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 Mar 2014 Jackie Andary
Anger pours from my being
and gets lost upon your
Endless void of a heart
I lose you
like I lose my mind-

I looked at you today.
    And I "checked you out"
for a good moment or two.
And in those moments,
I didn't really think about too much.
I just thought of you.

For the first time, in a long time,
There wasn't something
   Eating away at my thoughts.
I realized how I could really
        get used to that feeling of clarity.
And it reminded me to tell you;
          That you have the most beautiful eyes.
We are a moment of awkward eye contact
         and sweaty palms;
All the tension of the world
      weighing on feeble shoulders.

I'm not sure if we're going anywhere,
Or if we're already where we need to be.

Walking past you in the hallway,
Always makes me
Love is a fickle thought
That toys with my mind
Love is a bitter memory
Which keeps me in binds

Love is a fleeing moment
Who avoids my grasp
Love is a fighting spirit
That kicks my ***

Love is a beautiful tyrant
That takes everything away
Love is a cruel passion
Working me 'til i pay

Love is a lone work day
Bending and breaking me
Love is a blind walk
Tripping over all I see

Love is a waterfall
Drowning all that is below
Love is a steep mountain
Cold, dark, and full of snow

Love is a cool brisk spring
Filled with light and longing
Love is an autumn breeze
Wrapped warm in belonging

Love is a deep feeling
Welling up from my soul
Love is a lasting bliss
An everlasting goal
I can only
slowly tear myself to pieces
in attempts to be rid of
what has been imprinted
onto my soul
etched into my bones
as it mingles with my blood flow
I poke my fingers
through the hole in my rib cage
ripping out the mangled fragments
one tiny bit at a time
until I am as empty
as I feel
I see you as you go about your business always looking good because for some reason that is one thing you aren't able to fail at, yet sadly that's as far as it goes.

A well dressed mannequin with beautiful features but hollow on the inside. The pain reflected in your eyes reveals a hurt so deep, I'm not even sure you can be revived. And yet here I am with my super-woman complex hoping it's not too late for your soul.

I know I'm not able to save the world but I'll try where God permits me to. My main goal is just to help you see the light beyond darkness is where your soul calls home, learning to let go of old baggage and ultimately finding inner peace.

Hey you, yes you...
It's only the beginning
 Feb 2014 Jackie Andary
That time of the year again
where I feel the most vulnerable
and very lonely
but boy this year
I want to spend it with you

I promise it'd be a day filled with laughter
we'd stroll down the street holding hands
like we've known each other for years
we'll go on various of adventures
just for you to see how much I really love you

We'd go watch a sappy movie
and buy some Chinese food
and I assure you
I'd give you a meaningful card
a list of the things I love about you
with a hint of cheesy pick up lines
and some poem with it too

For this day will bring you joy
while we share our secrets
spill out our problems
reminisce some old memories
and I hope one day
this memory will be something
you'll truly enjoy

And as it comes night time
where we both go different ways
a hug will be given
and a goodnight kiss

For this day I won't let it pass by
so darling,
will you be my one and only
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