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I'm sorry.
I wish that opening
My mouth and finding
The words to say
Was easier.
I wish that I could be there
For ever golden moment
Of your exsistence.
I'm sorry.
That leaving my bed
Is sometimes so monumental
A task, I collapse in the doorway.
I'm sorry.
That when you invite me out,
My heart races
Only at the thought of
The whisper of my blankets
As I crawl back to them.
I'm sorry.
That I'm selfish
And won't respond
When you need me
Because I can't handle
Any more darkness.
I'm sorry,
That I don't tell you
How much I love you
For even trying.

I'm sorry.
Usually, waking up is
Like trying to crawl through
Razor wire while every
Bone in your body is screaming
At you to take a breather,
Because no matter what you do,
You will not be on time,
Ready to survive another day-
In five minutes.

I'm not sure if you understand
What it is like to have every
Single neuron in your brain
Speaking so loud you would think
You were at a show standing
In front of the speakers.

Living with depression and anxiety
Is difficult, my lack of motivation
Is only ******* by my fear
Of letting you down.
I am sorry that I can't
Show up smiling
Every morning.

I'm tired.
I do not like walls,
Too constricting.
I find myself scratching
At the raised corners
Of the wallpaper
Looking for a single crack
I can escape from.

I do however,
Love windows.
I want to believe you.
I want to believe that I
Ignite something new in you
And bring light into your life,
But its hard.

Its hard for me to imagine
That there is any light left in me.
The idea that I am not barren,
But an oasis where you feel
You can rest within
Scares me.

I have lived my whole life
As nothing. I have been taught
That being something like this
In someone elses eyes
Is devastating.

Because to be this thing,
This light that cannot be put out,
Is so monumentally important
That there is no way it was
Meant for me.

I can only hope that as you
Stare into the wreck that
Is unfortunately everything I am,
You still find something
Worth while.
In all of my travels,
I have never felt as though
If I weren't kissing someone,
Or If my hand was not firmly
Planted against the small of their back,
The whole of creation
Would crumble.

I have never seen
The universe at rest
In a single strand
Of hair out of place.

I have felt fire before,
But never hoped for fourth degree
Burns touching all the way
To my bones.

I tend to compare women to all
Of life's beautiful things.
But I'll be ****** if you aren't
A thunderstorm.

So bring the rain.
Send lightning through my veins
With your lips and flood
Me with your words.

We can splash in the puddles
That were our pasts
And wash away the world
I am the literal definition
Of a complete and total disatser.
I stop breathing when
My books are out of place
On the shelves, or if I
Describe the wrong green
In a story.

I like to imagine the world
As a board game. Each decision
Leading me a space closer to when
My soul can rest and the past
No longer echoes in my ears.

Sometimes I trip over
Words and fall on my own
Tongue when I try to express
Myself as if I were the corner
Of the carpet in a dark room.

Other times Im manic.
And I will laugh like I belong
In an asylum because the words
On my heart will be too hard
To encompass with just a few sentences.

You my dear;
You bring all the chaos
In my head to a standstill.
You bear witness to the dark
And offer whatever light
You can to see a smile pressed into
My lips.

My mind never stops.
Always tossing me with the tide
Hoping somewhere I will
Find a direction worth following
All the way to the
End game.
Maybe I have finally figured out
How to get there.
In all my years I never thought
Love would be like this,
That when I met my soul mate it would be
Three seperate pieces of the same picture.
When I met my best friends,
I had no idea what I was in for.
I didn't know love like theirs
Exsisted in the world.

When I say their love moves mountains,
What I mean is that with it,
You could move the earth into
Your own design.
When I say that their love is the
Ocean tide I mean that they are
The tidal waves that clear
Cities from the coasts.

It is powerful and unyeilding
Because they look into my darkness
And tell me Im worth more
Than the stars in the sky.
For the first time in my life
I can look in the mirror and see
What they see.
This is what true love is.
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