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Eliza Oct 2017
Forget the greats
The songs the films
I've got myself a woman
I got my old version
I got my younger version
I got my new self
And my old self too
I got so many of me
I've got a woman
Inside and out
I'll never be without
There's a woman
Standing inside me
I'm so lucky because
No matter what
Who why or when
I got me a woman
I get to always have me
Eliza Jun 2017
I shall write about your lips
And how their colour never fades
About the magic in your eyes
As they are fixed upon mine
How your touch touches mine
And the way your body moves
Almost as beautifully, as your mind
Eliza May 2018
Hate the sin but love the sinner
You don’t need to hate the whole person
But you can disagree with the action
Don’t blame and shame people inform and explain
Forgive them for they know not what they do
We reach people when we talk to them with understanding
Talk to them in the way you wish someone spoke to you
Before you knew what you now do
If a kind way resonates with you then spread that
The best way is to come from a peaceful place
Those who have the privilege to know have the duty to act
One person does make a difference and
Together we are changing the world
Eliza Apr 2017
Cant help but think I might die
And all these things I do
I keep
Will be sorted by someone who doesn’t understand them
Or there order
Or meaning
And my life
And how I view it
Will never be remembered or viewed in the way I want it to be viewed
Because no one thinks like me
And sees like me
I want to put the picture of the the candle under the picture of kurt cobain
Even if I don’t put it there
I will know what it is there
Because I wanted it to be there
And no one will ver know that its ther
No one will even take it down
Because they wont be able to
Get in my head
I’ll be dead
I don’t mind dying young
And if youre reading this now
Id ike to mention that I don’t care about my spelling
And I have a good thought that iw ant to share with someone special
Someone who is interested
I haven’t said it out loud yet
But I thought to myself after work on Thursday
As I was walking from the bus stop and I decided to cross the road instead of go over the bridge because my legs hurt
That I was wasting my life
Because I am doing things
And for the first time I felt amazed
That you can waste your life by doing things
And by not doing anything
And that feeling doesn’t go anywhere
No matter what you do
That curiousity that your life is passing you by
Happens no mater what
I make the most of everyday
Occasinsly I sit down and don’t do anything and I drink tea and I write (like now)
But here in japan I do things I feel I would never have done
When I am so tired I want to pass out on the floor I do things
I am so busy I love it
And I am so happy
And yet the thought just wizzed thorugh me like when your drunk and you need to be sick
And it just happens it hits you and all a sudden you’ve been sick and didn’t know how or why or that is was going to happen
That wa slie this tought and I thought shall I write this down
NO ill remember this
I wont forget it and I wanted to say it to people
I have wanted to share
But what better person to share it with
Eliza Apr 2017
There’s a type of kiss in them all
When your head rests tired upon a pillow
When you depart from a friend
When you greet them again
The drunken fool that finds itself somewhere new
The overrated kind of many red carpet couples
The heat shared with water shared with sun
The unwelcome display like eyes in a mirror
The empty cold interaction of strangers lips meeting
The unfold of emotion like the opening of an envelope
The electric feeling with barely any movement
And the way I wish to kiss you
That requires no description
Eliza Jul 2017
Have you got the time
To write about
Why you and I fit
And how you feel
Giving me all you know
There’s a certain magic
That no language can
I didn’t feel it I didn’t feel
Like your lips were made
For mine
How can it be my soul
Hears yours and
Yet your kiss reminds me
Of all the ones that
Got away
He watches my world
When he’s with me
And I go in overdrive
There’s no cap
On what I say
He wouldn’t hurt me
But I feel in my gut
That somethings not right
How do I find the words
To express my desire to run
I think it was the kiss
Lack of passion
I don’t dream of your face
But I see myself hurting
Through hurting you
So I have to stay positive
I have met you
A man of dreams
With all the conversation
To save a war
But I wasn’t all there
So I couldn’t think straight
How is it I can like you
And not want to be yours
Eliza Jun 2017
Walk the distance of your reach
Did you have time to blink
There’s an ache we are born with
It represents those we have lost
And those we never got
Mark your weight on your way
The journey might make you stay
In mind is all I need
Only if you let me see
Will I take your hand trustingly
Give me the power and shape
That forms my world in depth
And I will argue my case
Until the last bird flies
Above our heads and hands
Eliza Dec 2019
Do you think you are strong?
Do you think you are brave?
Do you think you could be loved again?
Eliza Jul 2018
You have clung to me
And I am in paradise
Eliza Aug 2017
There is no right way
No do that or don't do that
Just make sure you eat
And get some rest
And speak what needs to be
Said if it's help you're after
Look after yourself
Until you're better
Eliza Jun 2017
Love is like flying
And you forget how to walk
So you fly the highest you can
The fastest you can
You fly and you fly
You love and you love
Eliza Sep 2017
I was walking behind
My man's bike trial
And the saying arrived
If you can think of three
Reasons why you don't
Want to be with them
Don't be with them
And I quickly got to two
I tried to think of a no.3
It was on the tip of my
Angry and disgusted tongue
Only one more reason
And I'd be long gone
I began the preparation
But there was none
I tried to use his bike
Or the way he walked
His pace was a little fast
He was breathing loud
But I couldn't make one
He's mine I tell you
He's staying by my side
That's why I forgave him
I like his walk, his pace
And his breathing sound
I had counted to three
Three reasons to stay
To keep him close to me
Eliza Apr 2017
Stood on the inside of the shop window
Frozen and dumbfounded
She watched him walk by
She waited to catch his eye
All she could do was postpone
Eliza Jun 2017
I want to write about you but
I don’t want you to know
How you inspire me
To run and walk in the rain
And do what I want to do
I don’t know how you do it
You make me want to
Live freely and cross the park
And avoid the path I’d usually stick to
You make me want to be an adventure
Eliza May 2017
I couldn’t understand what he meant
But I watched his face intently and
Tried to think of what he could be saying to me
And I said words he might mean but to my dismay inaccurately
So I got more staff to try to translate to me when they could
And I helped him eat and hold his drink up to his lips
After realising his favourite mug had recently smashed
And I understood when he said this MS it’s a ******
And I laughed with him and smiled widely to hide my watery eyes
He paints and he likes to mention his daughter
He was really good at recalling dates but not names
He reminded me of my dad, a retired head teacher
My heart melted when he looked at me and said
Thank you and all I could say was you are welcome
It was an honour
Eliza Sep 2017
Never as hot as summer
Never too cold to hide
Never waiting for winter
Never wanting to say
Eliza Aug 2017
They never get enough credit
They don't ask for nothing
You can open your eyes
And feel them
Despite whatever life throws
We always say
And you better believe it
The worst is too and today
I think well it broke me in two
And I felt their presence
The ones I have always turned to
They opened their eyes for me
And I want to thank them
For their time and for their
Energy that so greatly completes me
Today I am grateful for the love
That powered me through
Eliza May 2018
My grace and childhood joy
She holds the crown of memory
Without realising she creates
The greatness that lives within
A whirlwind of hidden honesty
We are yet to differentiate from another
Or watch our paths go the opposite way
She stands on one side I stand on the other
We always stand together
Eliza Apr 2017
Haven’t you heard?
Nostalgia ***** with your mind
I found out today
Like a Monday morning
After a heavy weekend
You know it’s coming
You can imagine it true
I know this will join the past soon too
Have you ever stopped a car
To write something down?
Or felt the world rise above your reach?
Why do we only remember certain things
At certain times?
It’s the forgetting
That causes the real problems
Why do some memories
Of dreams get lost?
Who decides which ones
We forget?
The ones we don’t forget
Become our life
Eliza Oct 2017
He said as we were lying in bed
Don't think you are alone
You're never alone with me
And we were saying goodbye
Not forever but in some way
He's not mine and I'm not his
But he said to me you are never
Alone with me so I lay in my bed
And I thought of his words
You are never alone with me
He's not mine any longer
He's not mine no more
I let him go and I went my way
But he's still with me
Like he said he would be
I'm not alone no longer
I don't feel alone no more
He's not either he's got me
Eliza May 2017
So I guess I'm attracted
To people like you
And the way you grabbed me
And pulled me in
You kissed me in bed
With the confidence
Of a boyfriend
In a three year relationship
Yet there was no sincerity
To your energy
And whatever I do next
It won't heal your inability
To respect me
You don't know I get anxiety
Because of people like you
So you barge in and break down
My walls without any thought
Of the consequence
And of course it comes down to you
Not knowing me
So why do you care
I want a man that makes me
Glad to be a woman not one
That makes me wish
I was born a man
You might hold me right
But you let my mind fall
With no consideration at all
I cannot offer you friendship
Not for what I'd lose to keep you
Eliza Jun 2017
I call upon them
For a little tea party
Destination unknown
I can't give too much away
When they have so much already
And what makes me so special to them?
I might make that the main topic
Of conversation
When we all sit down together
To discuss trivial things like the weather
Because that's all it is and all we are
Conversations going round in circles
And if you think you're important
Or anyone thinks highly of you
Then arrange to meet with them too
Eliza Jun 2017
One day we will sit in the garden
And you will bring me a cup of tea
I'll look at you and say I love you
You'll smile and we'll sit together in silence
Taking in every minute
Eliza Aug 2017
My new man he holds my hand
But I don't think he wants to know
How I'm doing or what I'm thinking
Like he says he does with such optimism
Some days I feel fine like a Beatles song
Others I wish for my face to explain the sorrow
So I don't have to speak at all
You aren't here on this earth to save me
No one is and I know that don't think I expect it
They say what have you been up to?
I get told everyone feels like that though
I think okay but that's not really helping me
It's too intense for me - today is a day
And that feels all too much for me
It's all pointless and takes too much energy
It's all an illusion anyway
I said I don't feel well in my mind
He said what do you mean
I said well I think it wouldn't be that bad
If suddenly I was dead he said I see
It's uncontrollably taking over me
But I know I'm okay and things will
Make sense some day soon but I just
Miss my old love with every ounce of me
Then by surprise someone new said to me
If you do want to go for a drink
Sometime I will happily take you I said
I'm sorry I can't accept but I am flattered
When I go to the gym
I will never not think of him
Eliza Aug 2017
I think I make it all up
The good the average
The uncertainty
Not everything comes
Or belongs in pairs
And it’s true to say
You didn’t have me at hello
But because I make it up
I have decided
You had me from that time
You dared to utter
Those two words
Don’t go
Eliza Mar 2018
Why don't people like
To talk about the pain
I'm all ears to the truth
Pain doesn't mean
Life is deliberately cruel
Pain isn't here for the devil
It doesn't hide from a god
Pain just exists so why don't we
Acknowledge it a bit
It's always the troubled ones
That speak the truth
They know how to live with it
Eliza Aug 2017
Can you stitch me up
Or take my stitches out
Can you feed me
Or tell me what not to eat
Can you help fix me
Or help me help myself
Can you see my path
Or has it not been written
Can you hold my hand
Or push me forward
Can you make me laugh
Or take away my tears
Can you piece me together
Or bring me peace of mind
Can you be me for a day
Or allow for me to be you
Either or neither
Whatever it will be
Forget the rest
And just come with me
Eliza Jun 2017
One thing they wouldn't say
She seized the day
I tend to ponder and wait
Decide when to speak
Those who know me
Would probably tell you
She thought too much
Enough to write it down anyway
I disagree with them though
For those never thinking
Remain dead
Eliza May 2017
I wish I could watch a film
Of myself alone in Japan
And how I wandered around
Tokyo - lost and transparent
And when I watched
Lost in Translation high
In my square bath tub
I wish I could get back there
To remember more of it
And watch the people go by
Like in a magnificent film
Or the video by The Killers
Read My Mind
Eliza Jul 2017
How can
Can't see
If not
Eliza Apr 2017
You lack sentiment
So I guess I have to give you up
While I'm ahead
I have no time to waste
If you are expecting
Some fun
Find someone else
To fuel your ego
My peace is worth more
Than your potential
I know what to look out for
After years of being around it
Without realising
I could take you for face value
And you could appreciate my looks
But my mind needs stimulation
Not speculation
Don't use me to work on your
Dating game
I'm 25 and I know how I want to feel
Maybe in a few years you'll be more
Maybe in a few years I'll be more
Easy going
But my greatness lies within my
And this time I'm going to worship it
When it tells me to run
Eliza Aug 2017
So I'm trying
This brand new
Responsible living
The blame is not
On anyone but me
And I'm reaching out
To help people
Help me and cope
In ways I haven't
Thought of on
My own it's a bit
Of a loophole
Seen as I need to
Help myself on
My own in the end
But I thought I'd
Start somewhere
So I picked one
To send a message to
And hear back from
I can only laugh at
The irony it's been
Four of the best days
Life heard and replied
I got no text back
Eliza Jun 2017
I said you are lovely
You replied you are more
I think the reason I love you so
Is because of who you are
And how you feel so much emotion
But you don't bare all
I respect your quiet heart
And love you for who you are
I truly think you are lovely
Because you really are
Eliza Aug 2019
Undercover and in pain
Let my secrets out again
I know when to rest my mind
My one man band conclusion
Is always that Gloria is saying
I will survive this round
Yet my heroic strides
Only wake to meet me
When I am alone
The quiet truth is
My strength evaporates
Around the space
That is around you
It's the in between bits
That just won't do
You step carefully up to my door
And arrive with the flowers
Your smile brightens the room
You make me feel like an heirloom
Discovered treasure in the ocean
Or a loved national anthem
Just when I feel the right balance
You step playfully off the see-saw
You walk back out into the world
With your smile as your crutch
I look at you one last time
And I feel I am a forgotten stone
I feel more alone than when you were
Never coming back
There's always going to be time
For separation
But when you go I go too
I want to be the paths you walk upon
I long to be your uber driver
Even for the briefest encounter
I would love to be a street onlooker
Admiring your face from a distance
I long to be everyone you are yet to meet
The person who sells you lunch
The people who complain at work
I'm jealous of the silly jokes
I'm a bit reluctant to admit
I want to be able to say goodbye
And still hold delight in my day
But my time without you
Feels like life is going back to school
Like I feel when I am to read a book
Like the time used to practice the piano
To prepare for the next big event
But without cheers, big crowds
Or admiring eyes around
The undercover pain
That I am speaking of
Is not written about enough
That my strength as I know it
Vanishes when I know
I am only intermittently
Going to be without you
Eliza Aug 2017
Pack light
Don't add
Take off
In life
It's about
Working out
What needs
To stay
Not arrive
Eliza Apr 2017
“What would you do?”
Asked the owl to the top hat
As the clock bellowed down the stairs
And into the suitcase below
To which they had both retired to
“For one can only wonder”
He muttered with a disguised echo
Of encouragement to answer
Such a wonder of a query
Full of many a mystery
Not the first wanting to know his lines
That sum up his reasoning in life
But the owl knew even before he spoke
It is not his place to know, ask or provoke
Withdraw before the thoughts appear
Eliza Sep 2017
The man of my sunset sky's
We're all humans in disguise
I fall, I fly, I fail, I feel, I watch him
I watch him in the light
I feel him in the dark
There is no stardust in his hands
There is no magic within his eyes
There is a human stood before me
Tears down his cheeks and a fear
In his heart I felt scared and he did too
We're all humans in camouflage
No act, no play, no camera and action
Just the sound of him snoring
The way he drinks his tea
That is what stays with me
The human inside him is also inside me
Eliza Apr 2017
I don’t feel like I’m choking and every breath is scarce
I breath huge breathes
Not to survive but to appreciate the air
I don’t feel like I’m being squeezed
By that python we imagined entering your room
Strangling is not a fate I anticipate
I just feel like the frog sat on my finger
Wanting to linger
Knowing everyone is alone in this life
Knowing everyone is human
Fearless, desperate for wisdom
Accepting my moves will carry me on my way
Eliza Sep 2017
Who's it for? This life?
Is it for me or for you?
I look back and see all the characters
I played for you
And I wonder what I would think
If I was you
Standing and looking back at me
Eliza Aug 2017
Twas free and unhindered
The kind where you'd say
Just a Lou Reed day
Eliza Sep 2017
You’ve got me good I'll admit
You’ve got me thinking that
With your superb intentions
And your feelings directing me
Taking my soul this way and that way
You’ve got me always walking past
Those unlucky drains and pavement cracks
You've got me thinking it's all planned out
You’ve got me aligning my universe
Each time I mind my steps carefully
My boyfriend notices and joins in too
All this time you got me thinking I own you
Superstition you’ve got a hold on me
You got me trained to look for the number 3
In everything I see and do do do
There's no harm in touching things equally
Superstition you've been moulding me
But I don't believe I deserve misery
After experiencing happiness anymore
I won't disown you completely
But I'll be walking under the next ladder I see
Eliza May 2017
Don’t do it if you feel alone
Or is that when you should
Take the leap because well
What have you really got to lose?
If it goes you never had it in the first place
I heard you only lose what you cling to
So, tell me, what are you afraid of?
I don’t mean something that you
Feel distant from like death or war
Or some form of illness in the future
I mean right now in this very moment
I want to know about you, yes you
And I want you to know about me too
What makes you feel scared and nervous
What if you get caught out for that secret
That nobody even knows about?
I want to know what you worry about
Would you like to take a leap with me?
Eliza Apr 2017
Take all the art and fill a room
Walk into it, look around
That’s how I feel when I’m with you
Eliza Apr 2017
Why do people criticise the television?
The television is on again
Why don't you go outside
And see the world instead
There's nothing in there
Are the same voices
That wish to see the
Amazon rainforest
And the deep blue sea -
Documentaries are on at 3
Eliza Sep 2017
I’ve been a yes woman
A sad woman
A hopeful, naïve & reckless woman
A hard-working woman
A silly, giggly, late, clumsy woman
A here for one night only woman
A stupid, stubborn, weak woman
An affectionate, elegant, sophisticated woman
I’ve been a drug taking dancing queen
A drunken fool, heartbroken and screaming
I’ve been a silent soul on a route to nowhere woman
I’ve been a woman on the run
I’ve been a forever moving power woman
I’ve been a friendly and loving woman
I’ve been a bookshop and museum type woman
I’ve been a hello poetry woman
A depressed, lifeless, tainted woman
And a smiley, angelic, beautiful woman
I’ve been an adventure thrill seeker woman
A I’ll laugh at anything woman
And a miserable, grumpy, ungrateful woman
I’ve been a mad woman
But I’ve never been a man
I’ve only been a woman
Eliza Jul 2017
There isn't one way
Don't you see
You are moulding yourself
And what you will be
I ask myself why him
What good will he bring
Am I ready
And then like a lightening strike
I'm next to you
Forgetting everything else
That has been and will be
All I say is can we drink tea
Don't you see
I didn't have a choice
My path has asked for you
To walk alongside me
There are no rules
There never have been
But I like to think
You took them all away
And let me be free
Eliza Jun 2017
It isn’t that the hopes and dreams of my future
Have now set sail and are pinned in the corneas
Of your consistent yet unpredictable blinking eyes
I do not long for you to be my every minute of every hour
Nor do I gasp at the thought of dark days or our love
Becoming and ending in disaster
It is enough for me to accept we like to see each other
Just as much as I’d hoped we could and whether you walk away
Or walk near I will know you once felt similar to the mind
I live in as I write this letter
I am content with today and that’s the sound of something greater
I believe in unexpected change and it doesn’t spark the same fear
In my body as it used to - the unknown is inevitable
You aren’t my world you are just in it
The beauty, although not so gracefully executed here
Is that you make it all wonderful
It’s not the idea that ‘the one’ has arrived
To untie all ties and bind old lies
Or that love is looming around the corner
It’s you and you alone
Dismissing diary memories and setting the scene
By forgetting childhood candle wishes
I am letting go of all societies’ expectations
And blowing into those pessimistic faces
The romance to this story is that you are enough for me
Eliza Aug 2017
Bold and beyond motive or reason
Standing taller than the wall of freedom
We have a spirit killer in our mist
Eager to feed the haggard deceased
With advice on how to survive
The ways of this punishing world
With the slap of an insult here
And then the sound of a gun
No one appreciates the critic
Always on the achievement run
Too far inside their stylish world
To help you improve and vanquish
The critic inside your own
Eliza Aug 2017
It just sits in my cupboard
Because understandably not everyone
Likes the idea of me liking
The fact I own a dead human's
Skull but it was passed down
The family for science and it
Belonged to a donor dude
So I'm sure they would have been
Happy it landed somewhere
Grateful in a pair of hands
That want to draw it and
Write about who I imagine it
Could have been and I think
About their style of walk
And how they used to talk
I just like that it's mine and
It's as anonymous to me as I am
To it and all we can do is
Keep it that way and it just sits
There peacefully doing nothing
Being my favourite possession
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