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Sep 2016 · 524
LSD Monolouge
E Sep 2016
I  cant shake the idea though,
of us in that water,
like the goo of spacetime and the universe,
beings of energy interrupting the mathematical perfection,
agents of entropy manipulating matter and creating ripples that travel for miles and miles tweaking strings in time that may yet unravel to chaos
Mar 2016 · 785
The Electricity Pub
E Mar 2016
Before tonight,
It was a wink and a nod,
Then a bar stool scrapped the floor,
And in 4 seconds we spoke the languages,
Confidence, Affection, Lust, Anticipation
Yet not one word escaped our lips

The glowing warmth of reality.

I still speak those languages, better than I ever have,
But my fingers do not
Nor do these plastic keys
And I wink at this flat glass box
And it showers me in pale light
I reach out to caress its shoulder
And it bathes me in pale light

I spent all night in The Electricity Pub
And I saw hundreds of faces, perfectly still,
My fingers tried to reach out,
They nailed the keys without apprehension,
And all the blank faces stared back in silence

Except yours.
Nov 2015 · 618
A Poem For Luna
E Nov 2015
Wash the sleep from your eyes
Stretch your spine, breathe deep, and rise
I'll hold your warmth and soak in your spirit,

I'm inconsolable, yet you smile at me
I hold you tighter, yet still you resist me

To give the order, to end a life
A burden inhumane, yet our common strife

Sweet Luna my steady, my first and last of the day
It was not just your life I lost on this day
We are unfinished marble, chipped, warped, and parlayed
Joyed life and clean death, these are the sins that we pay

Sweet Luna, catch a mouse for me, obliterate your prey
Sweet Luna claim a chest for me, bring love where you stay

Luna Moonfang
Rest in Peace
Nov 2015 · 334
E Nov 2015
A man is his purpose,
By force, or fruition

A man is his motivation,
By fear, or fondness

A man is his sacrifice,
By loathing, or love

A man is his duty,
By king, or country

A man is the sum
of things he cannot control,
and when finally laid to rest,
his story goes untold
Sep 2015 · 2.2k
E Sep 2015
I fear how much my heart would bleed
To witness real tragedy

To sink in Flanders Field
To collapse in Choeung Ek
To scream for mercy in Nanking
To beg before the walls of Baghdad

A life of insulation
Pain relative to the first world
My heart hardly calcified
Compared to the bones of those who died

Hardly removed from the horrors of mankind
My drywall castle shields each breath

So hardly removed
From the stench of death
Sep 2015 · 921
Shoulders of Giants
E Sep 2015
I danced my way down
High knee, low foot
A satyr's frolic
Tingling feet, soft moss, fertile soil

One by one I  pecked the seeds from my pack
Into the soil I pressed them, one by one by one
Hopes, Dreams, Ambitions, Aspirations
One, by one, by one, by one,

I sprinkled the seeds with my lifeblood,
I recited my prayer to the earth,
I grinned wild and the sky smiled!
The Giants will know my work
Sep 2015 · 4.2k
E Sep 2015
Gemini, oh Gemini,
Build your bridge of trust,
Inlay the stones carefully
And I'll tear it down in lust

Gemini, sweet Gemini,
Set your fence up straight,
Smile at your progress,
While I burn it down irate

Gemini, dear Gemini,
Paint your dreams with bliss,
Beg me for asylum,
Scratch out of my abyss

Gemini, my Gemini,
Let's not skid too far,
Paradoxical dependence,
I still am who you are
Aug 2015 · 417
At The End of Wacker Drive
E Aug 2015
I saw a cresting sunrise through the corridors of steel
Was it 5 a.m. already?
A convalescence of clouds, ruby tint, and gold trim

At the corner of Columbus and Wacker I took a stumbling left
Where is all the traffic?
Two hundred yards ahead, and the road....

Despite sleepless nights of sketching
somehow, a road escaped reason
In the heart of the midwest
this grand testament to urban planning
couldn't help but make one mistake

I stood at the edge
lording over the land
and with ***** stained breath
I declared myself king!

The sun lent me her crown
The city exhaled it's approval
And I saw my first sunrise

At The End of Wacker Drive
Aug 2015 · 880
All Men Must Die Alone
E Aug 2015
Blood, Skin, Stalk and Stone
Proud men must die alone

Brass, Steel, Flesh and Bone
Brave men must die alone

Dust, Parchment, Ink and Tone
Wise men must die alone

Velvet, Gold, Crown and Throne
Rich men must die alone

Cold, Dark, Scared and Unknown
Drifting, Spinning, Circling and Prone
Empty for eons, Ego's Overgrown
Mankind must die alone

— The End —