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 Mar 2014 JAK AL TARBS
You are the beginning of love for me,
This is first time I feel truly complete,
Love is truest when it gets reflected...

Equally intense & pure love we share,
Happiness & fun is evident in our life,
But I take care of Karma & duties too..

Never fear longer separation my dear,
It is the final time I or you have loved,
You are also the ending of love for me.
My HP Poem #568
©Atul Kaushal
 Mar 2014 JAK AL TARBS
you are like Balthasar
getting into business
that isn't yours
and running around without
asking permission.
taking information
into your own hands.
civil blood makes civil hands
and i know that you think
that it was right.
it would seem that
your mind is distorted
and you do not know
left from right.

stop being Balthasar.
everyone loathes him,
and if Romeo would not have
been blinded by his feelings
I'm sure he would see as
i do now.
just something i thought of earlier while watching Romeo and Juliet. has no meaning, i just really hated Balthasar lol.
 Mar 2014 JAK AL TARBS
My Relic
 Mar 2014 JAK AL TARBS
you are a relic
of the past,
history was not completed
until you joined the
generation and
showed the world what
true love really was.
oh baby
 Mar 2014 JAK AL TARBS
my need to get away is
so great that I am even
considering applying to
a school up north to
finish my high school years.

isn't that supposed to be a sign, mom?
I am utterly miserable being here and
living with the people I call "family".
the kids and teachers at school are
more a family to me than you'll ever be.

I do hope I get in,
I have the grades for it.
maybe they'll see how hell bent I am
on getting away that they'll even give me
a free ride.
sucky poem, but it's really just thoughts. I want to get away so much, I love my girlfriend and my friends and my wonderful teachers, I just hope if I do get in and decide to go, that they'll support me.
and in all honesty, I hope I can even support myself with this.
 Mar 2014 JAK AL TARBS
 Mar 2014 JAK AL TARBS
why is it that
I want to cut my throat
and watch the words unspoken
flow out of me
onto my white bed sheets?
just something that came to me today. I feel very low for some reason and I keep imagining myself grinning at the sight of a blade and how beautiful it would look on my neck.
blades DO NOT belong there though, you have taught me that only your lips do.
 Mar 2014 JAK AL TARBS
Rachel, it's just weird. You're always on the phone with her... it's just weird.

Mom, dear God if only you knew how much that hurt me. Those words struck my heart and tore it into pieces. Those words broke me.

Worst part was... you knew we were talking. How do you think that made her feel? Think she felt as much pain as I did? She just so happened to come back at that moment and I had to put on a smile like nothing hurt me.

I can't take it anymore The fake smiles and the lies and the *need
to feel. How will I survive this summer? Being around my family will drive me utterly insane. I can't even have you by me for one day this week just because of how afraid I am. If people can easily the signs at school, then sure as hell my Mom can tell that I have fallen for you

You have become my crutch and my dear, I am very glad it is you by my side. If only you could really be here. In a perfect world, you'd be by my side and I'd have you close and my scars wouldn't exist. The books I'd read would have perfect endings and the songs I'd sing would always be on key. And the world would be just as beautiful as you are to me.

Drift away darling... I might not be here when you wake up.
 Mar 2014 JAK AL TARBS
I can't think straight
my eyes are blurry and red
tears are rolling down my cheeks
I couldn't bear to wake you up
but I should've
my god, I really should have.
maybe I wouldn't be here
in this place right now
with wet bed sheets now
stained red with
tears of my

cutting doesn't release pain anymore,
it just lets me feel more.
how am I supposed to let go when
all I seem to do is let the feelings back in?
I can't take it anymore.
this constant pain.
I feel so whole,
yet so empty and I
just cant take it!

I know I am happy
yet I feel so down.
why is it that
every time i feel good
I somehow find a new
reason to get sad
I can't breathe
the thoughts have returned

 Mar 2014 JAK AL TARBS
I could kiss you
touch you
love you
                for my life time
and more.

Something about you
                                      brings my body
to life
           and my brain
flickering fast
my heart
                beating like crazy.

Love is quite complicated
                                              but it seems as if
we fall gracefully on top of
                                                each other
as if we were the
                              m  iss     ing       pi       ece
to the puzzle that is
                                    human souls.
Thanks for being my missing piece baby doll<3
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