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Oct 2020 · 164
Split Oct 2020
We'll move on
At the peak of dawn.

Out flow old cares
Through our youthful eyes.
No more despairs
As the past has now died.

Pack up our cars,
Leave behind scars
Set by these bars.

Off towards our dreams,
No longer in teams.

Left all alone,
For a life of our own.

All we once knew
Disappeared as we grew,

Yet the unknown
Will soon become home.
Mar 2020 · 236
Split Mar 2020
Could you be my pen?
Bleed out words to help me mend?

Or possibly grow as a tree
Produce oxygen to set me free?

Then perhaps become my savior,
Tear down your walls to create paper?

Allow my thoughts to soak
But only if you never smoke.

For my words turn into fuel,
Actually, all of this is much too cruel.
This one was REALLY fun to write!!! Inspired by the fact that loved ones are humans too.
Mar 2020 · 216
Create Reality
Split Mar 2020
imagination allows for limited limitations.

human instinct believes
bigger is better,
bigger is stronger,
bigger creates a winner.

yet, how is
a tiny infectious agent
enough to knock out
thousands of larger,
supposedly smarter

all matter is made up of minuscule atoms,
all great things are built from something so small
it cannot be seen: an idea.

the worry we choose to inherit
obliterates these incredible possibilities

stress piles up inside minds,
outwardly protruding onto flesh.
wrinkles create crevices
for hopes and dreams
to hideaway.

let those goals
come out and play,
give them the time of day.

there's no manual to life,
forget the rules people mandate,
it's time for you to choose your fate.
Life’s a lot more fun when you recall what you’re capable of.
Mar 2020 · 149
Split Mar 2020
I need you
to not need me.

We're so young,
soon we'll be old.

I'd hate for time to pass,
while emotions remain stuck.

All because when I needed me,
I gave myself to you.

Leaving no time
to mentally grow
at the same pace
as my body would.
Mar 2020 · 174
Children Grow Into Adults
Split Mar 2020
Are people aware that in order to have children, they have to take into account much more than whether they are getting old, or whether they are financially stable, or whether they live in a good school district? This is another human we are talking about. When you actively decide to raise a child, it’s so much more than just yourself and personal joy. Do adults ever stop and think about the pain their children will inevitably face, a lot of which they will unconsciously inflict onto them? They say parents want what's best for their kids but if that were true then they'd look at all the things they hated when they were children and they’d try to make it better. If you remember feeling dumb in school, hating the same cycle every day, not truly learning, then why are you placing your kid in the same traditional program? If you remember being hurt by your own parents, then ensure that you pay attention to every single thing you say to your own breed. As you well know it, your words will affect them for the rest of their lives, their traumas will be your responsibility. Figure out how you will make it better for them. Recall how your models of reality were created and how they affected you, odds are that you will portray those onto your children.
It seems as though people have children just as they impulsively buy a new pair of shoes; without much consideration, only seeing the good side of things. Yeah, it’s a traditional experience that our bodies are built for, but that is a gift. We treat gifts with love and respect. Just because you can doesn’t mean you are ready. Having children is such a selfish thing. Most people do it because they want to, not because they are prepared. No one is ever truly prepared, but that doesn’t mean you should just jump in.
Parents are respected because they try their best, but at times they try their best much too late. By the time those kids are teens, prepare for resentment and hate. You did this to them. It was all you.
This world is filled with billions of people hurting one another, who are you to add one or even more humans onto that?
Mar 2020 · 178
Drunken Words
Split Mar 2020
the alcohol I use
disinfects the cuts you caused.

the alcohol you use
sterilizes sober fears.

polluted breaths
release vulnerable thoughts.

your voice turned into waves,
translated by my ears.
melted down into my blood
pumping round and round
with no way out.

although I had been cleansed,
your poison reached my brain.

and as addiction goes,
relapse occurs just as we near
a year of moderation.
Abstinent of each others
verbal affection.

mistakes have been made
but they call for a change.
Mar 2020 · 189
Split Mar 2020
Back in 2nd grade
a girl told me
that my crush
thought I was fat.

On that day
my mother held me
as I cried.
On that day,
I became fat.

In 4th grade,
I overate
to cope with trauma.

In 5th grade,
I looked in the mirror
and felt old words
pound in my brain.

my mother told me to **** in,
I was only in 6th grade.

On that summer,
I began to play tennis.
I was told I could be great,
If I lost some weight.

In 7th grade,
a boy told me
I was chubby.

At 12 years old
Eating stressed me out
but eating was how I dealt with stress.

Now at 17,
I call BS.

I was nowhere near fat.
When I was chubby,
I had the right.
I almost lost my mother,
weight is what was gained.

My peers,
along with those who cared,
rewired me to hate myself,
while begging
me to love myself.

By age 13,
changing rooms brought panic,
snacks brought guilt,
whilst mirrors screamed
hateful thoughts.

But now I know the truth.

Words matter.
Mar 2020 · 187
Gringo Grandpa
Split Mar 2020
As the monitor beeped
your heart beat no more.
I held your hands,
felt you go.

What your soul once inhabited
turned pale cold.
Hands that held me in my youth
became skin and bones,
no final warmth to heal my core.

You were a gift sent from above,
why did I never think you'd go back up?

As pressure rose in my chest,
and blinding tears raced towards my heart,
I fully understood how we could impact others.

By the time you met me, your life already seemed complete.
Goals and success now stories you could tell.
Selflessly, your wisdom was passed down to many,
including myself.

And although I represent
a small percentage of your life,
you make up over half of mine.

To this day it feels unreal.
So many things I wish to share
but now your home reads "for sale".

Every day you cross my mind,
every night I pray to God,
pray for heaven to be real.

I'm well aware you still live on
within those you touched with love.

But it's not the same.

In heaven your spirit rightfully soars,
therefore my life must be grand,
grand enough to reach the skies.
Then perhaps I'll see you forevermore.
Mar 2020 · 159
Letting Go
Split Mar 2020
I feel myself letting go of what was craved for months.
Old thoughts remind me of why I used to want him.
But they've grown into habits rather than wishful yearns.

Eyes turn glossy as old pain is read.
Dried tears creep above pores,
begging not to go to waste.
Chest spins inside out
as I wonder why the good
deceivingly outweighed the bad.

Our past became habits of memory,
memories that should be treasured
for what they were,
not for what could be once more.

Who knew a name creates affliction?
Not because of what is felt
but lack there of feeling.

Perhaps this is the start
of letting go.
Nov 2019 · 198
What's the Goal?
Split Nov 2019
When will pulse increase
out of excitement
rather than fear?

regretful hearts
signal a cry.

Tears slip down
onto our heals,
feet no longer
cling to soil.

left the brain
to rot and boil.

have no grit
have no might

do as you're told
don't question molds.

oh how these days of symmetry
lack any sort of tranquility.

for now, our bodies mimic
palpitations of so-called workaholics.

actions contradicting
wishful tendencies

each obedient second
portraying societies' needle.

lackluster blood entering veins
infecting what once kept organs aflow.

in reach of hearts
it may not pump

but within our souls,
we grasp control.
Nov 2019 · 171
Read this when you can't.
Split Nov 2019
look up
look down
look all around

four walls,
a ceiling,
and so much more.

drowning in privilege
yet always on edge

search for adventures
in seek of misfortunes.

dive towards the lowest of lows
in hopes of reaching
the ultimate ditch of self-destruction.

from there,
no more soil is left to destruct
but the walls still stand for us to climb.

climb back
to the light
of dreams,
of hopes,

recall a wishful purpose,
ignite your selfless self.

people die
from what we joke about
people starve
for what we throw.
yet we cry
for the unknown.

grasp those tools of knowledge,
opportunities, and community.
Utilize them, abuse them, engulf them,
unite them as a part of you.
Then provide to whom lack what you now know.
Nov 2019 · 158
Thank You For This Loss
Split Nov 2019
How did you go from loving me
to projecting pain as you look me in the eyes?

Was it your shame or your guilt?
Was it my insecurity or lack of preservation?

I should have treasured each moment,
acknowledged why I amazed you.
I should have verbally reciprocated
my adoration and gratitude.

I let silence take place of what you deserved.
I too am at fault.

But, I've grown, and I've learned.
Your absence acting as the catalyst.
So thank you.
Thank you for
Nov 2019 · 222
Split Nov 2019
I'm admired,
some may say.

My kindness,
my courage,
my unbarred humor.

Carefree vegan,
ambitious dreamer,
propelled activist.

All these describe me,
but do they define me?

Often times . . .
after I reach my limit,
I lay in bed.
Stare up, in disappointment.
My past sins creeping in,
my future faults a movement away.

All it takes
is one wrong thought.
Just with that,
artificial confidence radiates my body.

Unaccomplished goals
drown within a drink.

Past paralyzations
demolished with moshes
and blurry vision.

My tongue shaping unfamiliar words,
executed with inescapable dread.

While cool wind invades pores,
thoughts of others
blare in ears.
With such fast-paced nights,
tomorrow becomes unworthy.

But once midnight strikes,
blotched mascara
rests on my cheeks.

Back in bed,
familiarity ignites.
I say my prayers,
my thanks,
my sorrows,
then once again,
float off towards my dreams.
Sep 2019 · 850
Split Sep 2019
It's time to sleep.
Allow your lids to cover the sins of today.
Sep 2019 · 215
Live to Tell
Split Sep 2019
I've gotten used to sitting in my room.

A bright screen lighting up my face,

fingers typing at the speed of light,

reminiscing on all the things I used to feel.

Indeed, I want to say much more,

but . . .

there comes a point
where words
have served their deed.

Where there's not much more to say.
For what has been lived,
           ­      and passed through.

Go explore,
experience the unimaginable.
Then return to pump hearts full of:
                       ­    insight,
               and undetected truisms.
Sep 2019 · 399
Split Sep 2019
I wish life had an unspoken HIPAA policy.
Split Sep 2019
Do you ever have a designated **** up day?

Bulging organs
nearing capacity.

Silver omissions
drenched in chaotic acid.

Floors swept by tarnishing stress:
piles of knowledge meant for the future,
piles of words nursing the past,
piles of tools aiding in mental destruction.

Yeah me too.
Sep 2019 · 167
Let me flee.
Split Sep 2019
What if one day
I disappeared,

Deleted my virtual existence,

Stopped seeing my regular friends,

Lost contact with all?

What if one day
I stopped wishing
For who I could one day be,

And instead,
Became that being?

What if one day
I turned off the world around me,

And did all the things I ever wished?

In a month I’d rid my old skin,
Sweat off my past disappointments,
Reminders of sin.

In a month my hair would grow
To lengths of which I myself paved,

In a month
My knowledge of
Culture ,
and Myself,
Would expand.

But in that month
I’d lose my friends.
Hurt those who simply cared and wondered.

What would that make me?
Just as bad as those
Who urge me to disappear?

Or just as good as those
Who promote self-evaluation?

There is indeed a middle balance.
But that . . .
that's for the healthy-minded.
I remember when I truly wished to escape to a land where I was unrecognizable. I'm glad I've gotten better since the day I had originally written this poem.
Jul 2019 · 185
The Now.
Split Jul 2019
Value yourself.
For as you creep into the past,
you wish to have loved yourself then.
Jul 2019 · 288
Soon-to-be Scars.
Split Jul 2019
You were a shattered chandelier.

In hopes of preservation,
he swept you up.
And in the midst,
cut himself.
Jun 2019 · 363
Boundless Illusion
Split Jun 2019
People ask me
what I'd like to be when I'm older.
Dumbfounded, I am left.

Not because I'm not ambitious,
not because I have no dreams,
but because I am electrified.
Exhilaration numbing all words.

Yet with all that joy
fear so elegantly prances in my dreams.
Fear of failure,
loss of desire.
That everything I've ever wanted
will crush the cord of paralyzation.

Post the detour
of invasive claims,
I remember who I am.

A person who lives in the moments
during the day,
and is wishful at night.
A comforting balance.

In the day
eyes shine bright
with gratitude.
For the future is unknown
while the now is wildly understood.

At night trepidation flees,
whilst reverie is on its knees.
For in this world,
a star-lit sky sets no limits
on who I want to be.
Jun 2019 · 999
Split Jun 2019
I used to crave human attention
but I'm in need of an evacuation.
Jun 2019 · 488
Unworthy Diffidence
Split Jun 2019
Those we admire
are just like us . . .

Blood flow pursuing verbatim paths.
Lungs expanding to the same formula.
Muscles reacting to similar nutrients.

But I'm skeptical . . .
on whether their heart beats
as mine does.

                                      With blissful affliction.

Has their cerebrum been invaded
with the airborne infection of confusion?

Uncertain if they fear the way I do
I wonder . . .

"Have they. . .

Cried over a hiatus of failure?

Panicked through the unknown?

Wished upon futile speculation?"

So tell me.
Have you?
Jun 2019 · 237
Once Upon a Time
Split Jun 2019
Fearless, I was.

Confidence aiding in prosperity.

It was like a trade:

for my success,

I gave my courage.

Now I have something to lose.

And that terrifies me.
Jun 2019 · 312
Split Jun 2019
I used to lie awake at night.
Thoughts buzzing in my sore mind.

Of what went wrong
in order for it to go right.

I used to read their agony,
in hopes that mine would flee.

In search of poets with my despair,
thumbs went numb,
eyes dried out,
and I felt dumb.

Now I know how much I’ve grown.
For I now scroll in search of art,
how it should've been from start.

Tonight I find myself
reading authentic work,
your personal rumination.

Old afflictions
aiding in the annihilation
of unworthy reflection.

That's the beauty behind words.
They don't remind us of our pain,
they depict how much we’ve gained.
Jun 2019 · 370
True Love
Split Jun 2019
The best love to encounter
is the type within friendships.

That's the type of love
I'd truly hate to waste.

Where we are there no matter what,
where we forgive despite the odds.

Where we express the indescribable
without the fear of misconception.

That's the love
I love to give.
Jun 2019 · 296
We Decompose.
Split Jun 2019
It’s funny how they say time heals.
Yet every second that passes
We near an inevitable illness.
Jun 2019 · 244
Turn Back Time
Split Jun 2019
It’s 4 am and I can’t help but wonder
How we live with the knowledge
Of the pain within others.

Within those with no shelter.
No resources.
No freedom.

It’s 4 am and I’m confused
On how we dare harm our planet.
Our home, our everything.

How we prefer to feed our needs
Rather than spare the earth
A bit of torture.

It’s 4 am and my heart aches
at the thought of intentional harm.
At the thought of incompetent behavior.

Overproduction of animals, plastic,
Just for the consumption of greed.

It’s 4 am
And my previous mistakes
Of careless, selfish actions
Rightfully taunt me.
Please understand that actions have consequences, any bit of good will add up. Use less plastic, eat less animal products, and donate your time along with your resources to those in need (your knowledge can also be shared, one does not understand their harm until given the facts).
Jun 2019 · 182
Acorn Lips
Split Jun 2019
Sharp face
of allegations.
Innocence carved through the edges.
October eyes,
like star-filled skies,
and a sun-kissed mouth
with words that pound.

In the hollows of an ally,
she leaned alone,
on top of scars that hibernate
on silver legs.

Worn out, she was.
in pain, she walked.
and as she left,
hope had remained.
Whom had filled
her once lit eyes,
who had felt her cries,
who had been there
the whole time.
Jun 2019 · 800
Heart Surgery
Split Jun 2019
I've always wanted
to be a surgeon.

But I never thought my first procedure
would be cutting you out of my life.
Nov 2018 · 276
Split Nov 2018
it takes every restless cell

within my thought-provoking flesh

to not look into those gorgeous grey glossed eyes.

one sinful glimpse impetuously fills me with warmth

the hellish warmth of foreseen light

leaping from dream to reality.
Aug 2018 · 1.7k
Our Shredded Souls
Split Aug 2018
Don’t look.
Go look.
No. Don’t go look.

I wait all day
I wait all night
Once midnight strikes
I know it’s time.

You are my poison in disguise.
The reason for my lies.

Red streaks on white
Veins all aligned
I know now you’ll speak your mind.

Words like water in broken glass
Each ear a sponge that always lasts.

Four hours until alarms quake.
Vulnerable conversations
Now somewhere in a deep dull lake.

But this one must be our last.
As I no longer wish to be your hearts cast.

My mind must accept
That the shreds of your love
Are not mine to repair.

For her actions have damaged your soul
Now we shall take a step back
And learn to be on our own.
Jun 2018 · 1.4k
Maybe it's a Rut
Split Jun 2018
I'm confused
on how I feel.
why I feel.
how I should feel.
and how to feel.

60 minutes on 60 minutes
should've been on could've been
1,440 minutes of numb eyes
on pointless screens

my heart now beats to simply beat
no motivation towards a passion
no passion to propel a motivation

fresh flesh decays
beneath acidic tears
that crawl out of me
like termites with a notion
of my poison

my urge to improve is deeply missed
back when my heart was the sun
a star that gave a tomorrow
but all I have is right now
a still moment full of sorrow
May 2018 · 3.3k
microscopic dynamite
Split May 2018
a bean like no other
bitter and white;
a microscopic dynamite,
peristalsis using all its might

my cave so suspenseful and hollow
ridges lined along its curves
churning to my so-called mental benefit
those gastric juices now released,
microscopic dynamite
simply had one more muscle to defeat

a match at last perceived
microvilli yearning love ,
in, it took the dynamite.
yet confused it became as
micro relations only last a short while.

"Nutrients" absorbed,
betrayal on its way
the bloodstream sent in shock
oh such bloodless atriums
oh such vaulted ventricles.
oh how my blood flow met its end.

Although deceiving it had been
no promises were riven
the dynamite exploded
and at last
no longer was I broken.
Split May 2018
I envy those who can say
Their life is like a puzzle.
Each piece confusing
Yet each piece a piece.
May 2018 · 1.8k
Eventually . . .
Split May 2018
Ask me how I am
Text me when you miss me
Ride your bike to my home
And don’t ever let me be alone

Tell me you adore me
Shower me in love
Don’t take me for granted
Be who we’ve always wanted

Kiss me with your words
Hug me when I’m sad
Wipe my tears away
And tell me there’s another way

But before you do all that
We must cross each others paths
Search our street
To make sure that we meet

Yet for the time being
Promise me that you’ll
And respect
The idea of me.

— The End —