gravity

Take my hand
And fly with me

Don’t let go
And let it be

If you lose your grip
Somehow slip away some day
All you’ll have to do is look for my ship
It spills sparks as it sails across the view
They trail the sky to lead me back to you

Follow them when you are lost at sea
We’ll be weightless together once more
in zero gravity
I saw the word "Zero Gravity" somewhere a few days ago, and I was determined to include it in a poem.
Jan 2019 · 939
Jen Jan 2019
Dandelion seed parachutes
Fly up to castles in the sky
Little child’s eyes open wide
Weightless little puffs float
Fearlessly holding all hopes
High, to castles in the clouds.
Pictured a little child blowing a dandelion to the wind...
Jan 2019 · 299
The Sticks II (Desire)
Jen Jan 2019
“Desire was her name,
And she was the dirt
Road that everyone
Wanted to claim."

When I was just a little child
No one really wanted her you see
Me and the other kids would run
Down to where she led us to follow
Went on adventures with no cares
No traffic or horns, a jungle of trees
And living things, bridges, cows, and
Blackberries, bullfrogs, and a few
Beer bottles, the nearest house was
Not so near, and you would never hear
Neighbors hoot-and-holler out yonder
All was at peace, and we all desired
To follow her wherever she would lead
Until one day we weren’t the only ones
That desired her path, all has changed
Over time, and I no longer recognize
Her anymore, as the cars trample up
and down to create dust tornadoes
Speeding fast, more houses built up
Ancient trees by her side went away
Chopped down, now vacation homes
For the rich, but it’s not hard to see
Why she was desired so, who wouldn’t
Want her, so many go after what they
This is a continuation to the poem "The Sticks"...the story of a dirt road named "Desire."
Jan 2019 · 726
Fire and Ice
Jen Jan 2019
I want to hide,
Behind the warmth
Of your smile.

In a world,
That at times,
Made of ice,
Do you think
There's a chance,
We could
Light a fire
cold days, cold nights, warm words, and a fire ablaze...
Jan 2019 · 304
A Movie Scene
Jen Jan 2019
When did the movie end?
     Curtains faded to credits
      Should have known better
               Than to watch movies
                                     In the dark.                

 Two souls anticipated,
       We kissed in between
              The lines and scenes
                 Your hands touched silk
                                           In my dream.

I’ve always wanted this,
           Climbed to the top
                            I gently bit
                             Your bottom lip
                                    Inhaled your kiss.

What happened here?  
The movie was missed.
What are you talking about?
You said come in close,
Let’s speak without words.
The rest is just
A movie scene,
Not rated G,
Turn out the light
And bring your I.D.
I've been working on this one for a little while. It was inspired by a movie night with a good friend, a movie night that took place with just words. Thank you for the inspiration. :)
Jan 2019 · 410
Love is
Jen Jan 2019
Snow laces
Blossoms so bright,
Coldest of winter mornings
I can see your morning
Light shines its light,
Hold its petal
And believe that
Love is real,
Love hurts
Love is kind
Love is never
Love is light
Love is life
Love is always
Jan 2019 · 714
The Sticks
Jen Jan 2019
It’s a quiet night in the sticks,
So hot and humid, shirts are drenched
And every movement leads to pure
heat exhaustion, sweat trickles down
foreheads and the fans just
Don’t cool when the air is filled
With heavy moisture and good ole’
Southern Sweet Tea can only do
So much to save your poor soul
And bless your heart and say your
Prayers and be sure to never swear
Dogs are barking louder than ever
As they chase a leaving pickup down
A dirt road named “Desire.”
Childhood memories of visiting my grandparents who lived in the sticks... I'm not sure why I decided to name the dirt road "Desire," it just felt right.
Jan 2019 · 638
Jen Jan 2019
Fog dissipated to the sheen and splendor of
Bursts that broke through twilight’s embrace
Released from their cages by night’s keeper
Right before daybreak, awakened the sleeper.
Jan 2019 · 261
Jen Jan 2019
Through fingers.
It wasn’t
And lingered
All over,
To return to the
We can live forever,
In another world.
Jan 2019 · 308
Jen Jan 2019
Traveled through the channels, as we all do.
All best wishes & raincoats, turned around before
The tunnel started, just made it on the metro line
Before the doors shut tight, right as I was inside,
Held the railing and stared out to what fell behind—
Empty lifeless passage where none are meant
To remain, among the chill and lack of heat & laughter.
Darkened skids and tracks left & said goodbye.
Poem 140... Goal : 1,000 poems.
Jan 2019 · 210
Jen Jan 2019
You reflect inside,
Deep within.
You need subtle reminders
To look out.

You hear a person in the distance say out loud,
“This is my favorite place to watch the sunset in the city...”
Introspect, looks out.

It needs these subtle reminders sometimes.
Suddenly introspect leaves for a few minutes time;
And, it’s so sublime to be out of your mind.

To see the snow kissed mountain peaks in full clarity,
Back-lit by pale pink sky so serene.
For a moment, you forget what was going on inside.
The sunset so saturating,
Orange juice might easily be squeezed from its rays.
Then you eye the towering crystal-clear star on the hill,
And for a few more seconds you forget

This poem was inspired as I was walking along one day, lost in thought, in introspect.  All of a sudden I came out of my trance as I heard a man's voice loudly say in the distance, “This is my favorite place to watch the sunset in the city...” I looked behind me from where his voice was coming from to see the most beautiful sunset.  After that I noticed the beautiful mountain peaks that sometimes I don't take the time to admire... then the shining star on top of the towering building on the hill... Introspect is the main character here.  Happy New Year. :)
Jan 2019 · 268
Jen Jan 2019
Traveled through
The cursed forest
Bewitched under
Spells for miles
Swam across a
Quicksand tank
Filled with snakes
And then jumped in
The murkiest lake  
Found it a mistake
Only to be caught
Confused and dizzy
Inside a crystal ball
Until the glass
Cracked and I found
A way out and then I
Ventured through
The queen's castle walls
And it was off
With my head yet
Somehow I dodged
The ax and then
I was fighting off
The headless man
On his horse with
A mask and so I
Kept moving along
Until I ran away
To a better time
All in my mind
To let the good in
Let's pretend
This poem is more than it seems.  This piece basically turns my real life journey into a fictional tale.  It is difficult to explain to anyone, but have you ever felt like you have faced battle after battle in life to the point where it seems stranger than fiction?  For instance, I'm a cancer survivor, and when I was going through treatments it felt like swimming through the quicksand tank filled with snakes as in it being a tough battle and just as you are making progress a snake comes along like your blood cell count drops dangerously low.  I have always had a vivid imagination, and I've used it to get through the rough times.  I know we all have our battles, and everyone's is different.  Okay, enough rambling.  To health, to happiness, to many blessings in 2019. <3 Much love. <3
Jan 2019 · 369
Jen Jan 2019
Puzzle of 12 different doors,
All put together
Minus one missing piece,
Jan 2019 · 296
My Wish for 2019
Jen Jan 2019
I have a roof over my head
and warmth in my body
and a healthy heart and food
I have family and friends
That share love from near and far
And a job that pays my bills and
Gives me a purpose in life
I know not all are this lucky
The other day
I passed the homeless camp
Near the highway exit
To see two men
Carry away a body of
Someone who died there
And load it into a van
It was a downcast day
And some aren’t so lucky
My wish for 2019 is
That everyone would
At least have the simple
Things mentioned
At the beginning of this
None of us ever know
When we might end up
On the other side
That no one
Seems to love.
I know this wish is too idealistic, but it more a sincere hope. Happy New Year <3
Dec 2018 · 727
It'll Be
Jen Dec 2018
Here, one day we’ll meet.
It’ll be the first time,
To catch your glance.
It’ll be the first time,
To touch your hand.
Do happy endings
Really exist?
Would you wait for me?
For the second
We meet?
It’ll be the first time,
To hear your laugh.
I’ll be the first time,
To say hello forever.
You’ll be the one to
Stay by my side
Until the end of
Our time
This poem is one  that describes what many can relate to... waiting to meet that person that will complete your life, the one.  I'm still young, almost 36, but sometimes it feels like a lot of my friends and family have found their partners in life.  It is easy to get discouraged, but don't lose hope!  People meet their matches every day... tomorrow is a new day full of possibilities. <3
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