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 Mar 2014 JAK AL TARBS
I've never been so happy.
I could write and write
about you all day long.
Some may disagree though,
"Rachel, why are you acting
so sad and so terrible?
You've been so happy lately?"

I'm sorry I lashed out once and
I decided I hated the words you
said to me the other day.
I am so, so sorry that for once
I disagreed with your words
and everything you stand for.
I am so sorry that I have a
mind of my own for once.
All I've ever known was
silence and of being owned
by you wretched people.
But, now I am free.

So free to live and to do
and to love who my heart

My heart chose her--
if I could scream it to the world,
I honestly would.
Love deserves to be known
and to be shouted
and to be whispered in
the wind.
Love deserves the attention
I'd give you,
and the songs I'll sing,
and kisses I'll touch you with.
You, my darling, deserve more than
the sadness that life brings you.
My beautiful old soul,
you are bright and such a gorgeous
and beautiful and intelligent girl,
how could I ever let you go?

No amount of poetry
or music
or even kisses
will ever be enough to
show you that you
are my love.
 Mar 2014 JAK AL TARBS
seems as if it
only wants to kiss the ground
and scare all the other
stars away from
what could be.

creeps into the souls
of the "unworthy" and the
"demented" but in reality
they are just souls
who need the Light.

But Light
seems selfish
and much like a loner.
She out shines all others
and says she is Queen.

But Darkness
is the King.
He is kind and gentle
and swift and loving--
He gives hope to those who
give back to others
and lets others
shine as well.

you are Queen
but Night
is King.

And it would seem that
you cannot decide who
would win this war
between the two
of you unworthy
A bit not my type of poetry, but my best friend Amy wanted me to write about Day and Night, so I thought I'd try and interpret what I thought. Hope its okay xoxo
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