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Harry Gione Jan 2023
I hope you know
That when I step away
Only for a moment, to tender to these wounds
That I'll fly back in a sunny day
With fresh skin for you to bruise
Harry Gione Jan 2023
So I dance
Because it takes nothing from me but a little bit of energy
That would've been wasted standing still in any case
Might as well share a moment with a crowd
And be a part of a movement for just a moment
There is peace
There is one
There is freedom
I wish the world was a dance floor sometimes
Not all the other things it learned to be
I wish we could use just a little bit of energy to dance together
Instead of waste it on other things that cause us to stand still
Harry Gione Jan 2023
My dreams chase me
They chase me as if I've stolen something from them they they need back desperately
And I run because I'm following a fear
The fear that if they catch me they'll consume me whole
And then there'll be nothing left of me to chase
And my fear will get so far away from me that I no longer see it anymore
So I'm forever moving in a limbo between running away and chasing after at the same pace
And slowly getting absolutely nowhere
Harry Gione Jan 2023
The pain is only here for the moment
The moment is all that exists as we live and breathe
And move from one to the next
In the long train track of life
So one painful moment means one painful life
But life just for a moment
The same life that can be beautiful for another
And peaceful again for the other
But for this one, its painful
Be it just for the moment
Harry Gione Sep 2022
For love to be so beautiful that it gives meaning to this very existence
And when its gone, it leaves little purpose with it
Not even dust
Not even whispers

Yet you persist that I venture with you
To go find this evil thing and let it rest in my depths
The one that can steal my world
Even my thoughts
Even my breath

How can you offer me such a poison? You silly little person
With the bright eyes that beg me to join your your naive excursion
Where no one will be able to save you
Not even a priest
Not even a surgeon

For love is so beautiful that it gives meaning to everything that is, why would you tempt such a frightening being?
And dance on an edge this steep?
When it could slither off with your whole life,
In the midst of you dancing
In the midst of your sleep
Harry Gione Jul 2022
Spent a night in the puddles the rain made on the roads
The roads that leads anywhere but today I'm too cold
There are holes in the blankets so heap mine into folds
and try my hardest to blend in with the mold
Not that they'll see me if I stood on the roads
Or under the bridge with the spiders and trolls
but on the M5 there's a lot to behold
Maybe faces and smiles with riches manifold
But there's a whole day ahead before the end of my rope
There'll still be breath in my neck then I hope
There'll still a beat in my chest then I hope
So I can crawl into my folds with the others who know
That there is an art to being cold...
Harry Gione Jun 2022
The ideas turned to war because war gave them life
The war was a war because both sides were right
They fought for their honor and argued for pride
But pride turned to molehills because both sides had died
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