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280 · Jul 2018
A letter to my mother
Lisa Jul 2018
Hello mother, it's me your daughter, I've been thinking lately and I need to get something off my chest, you hurt me, not physically but emotionally, you've promised me things so many times and broke them, you promised me you stop drinking cause your so mean and violent and call me names,
That's all I hear while your drunk, I try to care for you but you keep calling me lazy and a bad daughter, but I'm trying to get a job so I can help you pay the **** bills, but you don't care
That's all you say when I tell you I don't want you drinking and driving, I don't wanna lose you, your my only mom and you don't understand if I lose you I'll be broken I'll also have no where to go if I lose you, I care about you but it seems you dare care about that, when i wasnt living with you, i had a terrible life but living with you aslo is ad terrible, I also know you havnt had the perfect life and you have a abusive bf right now but you don't need to take it out on me, im your daughter for god sake, so if you dont grow up and act your age I'm leaving, I don't know where I'll go but ill find a place, I'll show you I'm more than you think of me, I'll show you I'm not lazy and that I'm a hard worker, and when I'm at the best of my life please don't talk to me cause I'm not going to help you no more and words will no longer hurt me as they do now
I was emotional while writing this, I wanna tell my mom this badly

— The End —