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8.0k · May 2016
Choose happiness
Happynessa May 2016
Within the centre of your being
May you find peace
Every act of unconditional love
Echoes in eternity
Spread your wings and dance
Dreams into reality
If your situation  won't change
Then change yourself
The optimist is often as wrong
As the pessimist
But he is far far happier
Choose happiness
2.3k · Apr 2016
Happynessa Apr 2016
The awakening to knowledge of yourself
Is an individual process of seeking truths
Allow the stillness and find your peace
Nothing in nature blooms for all the year
Sometimes we can not escape the darkness
But we can learn to love ourselves there and
What we find may be a blessing in disguise
1.5k · Apr 2016
The Great Pretender
Happynessa Apr 2016
I pretend to be wise
I'm not
I'm as foolish as a fooler

I pretend to be strong
I'm not
I'm as weak as a new born

I pretend i am happy
I'm not
I'm as sad as my username

I pretend it's so easy
It's not
It hurts my tired soul

Be gentle my precious world
I don't want to be a pretender
Just one of those days x
1.5k · May 2016
White lioness
Happynessa May 2016
She lies patiently while her babes drink from her body
She is calm after eating the meal delivered by her mate
He sits in front of her protective of her and his young cubs

She bats almost playfully at a blade of irritating grass that
Has been tickling her ear for what seems like a long time
The pups now sleep their tiny months still on her sore teats

She is calmer now for the run is over but inside something
Stirs maybe her female ancestors showing her new patterns
A new way of understanding almost forgotten by the others

She looks at her babies and softly purrs in her proudness
They **** absently in their sleep twitching in new dreams
She is relaxed serene could almost be sleeping herself

But do not be fooled by this white lionessfor she is strong
And she will fight to the death for her family her clan and
Her pride they are her reason for living her reason for being

She gently licks each of her cubs heads being extra careful
To avoid touching them with her huge sharp teeth thinking
Best to leave me and mine alone it's best not to try to hurt us
1.3k · Mar 2016
Happynessa Mar 2016
High in our vast universe
Smoldering bodies touching
Fingertips exploring silken
Waiting with an eager breath

Dressed in silver moonbeams
Glittering stars in their eyes
Driven by natures own desire
Floating above heavens skies

The red rigid planet rises hotly
Teasing agony space performs
Lips tenderly touch and kisses
Orbits begin delicate slow spins

Venus in this sacred holy union
Eyes aglow in cloud like smoke
The world bluring and melting
As they slide together as one
1.3k · Jun 2016
Blissful joy
Happynessa Jun 2016
Your soul knows that uncovering
It's natural happiness lies in
Extending it's happiness outwardly
Like a spring bubbling forth
With its precious life giving gift of water

You have always been able to cope
With each situation that has
Presented itself to you and this is true
Of your future as it is of your past

All is always provided for you on your pathway
So spread those wings my dear friends and fly
In large sweeping motions and soft subtle breaths
As your life changing force brings you blissful joy
1.1k · Apr 2016
Weeds or Wishes
Happynessa Apr 2016
A field of dandelions
One hundred weeds
Or one thousand wishes
Your choice
Thanks B
1.1k · May 2016
Happynessa May 2016
Change is constant in our lives

Your perception of yourself
Affects your vibe so let only
The good vibes flow freely

Real transformation requires
Real soul searching honesty
To be your true loving self

Be the reason you feel awake
Elevated empowered and magical
Peeling back the layers of your ego

Spiritually its important to forgive
Those who have harmed or hurt you
So that you find your own inner peace

It seems nothing is impossible in our lives
1.0k · Apr 2016
No surrender
Happynessa Apr 2016
She brushed a kiss she felt on her cheek
Felt a gentle hand given to squeeze
She found herself surprised by the
Sudden unexpectedness of the gesture
"Your a surviver" a soft voice called

Then she knew how afraid she was
Tears that had waited a long time to
Escape were finally released under
The dark veil of torrential rain
Big fat teardrops downpoured hurt

The sky above grumbled ominously
Then turned to light spectacular
Windchimes clattered with madness
Noises amplified by howling winds
She knew the storm was on its way

She would not surrender but maintain
Her inner strength and dignity
Her vitality was the food for her soul
Her love was boundless and eternal
Natures diversity and hers together
1.0k · Jun 2016
Call me
Happynessa Jun 2016
When all that glitters is not gold
And valleys mist your open eyes
Call me , for my own magic wings
Can fly you to clearer sunnier skies

If the black dog is again on your back
And all you feel is the darkest grey
Call me ,for my own magic heart
Can beat your fears , calm your day

When your sense of perception
Has hidden all that you you've got
Call me , for my own magic eyes
Will show you all that you've forgot

When your days are  never-ending
And your  nights are hard sharp steel
Call me ,for my own magic angel
Tender love for you is all I feel
1.0k · Jun 2016
Happynessa Jun 2016
When we really care about someone
Their mistakes can never change our
Feelings because it is the mind that gets
Angry but the heart still loves and cares
Our dignity may be cruelly mocked but
It can never be taken away without permission
We can't change what has gone only what is now
Stand beautiful strong and forever proud
That's when we are at our most inspiring
1.0k · Apr 2016
Honey on strawberries
Happynessa Apr 2016
There's something I desire like
Dripped honey on strawberrys
It's scent delicate and ravishing

We are the universal harmony
Through which human warmth
Survives hidden from cosmic wind

Celestial incantations float airily
Beyond everything inessential
Being joyful of the incidential

And we should treasure each sip
Thoughts running in time like grass
Reflecting lifes own  peace endlessly
This is me ,how I feel ,my darker poems are inspired by a dear friend suffering depression and how I understand them to feel x
1.0k · Jun 2016
Happynessa Jun 2016
Our emotions are transient
And knowing they will leave
Can be very uplifting giving
Us a choice again to believe

We can't continuously be happy
We can't always avoid our fears
It's not realistic but if we can just
Accept how we feel  without tears

We can put our emotions into balance
And repetition seems to be the best key
We can ensure our thoughts are positive
And make pathways to just joyfully be
I'm doing a course on "mindfulness"
1.0k · May 2016
Happynessa May 2016
I am not what you think I am
You are what you think I am
As above so below
As within so without
Your perception of me
Is a reflection of you
Love and light x
1.0k · Oct 2017
Mindfulness (10word)
Happynessa Oct 2017
Life tethers bodies
Mindfulness soars freely
Blissfully radiating loves light
976 · Apr 2016
Cut and cap
Happynessa Apr 2016
Cardboard box under flyover
Canvas tent in an alleyway
Sleeping bag in small caves
That's our home for today

Thousands of young homeless
All down to our cut and cap
A generation of people like us
All over our own English map

We're ripping safety nets away
Leaving them out in the cold
Rotting their young bodies daily
Harming their brave fresh souls

We can take away their demons
Give them some chances to live
Allow them a future to be proud of
I'm sure that's not too much to give
This govt makes me hang my head in shame !
925 · May 2016
Great treasures
Happynessa May 2016
Those people whose first instinct is to smile
When you make eye contact with them
Are some of earths greatest treasures
And the pain that I've been feeling
Can't compare to the joy that's
Returning into my life giving
Me blessing after blessing
I'm truly grateful **
925 · Apr 2016
Happynessa Apr 2016
Never trade your authenticity for approval
Always be the exception
906 · May 2016
Happynessa May 2016
Loose yourself in nature
Fly with the winds
Of possibility
874 · Apr 2016
Happynessa Apr 2016
If you could see yourself
For just one second
Through my eyes
You would love
Yourself for
814 · Apr 2016
Fall inside
Happynessa Apr 2016
She wondered what it would feel like
To escape the rigid boundaries of words
And speak in the fluid language of art

The chemical pull of the pen was exciting
But the blissful sensation of the brush
May give way to time losing its meaning

Her love of art came from her childhood
Story books when opened meant she
Could fall inside the wonderful illustrations

Years of life and years of passion spent inside
Black and white sketches and drawings
Magical incredible frightening and amazing

She feels the silence between poetry and art
She feels them expand and soften until it seems
Like a giant bubble that holds them both
773 · Mar 2016
A chance
Happynessa Mar 2016
In the darkness under millions of stars
Was the warm smile of a prior claim
A chance to break with convention
Raised eyebrows turned to lowered lids
A shimmer of uncertainty fizzles
Highlighting the effect of defiance
In unexpected solitary splendor
760 · Mar 2016
Happynessa Mar 2016
Look past the seeming errors
Mistakes and misunderstandings
And see only the love within
Give this your resolute focus

Love underlines every situation
Healing in undreamed of ways
Love switches on the light
To diminish previous darkness

Each thought is an investment
That pays immediate dividends
Align with peace love and harmony
To a more loving vantage point

Affirm all that your heart desires
And forget of what you fear
Look past the personalities of others
And see their pure angels within
724 · Mar 2016
Happynessa Mar 2016
Half in stress and half in pleasure
For I am one hopeless romantic
The auditions have obviously begun

Future names and different clothes
Same thing happens again and again
Spiritual anxiety,quicksilver soup

Empty life and no final destination
Shivering in the boiling white heat
Jangling nerves of red anticipation
713 · Apr 2016
Happynessa Apr 2016
Never let fear decide your future
Journey of dark night of your soul
It's where we learn who we are
Time won't make us forget but
We will grow and understand
Direction is more important than
Speed and love transcends time
713 · Jun 2016
First breath
Happynessa Jun 2016
Through the stillness
Miracles rush around
A bridge of white light
Allowing all the truths
To pour like silken rain
Into the waiting hearts
Of those who yearn to
Know and return home
Great love resides here
Upon the silence of your
Very first inhale of breath
710 · Mar 2016
Cell door open
Happynessa Mar 2016
You truly hold the key to your prison
By imagining the door to the cell open
Love is the heart of the matter
The more you open your heart
Joy peace and love with reside
Bringing love and light to your soul
705 · May 2016
Happynessa May 2016
We're always a little more open minded at night
With forgiveness being the perfect painkiller
And wisdom the reward for a lifetime of listening
When we would have preferred to have spoken

The past can not be changed and opinions don't  
Have to refine our new and trembling reality
Happiness is always found within our souls
And our journey could take a change of direction

So dare we fly in formation just the two of us
Powering each other into the fresh cool air
Overcoming gravity with the ease of pleasure
And gliding on delicate feathery wings of peace
704 · Mar 2016
Love and light
Happynessa Mar 2016
Love doesn't live here anymore
I saw its glistening particles
Floating past open tear windows
Drifting slowly downwards to
Halt at the firmly closed door
Habit making efforts to knock
Just remembering to cease
Before the ****** of the bell
Turning away to look around
Love doesn't live here anymore
Yet Still I return home to unpack
The darkness and hold onto light
Inspired by Emily x
703 · May 2016
To You
Happynessa May 2016
Within you is the power
To rise above any situation
May the positive energy
Of the universe surround
You and flow through you
Peace to your mind
Love to your heart
Calm to your spirit
And happiness to your life
For all my HP friends x
698 · Mar 2016
Call me
Happynessa Mar 2016
When all that glitters is not gold
And valleys mist your open eyes
Call me , for my own magic wings
Can fly you to clearer sunnier skies

If the black dog is again on your back
And all you feel is the darkest grey
Call me ,for my own magic heart
Can beat your fears , calm your day

When your sense of perception
Has hidden all that you you've got
Call me , for my own magic eyes
Will show you all that you've forgot

When your days are  never-ending
And your  nights are hard sharp steel
Call me ,for my own magic angel
Tender love for you is all I feel
692 · Mar 2016
Happynessa Mar 2016
We grew into adults together
And there were so many days
Filled with love and laughter
Held in our sunshines rays

We grew into parents together
Not knowing the joy it would
Bring to our young baby selves
To give them everything we could

We grew into pensioners together
After all the long and lovely years
Still the light we  needed and loved
Forever there through our fears

We grew to know each other together
Understanding with just one look
Always putting the other one first
We gave much more than we ever took
How it used to be now 1year is a long relation ship
657 · May 2016
Our souls(10w)
Happynessa May 2016
Loves tapestry unites us in
Interconnectedness and
Interdependence of souls
636 · Apr 2016
Circle of love
Happynessa Apr 2016
You smile and my love cherishes the moment
As it anticipates the next heartbeat of potential
It's like a precious tapestry that unites us all
In its rich colours of rainbows in bloom

You smile and my heart beats stronger ,faster
Pushing love all through my body and out of
The top of my head causing a flood of white
Light to cascade on all who come into contact

You smile and my eyes shine unconditional
Love for you my family and all humanity
Caring is a way of sharing from the heart
Circle of love is completed if you just smile
632 · Apr 2016
Good thing
Happynessa Apr 2016
It's a good thing to believe in magic
Then your wishes can come true
When life is easy and each day new
Magic just adores to surprise you

It's a good thing to believe in love
To be certain your on your way
Nurture and care every single day
Love simply loves to shine her ray

It's a good thing to believe in peace
No need to ever war and fight
Watching over humanity with light
Peace will always help us to do right
631 · May 2016
Open your heart
Happynessa May 2016
We are blessed with radiant love
Open your arms and release the
Challenges that you've held tightly
Gripped in your arms and hands
Open your heart to the radiant love

Release tension and surrender the
Need to control and things will
Start to get better ensuring our
Happiness within our daily lives
Allowing our spirit to soar higher

Make the time to reward yourself
Keep your energy and motivation
At a consistently high level and
Make time for self care today and
Always open your heart to love

Turn on the universal light of love
Elevate your vision to a more loving
Vantage point seeing only the beauty
Affirm what you desire ,release fear
And open your heart to radiant love
629 · Apr 2016
Happynessa Apr 2016
School mums running
Clever and cunning

Lipstick and blusher
Are good for chatter

Shadows and bags
Weekly girl mags

Gossip time and toast
They all have a boast

Slimming and fitness
Goal is the witness

If you've tales to tell
Their your best pal

Talk behind you back
Of all that you lack

Mums school gang
Go off with a bang

They'll give you hell
Then say oh well
No reason to yell
You just don't gel
624 · Jun 2016
Happynessa Jun 2016
Being peaceful takes courage
It means to always be loving
Without fear of repercussions
Making peace stimulating and
Quite exciting when heartfelt

Look out for peace in all ways
And stand your ground peacefully
Awakening all those sleeping by
Shining your light at all times

Be happy that you are peaceful
Today put into motion all your
Good intentions and there can
Be no other outcome than love
614 · Mar 2016
Happynessa Mar 2016
Sunshine pleasantly awoke me this morning
With the beak tap of a tiny healthy bird
Extending it's circle of smiling gladness
To all that cared listened or heard

Blowing softly on my inner embers
And stoking the great original flame
Unill I understood it's glowing reason
Of why I sail  on the nights astral plane

The great seat of creativity now within
Comes from a relaxed and open mind
And today I'm more than willing ready
To stay in Sunshine's  splendid find

So if you see me vacantly smiling
Like the cat that got the cream
I'm living my new other life
In the land I call daydream
609 · Mar 2016
Happynessa Mar 2016
The beginning was unconsidered people
Their night time mutterings familiar
Friendly voices during the hours of dark
Addicts of the slow uncluttered time

But some choices will haunt forever
White shards of sputnics flying
Starry explosions within the eye
Show a gleeful sense of malice

As huge storms gather in the red sky
Swift confident and totally predictable
Images flashing like neon steel bells
Gigantic whistles singing in white heat

Behind these invasions of her space
That keep her company when not asleep
He attempts to brush away likes specks
Ripples of dust in the texture of his life

But to her it is a slow painful process
An identity that has been stolen and
Her wide open eyes can only stare
Hearing acute for the sirens soft wail
How our choices affect others
603 · Jun 2016
Happynessa Jun 2016
She has a blissful soul
And a waiting heart
Ready and able today
For a brand new start

She has her total trust
In her crazy destiny
Feelings that are ready
To fly high again free

She has winds of change
Ready for the flow
She has the strongest will
To just let it all go

She has the song of bluebirds
Within her inner voice
She knows she will always
Make the right choice

She's happy and bright each
And every new new day
Knowing she's dearly loved
In the best possible way
Simple but true **
584 · Mar 2016
Happynessa Mar 2016
The burden of carting your past around
Has made you weary precious one
It's time to set this heaviness down
Keep only the lessons and the love

Leave everything else far behind
You don't want it or need it
And now it's gone you can fly
Free as the summer bird

There are no constraints it's your time
You have no restrictions my friend
So fly as high as long as you wish
And let your wonderous spirit soar
581 · Mar 2016
Faithful friend
Happynessa Mar 2016
No one else can take your place
It could never be any other way
Everyone has that precious gene
That is their unique expression of love

Be at perfect peace in all that you commune
Know that you have a place in this scheme
Accept your disappointments with dignity
Using courage to rise above lifes trials

Be powerful and responsible in your world
Choose friends who are loving and joyful
Show all that love is a free gift to accept
A great power sufficient for every situation

So stand tall my faithful friend of many years
As you wait outside the door of freedom
My love will walk beside you to watch you
Live to your highest potential with eyes that smile
569 · May 2016
Why ??
Happynessa May 2016
Why do negative people
Have a problem for
Every solution
551 · May 2016
Happynessa May 2016
New born babies apparently spend most
Of their time doing nothing ,just being

Their parents on the other hand are likely
To be in a mad whirlwind of non-stop doing

Most of us only go into Being mode on holiday
It usually takes a few days for us to wind down

We hardly ever have the time to just be ourselves
Mindfulness is a way of redressing the imbalance

You can gently retrain your mind to accept just Being
Your mind needs to rest as well as work ,try just being
My work for this week is
Just being ***
537 · Apr 2016
Flesh and blood
Happynessa Apr 2016
Passport ticket and travellers cheques
Gigantic tin can capulted into the sky
Locking the door carrying two suitcases
Opening a door to an uncertain future

Reality has shifted by a few tiny degrees
And left everyone a little out of sync
Easyness has disappeared invisible and
Unquestioned in the past couple of years

Lacking the courage to make a clean break
Seeing a film of jaded dissolution settle
Understandable of course but not acceptable
Honest eyes and easy smiles were now needed

Life waylaid by regret drowning in untruths
Glancing skyward a plane flew low overhead
Answers were finally within reach and a
Shadow was to become real life flesh and blood
526 · Jun 2016
Happynessa Jun 2016
Sometimes the earth beneath my feet shudders
And I feel in the depth of despair a longing for
The one thing that has kept me grounded for all
These years causing me to look at my emptiness
And cry out for you to return to hold me upright

The light that once burned with such bright sparks
Now leaves me to find my way in the darkest blue
Stumbling blindly from one sad minute to the next
With a loneliness that batters my aching heart as
I cry out for you to return the love I give  to you
Inspired by grace
524 · Apr 2016
Colour ( 10 words )
Happynessa Apr 2016
You hold in your hands
The colour of your day
524 · Apr 2016
Happynessa Apr 2016
With her heart on her sleeve
She tells him who deceives
She'll love him till her dying day

With a sneer in his eyes
Very coldly he replies
He's waiting for that day

With truth on her lips
The poison she sips
Silently ends the day
For Carel
521 · Apr 2016
Happynessa Apr 2016
I understand the importance of anchors
And know what can happen when the
Rope that ties them to their life is cut

But here in the warm sea of creativity
I can feel the wings of happiness beating
As geese draw giant arrows in a red sky

Love cherishes these precious moments as
It anticipates the next heartbeat of potential
While mother tide puts the salty beach to bed
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