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Hawk Flight May 2014
A little place in the woods
hidden by trees on three sides
Its where we first started hanging out
Its where I taught her how to fight

Its where I watched her grow
from a frightened shy girl
who couldnt defend herself
To a tough as nails woman
Who didnt need a man to protect her
she could protect herself

It was there that I started to feel
It was there that she started
knocking down the walls in me
The walls that had ben in place for years

Its where I fell in love with her
and swore to myself
I wouldnt let anything harm her
I would keep her Pure
I wouldn't let the bad things in life
Taint her.

But then I left
I choose to leave her
and all the promises went down the drain
The bad seeped in
and her halo was tainted Black

I thought leaving would protect her
I thought I was saving her
from a life time of pain

never in a million years
Did I think I meant something to her
I thought it was all just me

Never in a million years
did I think I was important to her
That she needed me in her life

She made me realize
that this life is worth fighting for

And it all started with that hideout in the woods
TO Pandora. To my panda, My "little sister" my Best friend
Hawk Flight May 2014
The adreniline rush I get
as my fist
connects with
some poor saps face

The thrill I get
When I know
They aint gunna win

The High  I get
When I see
that stark fear
spill into their eyes

What can I say?
I live off of violence
I grew up swimming in it
I crave it
I love it
I know I'm an *******.
Sorry if this deters any of you from reading my stuff.
Hawk Flight May 2014
I wasn't there when you were born
Daddy was struggling to get better
I met you six months ago
for the first time.

I missed your first steps
and your first giggle.
I missed your first word
by only a week.

Your big brown eyes stared up at me
I could tell you were afraid
who is this strange man in this strange bed?
I guess being in the hospital
with wires all attached to me
wasnt the best place to meet.

I'll let you in on a secret.
I was afraid too.
what if she doesnt like me?
What if I fail her?

But you reached out to me
with your short little one year old arms
and I held out my hand to meet yours
Your little hand in mine
so tiny, so Fragile.

Being one you don't know any better
You reached out your other hand
and touched my left eye
where the scars still Stand out

You didnt cry
or try and run away
You looked thoughtful
the way only one years olds can.
does that mean you accepted me?

I missed out on some of the important firsts
But that day with you in my arms touching my face
I promised myself

I would never miss another first again.
Me and my daughters mother were seperated, she was still pregnant when she left.
she told me that she didnt want a drug addict in her childs life. I didnt even
know that I was having a daughter yet.
But I guess when I got shot and it didnt look like I was going to pull through
my friends got in conntact with her and she and my daughter and stepdaughter came to see me
I got to hold my daughter for the first time.
Hawk Flight May 2014
IN the hospital
with my friends all around me
Or well almost all
Shoulder in Massive pain
The docs wont give me the good stuff
what with me being an addict and all

But something is not right
I cant catch my breath
and I feel like I am burning up.

Wait where am I?
Whats happening?
Right hospital
I got shot

My eye lids wont stay open
even though I want them to
My body sags
as if it weights a ton

What the **** is HAPPENING TO ME?
Havent I been through enough
cant a guy catch a ******* BREAK?

I slip into a sleep
half awake half not
I hear voices all around me
I hear a girl crying
Gotta be Angel
Panda and Kaitlyn don't cry like that.

I hear a man speaking
somewhere on my left
his voice is deep
Gotta be Magnum

Why cant I wake up fully?
Why does my body feel so weird.
Like its been lite on fire
Why can't I catch my breath?
Its like I ran a mile or something

Where Am I?
What happened?
Right the hospital
I got shot.

After I got shot and I was in the hospital I caught an infection,
commonly known as Blood Posioning
Three main symptoms, Fever, Excelarated breathing, confusion.
Aint I the lucky one. I got all three. Plus more.
Hawk Flight May 2014
I stand there
With twittle by my side
Waiting for the others
Waiting to make the exchange

They come
High out of their minds
Threatening me
Tell me what I have is a lie

Their leader pulls something out of his coat


I hear twittle yelling something to me
but I cant hear what he says
my eyes only focus
on the barrel in front of me

Why I didnt run
is a mystery to me


I've been shot at before
I've been stabbed more times
then I can count

I felt the bullet go through me
I felt myself stagger to the car

Slump against it
trying to hold on

my vision blackening
around the edges

My hearing

Is this what its like
To Die?

Where is he?
Will he be ok?

My strength leaves me
And I welcome Death
I got shot last december (12/6/13) through my right shoulder, Clean all the way through. I was rushed to the hopsital and it took them 5 hours to fix me up.
(this use to be my first poem on here but I accidently deleted it when I was trying to edit it my apologies)
Hawk Flight May 2014
I am not a king
I will never claim to be
I am not the guy
everyone worships

I am the guy the king calls
when He wants someone dead
I am the assasin that creeps in the dead of night

A gun ever present
always on my person
scars from past fights
covering my body
my face
Scared and mared

A recovering
forever recovering
coke addict

a man not afraid
to Beat the **** out of someone
and then get paid

A hitman
A killer
a monster

the beast under your bed

I am not worthy
of a tittle such as king
When I say hitman....... let me clarify
I dont **** poeple -.- refuse, I will not!!!!
I meant hitman in the sense of I do the ***** work for others.
  May 2014 Hawk Flight
Fenix Flight
Do you think I care
what you people think of me?

I don't know you
and you certainly don't know me

You think I care that you judge me
with your close minded ways

Please, all it does is make me Laugh
and make you look like an ***

I am who I am
I am what I am

Nothing will EVER
change that

I like what I like
I LOVE who I love

If you can accept that
then welcome to my world

If not
well then

there's the door
let it hit you on the way out.
This is NOT about all you amazing people on here.
This is about al the haters, bullys, and jerks out there in the world
who try to judge me for who and what I am.
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