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140 · Sep 2018
Is this love??
Gulishta Sep 2018
I see you,see you everywhere.
I see you,see you as if you're bare.
I see you,when you try to hide.
I see you,as you are mine.
Oh baby please,tell me please. ..
Is this love??

I feel you,feel you in your absence.
I feel you,feel you in my presence.
I feel you,feel you in my hurt.
I feel you,feel you in my chest.
Oh baby please,tell me please. ..
Is this love??

I need you,need you as if you're air.
I need you,need you as my anchor.
I need you,need you flowing in my blood.
I need you,need you beyond and above.
Oh baby please,tell me please...
Is this love??.

I like you,like your cracking voice.
I like you,like your twinkling eyes.
I like you,like your crooked smile.
I like you,like your distinct smell.
I like you,like your weird humour.
I like you,like even your stinky sweat.
Oh baby please, tell me please ...
Is this love??

I miss you,miss you when I'm sad.
I miss you,miss you when I want to dance.
I miss you,miss you in the crowd.
I miss you,miss you when I'm all alone.
Oh baby ....tell me now...
Is this love??

I'm afraid, afraid to love you.
I'm afraid, afraid to loose you.
I'm afraid, afraid to hold you.
And I'm afraid, afraid to let you go.
Oh this love??.
#love #emotions  #humour
140 · Jun 2019
Think of me.
Gulishta Jun 2019
The light won't shine on your part.
The sun will not engulf you in it's warmth.
You'd lose your power to restore,
To rejuvenate. be worthy of it's essence.
When the morning turns to dark,
Think of me.

The road to your happiness will be blocked,
The door that had been cracking open,
and making your way smooth will be closed.
You'd lose your power to open whats enclosed.
When you walk down the road to your doom.
Think of me.

The home you left behind will be there no more.
The address of your distress is what will be waiting for .
Everything that's good will be a privilege you can not afford.
When you make your final journey to the thing you called home.
Think of me.

There won't a twilight zone.
The stars so far beyond your eyes reach.
Nothing beautiful you'll ever be able to see .
The wind won't caress your skin.
The softness of an affection you will never feel.
When the night turn the darkest before the dawn.
Think of me.

And When you'll be left alone to defend your own.
Think of me.
139 · Jan 2018
Gulishta Jan 2018
Is it real? ?
       Or just smoke and mirrors??

Are you really mine??
      Or its just an illusion having you by my side? ?

You've always been mine...
      Just in the wildest dreams...
I have at night.

Is this the way how magic feels??
But....still existing!.

The way you smiled with your eyes for me...
The way this time I actually saw the vulnerability.

Were you waiting? ??...
                          like I was.
For me to claim you as mine..
138 · Nov 2017
Gulishta Nov 2017
How does a heartbreak look like?
Does it have a face?
Does it breath and is alive?
Or its just a shadow of my most beloved person?
Who has murdered my heart..
And made my head hallow.
Who took goodness,happiness, colours and my soul away.
Just left a shell, even the wind can sway.
137 · Feb 2019
Inside out.
Gulishta Feb 2019
In this crazy world,
Where everything comes with a price.
In this weird reality,
Where every step needs to be think twice.
In this on going saga,
That we all call life.
In these moments of accomplishments,
Or the winning ones to be precise.
There's only one thing that stand out,
For me ....when you entered my life.
You're dew for my morning grass.
You're the sprinkles on my donut.
You're the wind with my storm.
You're the calm in my ocean.
You're a rainbow with my hurricane.
You're the smell of my flowers.
You make every moment count.
You know me inside out.
And I can't put into the words...
How much you make me proud.!
136 · May 2019
Destiny or not..
Gulishta May 2019
Strength of your soul,
Is what keeps you going on.
It's easy to break the bones,
What's tough is to learn to keep on holding on.

Destiny is not something concrete,
You can mend it according to your will.
The hard work, the passion,
The habit of not taking a no for an answer.
You break it, start it over,
Keeping going at it,
Until,it is what you want it to be.

Luck plays a crucial role,
But I've seen people own it.
The power you possess within yourself,
No luck or Destiny have any weight over it.

So, stop accepting the crapy deals,
Stop saying it is what it is.
Stand up, pull your weight up.
Start making a new path,
You will have what you want,
Destiny or not.
134 · Feb 2018
Last chance to fight.
Gulishta Feb 2018
No time to actually say that I miss you.
No time to actually express that I wanna be there for you.
I'm human, is that an excuse enough?
Or do I have to grovel and find the pieces to pick up?
I broke you into million pieces..
I'm the only one who can piece you back together.
Was it really a mistake??
Or were you just knew,how much we were putting on stake??
The dismissive way, you behaved..
Do I accept it??.
Or do you want me look beyond it ..into your unsmiling eyes.?
Help me here.... I'm not inside your head.
I want a last chance to fight.
Before you decide for us to separate.
132 · Dec 2019
Missing piece.
Gulishta Dec 2019
To be lost
never found,
I'm afraid
To be found.

Missing piece
Of a puzzle
I'm afraid
To be found.

Without a life
I'm afraid
To be alive.

Missing piece
of a puzzle
I'm afraid
To be found.

Close your eyes
To see me
Right beside you
I'm afraid
To be seen.

Missing piece
of a puzzle
I'm afraid
To be found.

Hold your hands
Above your head
I'm afraid
To look down.

Missing piece
Of a puzzle
I'm afraid
To be found.

Hear me
In my quite
I'm afraid
To be loud.

Missing piece
Of a puzzle
I'm afraid
To be found.

You exist
Without me
I'm afraid
To exist.

Missing piece
Of a puzzle
I'm afraid
To be found.
131 · Apr 2019
Open letter.
Gulishta Apr 2019
Don't change yourself for anyone,
When someone ask you to.
Don't let the hardships define you,
Cause scars are beautiful too.

The scars represents,
The battles you've conquered.
You've made sacrifices,
To make this a better world.

So what??...if you're not a cliché,
Don't hear!!..that you don't deserve.
It's all you could've done,
With the purpose that you serve.

Holding your head up high,
Walk with the pride.
Be the best version of yourself,
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Changes are not always bad,
Sometimes they are wise.
Have the faith within yourself,
But also keep an open mind.

Test your limits,
But don't break the boundary.
The bird always come back home,
No matter how far he flee.

Not an ounce of uncertainty,
You've made a beautiful life.
Hold on to it with both hands,
I'll see you on the other side.
129 · Nov 2017
Gulishta Nov 2017
I've struggled,to get up in the morning,
Knowing,you won't be in the kitchen preparing the breakfast.
I've struggled,to go to office,
Knowing,you won't be there to say"see you in the evening".
I've struggled, to get my work done.
Knowing,chances of you forgiving me are none.
I've struggled,to keep myself centered.
since, you are everywhere.
I've struggled,to come back home,
Knowing,I'll be there all alone.
I've struggled,to going to bed,
Knowing ,I won't be getting any rest.
I've struggled,to keep your memories down.
Knowing,I'll be lying awake till the dawn.
128 · Nov 2017
Gulishta Nov 2017
Sometimes,having feelings is not enough,
Sometimes,being together is just too tough.
Sometimes, ending it while still can is good,
Sometimes,there are things for you to stand.
Sometimes, you have to let them go,
Sometimes,there isn't any chances of more.
Sometimes, all you gotta do cry,
Sometimes,you just don't have to try.
Sometimes, you have to choose something besides love,
Sometimes, you have to put other things above.
Sometimes, losing someone is better then losing yourself,
Sometimes,you gotta live for yourself.
127 · Apr 2018
I miss you
Gulishta Apr 2018
I like you,
I miss you ,
I want you ,
I need you...

I don't like you,
I hate you,
Don't wanna see you,
I miss you.

I miss you,
I miss you,
I miss you.
126 · Dec 2018
Gulishta Dec 2018
Choked throat.        
        Rough voice.
                   Ringing ears.
                            And stinking eyes.

River of thoughts.
         Hazy with the fog.
                 A lump formed in stomach.
                        Burning a hole from inside.

Standing on top of the hill.
        Swaying with the wind.
               Grasping straws to hold on.
                       Couldn't stand still.

Hands shivering.
            Emotions leaking.
                What a tough task it is.
                        To just keep breathing.
An apology.
          Or a sacrifice.  
                 The only love possible.
                         Is with the one with sharp edges and hard eyes.
126 · Feb 2020
Save me
Gulishta Feb 2020
The beat recede
with the final
Touch of humanity,
The death of the soul
accomplished by the dark
corner exceeding it's boundary,
Lurking just underneath
The dying breath
of this society. ..
Screaming to be heard....
The final plea ....of save me.
Gulishta Oct 2018
Your mischievous eyes,
Your breathtaking smile.
Your nerdy analogies,
Every other sentence being an apology.

Your love for stir-fry,
The obession with sci-fi.
Your fleeting crushes on movie stars,
Your favourite dark chocolate bar?.

Your silent observations,
Your lengthy conversations.
Your turquoise reading glasses,
Your passion about comics.

Your unapologetic attitude,
Your unbound energy.
The depth hidden in your innocent package,
Your story outrageous and crazy.

Your untied laces,
Still packed boxes?
Everywhere left your litter,
Your mouth without the filter.

The different sides of your personality,
The stubbornness about your dignity.
The way you refuse any help,
Doing everything by yourself.

And Your sneaky ways to melt any heart.
124 · May 2019
Version 2.0
Gulishta May 2019
It was a mirage,
       A hallucination of my mind.
I was consumed by it,
       From out to inside.

Every step,
      An echo of the last.
Every move,
      Reflection from the past.

The dire sense of responsibility,
Not caring about faith or fidelity.

I sit on my bed,
     I think about you for ages.
I think about our shared past,
     The childhood, the youth.
I think about the present,
      Or the lack of it,if I'm being honest.
I think about the isolated despair,
      That we're currently living in.
I think about the non existing future.

And then,
Slowly. ...slower than slowly..
The world around me started to change.
The possibilities of the possibility is the reality in this world.
In here it went exactly according to the plan.
We didn't loose our innocence or the part our souls.
There wasn't any restrictions or boundaries.
There wasn't any walls between us,
    Didn't have to fight for security.

As world proceeded...
Chip by chip...brick by brick..
It all started to fall,
In this alternative reality..
We didn't knew the sadness. ..but we didn't knew the happiness. .
Everything important lost the lustre.
Every lesson forgotten. .
Every scar vanished...
We were now different personalities.
The bond weakens,
Submitting to the true nature.
You weren't the person I loved ...
I wasn't a person to be loved.

Which one was better?... In between two different realities..
That question remained unanswered.
124 · Nov 2019
Place of dread.
Gulishta Nov 2019
It's all blurred,
Comes in flashes and pieces.
The Mind betrayed,
But the heart changes the beating.

You look familiar,
Like the face of my truth.
It's kinda scary,
If I'm being honest.

The hope I see in your eyes,
Ease up my breathing.
Bone crushing desire,
But I'm still dreaming.

The place we met,
Is a place no one should go.
It's the world of pain,
I enjoyed it though.

To search for what is lost,
I gotta lose myself.
Don't vanish this time,
Need a little help.

Prior to the history,
Of seeking redemption.
We were once whole too,
I'm not making assumptions.

Why can't I see you,
When the world is bright?
My darkness is enough,
For you to shine the light.

No sound comes out,
You don't do the talking.
World conjured in my mind,
Again...found myself seeking.

An attempt to focus,
To survive through the night.
Back to the place of dread,
I still close my eyes.
123 · May 2018
Wish it was.
Gulishta May 2018
The times I stop myself from trying.
The times I wanted to let fingers fly.
The times I consoled myself after crying.
The times I asked the question "why".

I love you baby!!...with my whole heart.
Wish it was the situation! !...where I could say that.

Holding your hand...I'd pull you down.
Keeping you close....straddling your lap.
Looking into your needs for words.
Breathing your scent in...then slowly closing the gap.

You were here...can still feel it.
I closed my eyes...can still taste it.
Never my intention. let you go.
Didn't gave me a wanted through .

Standing at very point you left.
Knowing you won't be back.
You and me and possibilities. .
Oh ! how I wish....I wish it was.
123 · Mar 2019
Gulishta Mar 2019
One moment you were there,
In the next you were gone.
I was struggling with what happened,
Broken. ..shattered. ..
Then I'm not anymore.

Life goes on they say,
What if it's not what you want.
It starts slowly,
Like decaying of the perfect peach,
Like evil turns from holy.

It is an art ..and take efforts. ..
To be that cruel.
I was afraid of everything you stood for,
Now,come see what you made of the fool.

So you gonna do it?
Civilised??or with the force of the brute?
I'm afraid I've lost my manners..
Pardon! ..but pray that you make it through.

I'm cold you say....
Baby! I'm frigid ..come close if you may.
Heard a Frostbite hurts,
Worse then a burn.
Let's see how you'll survive,
Cause be **** sure it's your turn.

I'm evil...
I can swallow the pill.
I'm the devil ..
Just wait as the clock tick.

You did everthing,
In your power to destroy me.
See..I'm standing right here,
Come see me if you will.

I've gotta heart made of ice,
Baby you are my maker...
You just don't realise.
123 · Feb 2020
Gulishta Feb 2020
I know....
    You are totally rooting for my short-comings.
I'm sure....
     You'd love to tell me all about it.
I hope you know...
     There's nothing you can say to surprise me.
I wonder. ..
      If you're aware's impossible to break me.
122 · May 2018
Everything will be alright.
Gulishta May 2018
The pain reaching its limit.
The unpredictability is constant.
The extreme is already here.
You've bared what's there to bare.
You are what you have to be.
You are what you can be.
You are with the battered body.
You are with the stronger soul.
Your mind still a chaos.
But with a sense of peace inside.
A strange combination. ...
      But a fulfill life.
There isn't anything that can be worsen.
There are only and only the chances of improvement.
You've been down...
            You're going up.
You've been crawling...
            You're speeding up.
You've been failed. ...
            Your succeeding.
You've been broken. ..
             You're fighting.
You are as you are in plain sight,
Keep fighting. ....
       Everything will be alright.
120 · Aug 2018
Familiar but not.
Gulishta Aug 2018
Surrounded by the warmth of the loved ones,
Feeling the chills in every bone.
Living in the house of my birth,
Still not being at home.

Knowing ins and outs of this neighbourhood,
Not knowing if it's here that I belong.
Watching familiar faces passing by,
Not sure if I know them at all.

Refusing to stand still,
Giving my everything to the efforts of moving on.
Can't recognise anymore,
What had been my comfort zone.

Every corner tainted,
Every edge is sharp.
Watching my every step,
Couldn't save my heart.
Everything is familiar. ...
     And everything is not.
120 · May 2018
Gulishta May 2018
The success in failure.
The lesson in hurt.
The prey in predator.
The fondness in curt.

The colours in black.
The doors in the back.
The stillness of the time.
The loudness of the night.

The warmth in the ice.
The best in just nice.
The love in the hate.
The average in the great.

The survival in drowning.
The stuck up in moving.
The hesitant smile.
An enemy by your side.

The relief in confession.
The envy in affection.
The edges in perfection.
And the boredom in passion.

It's all about perception.
118 · Dec 2018
Own kind of forever
Gulishta Dec 2018
Let's not give it a name.
Let's just be together.
Let's just live in the moment.
Will worry about it later.

Let's keep it simple.
That'sall I ever want.
Let's forget everything for a moment.
What we can and we can't.

Holding your hand.
Looking in your eyes.
Breathing your scent.
Don't wanna think twice.

This moment,in where we belong.
This love,that's forbidden.
Can't help it.
If this,what we longed.

Let's not give it a tag.
Let's exist in our own.
Let's not worry about the future.
Or past,That has long gone.

Let's keep it pure.
Let's keep it untouched.
Don't have to justify anything.
We know it's worth.

Let's not give it a name.
Let's just be together.
Live a thousand lives in this moment.
Will get our own kind of forever.
117 · Aug 2018
Hardest time(of the day).
Gulishta Aug 2018
The three hours I spend
Asking my mind to shut up about you.
And get on with the sleeping.
117 · Jun 2019
A 3am reality.
Gulishta Jun 2019
As the night descends upon,
The aloofness washes away.
As the world slows down,
And the truth starts to sway.

The lustre and the shine,
Shedding like yesterday's wardrobe.
The flames are siren's call,
The sailors turns to moth.

The pretense,
       The living of the lie.
The hard truth,
       Staring back right into the eyes.
The washed away makeup,
       The scars and spots back to life.
The smile that hurts,
        Returning to that smile.

The face of unknown,
      The body still feel the same.
The warmth you're looking for,
      In the pleasure that aches.

You are me
      And I am you.
Wishing for the moment,
       That I was loving you.

The darkness of the night,
      Everything turns too bright.
A 3 am reality....
                   Turning off the light.
116 · Jul 2019
Practical strangers.
Gulishta Jul 2019
Knowing you..
Or not knowing you at all.
We are all in it,
Or maybe it's nothing at all.

An invisible thread,
Tieing down the bond.
Or maybe it's a thread,
Tighten around our throat.

Knowing your name,
Not knowing your soul.
Knowing your soul,
Not knowing your name.

The push and pull,
This backward and forward.
Hard to describe,
But felt easy believe it or not.

Logical mind,
Illogical heart.
The beginning of the end,
The ending from the start.

Stolen moments,
On borrowed time.
Unexplained desire,
Of you being mine.

The reality,
A struggle with sanity.
The fantasy,
A better version of reality.

Two parallel lines,
Two shore of the sea.
An impossible merge,
The struggle to meet.
115 · Apr 2019
Gulishta Apr 2019
Within the fog of my emotions,
I didn't recognise the one you were going through.
In the race of reaching my dreams,
I couldn't wait to see if you made it through.
The passion I felt,
I just wanted a chance to prove.
It was as if you have to pick,
It's your heart or soul you gotta choose.
Tell the world it was the mind,
My heart was never confused.
115 · Dec 2018
Love song.
Gulishta Dec 2018
Maybe you love me,
           Maybe you don't.
What's there to loose?
           And it's worth a shot.

Want to write you,
           A love poem.
Cause I can't give you,
          A love song.

I'm myself,
          When I'm with you.
It's like I've been waiting,
          For you all along.

I know you say you're fine,
         When you're not.
I can read your eyes.
         I can't be that wrong.

I'm the pen,
         You're the words.
I'm the heart,
        But you beat in my chest.

It's a blind shot,
       That I know.
Just hit the target,
       That's all I hope.

You and me,
        Are a puzzle.
Every piece falls,
        In a specific slot.

We are both weird,
       But each other's kind.
You hold one end,
       I'll keep the other side.

Just wanted,
      To tell you.
That I'm yours,
     Even if you're not mine.
115 · Mar 2019
Million Dreams.
Gulishta Mar 2019
A thousand different places,
The footprint they've seen.

A thousand different faces,
Emotions wearing as screens.

A thousand written words,
The meaning unseen.

A thousand broken promises,
The smiles hiding the sheen.

A thousand different paths,
Destinations they gonna reach.

A million eyes open,
And a thousand million dreams.
114 · Jan 2019
I do feel the same.
Gulishta Jan 2019
You are right,
      I can be wrong.
You are everything that I want,
      But I gotta be strong.

You say I am your heart,
      Baby you are my soul.
I want to keep a piece of you,
      Cause I can't have you whole.

You can call me anything you want,
     I will take it all.
You are someone to cherish,
    I'm someone just tagging along.

We've been apart,
    You were here all along.
You want me to face it,
    But I am facing it around the clock.

You show emotions,
   In everything you do.
I die a little every time,
   Cause I can't say "me too".

You apologise for my mistake,
   And everything that I did wrong.
You've got a heart of gold,
   You think mine is made of stone.

I can't open it,
    As you are standing at the door.
I can't have you as I want,
    So I don't want you at all.

So you keep caring about me,
    I'll keep pretending that I don't.
Believe me if you can,
    Or baby I will take the blame.
113 · Jul 2021
Gulishta Jul 2021
Eyes wide open
We walked into a nightmare
The life left us all
Though we're still here
The wound bleed
The words cut
The pain underline
The meaning of love
The paths separated
But the fate...the fate remain.
113 · Jul 2018
Reborn before we die.
Gulishta Jul 2018
Hold my hands above my head.
Wrap my wings as they starts to spread.
Keep me concealed as I tried to expand.
An illusion so grand.

The walls crumble as they descend.
The floor becoming the roof,
As the roof become the ground.
Tearing apart skin and bones.
Or Maybe awaking the conscience they never had.

Different sets of rules are going to apply.
With my wings wrapped I'm going to fly.
You and me are going to be reborn,
Even before we die.
Going ashore as they watch on stand by.
113 · Dec 2020
Gulishta Dec 2020
Only missing you
When the lights are out.

That kinda relation
Have you ever thought about?

One moment ....
       After another.
In this toxic.....
       Chemical reaction.

A constant...
        Tug of war
Is that what...
  You called a solution?

A memory lost...
    On an empty emotion.
A scar left behind...
     A serious need to question.

To hear the unsung...
    On the wavy flow of motion.
Struggle to contain within...
    Go ahead ...have a conversation.
112 · Jul 2018
Gulishta Jul 2018
I wanna lost myself into the depth of your eyes,
And never come out.
I wanna race through the city,
Climb the tallest building,
To shout out loud.
I wanna ride the giant ferris wheel,
And let my hairs down.
I wanna join the circus,
And see the world upside down.
I wanna spread my arms and fly,
Till I meet the white cloud.
I wanna dance under the moonlight,
With shooting stars ,
And crickets being only sound.
I wanna stay in your arms,
Till I get put into the ground.
111 · Jan 2019
Gulishta Jan 2019
I took a step,
           Away from you.
Something pulled me back.
I told myself,
          I'll move on.
Something always held me back.

Was it my curiosity? ?
     Or your unwillingness to comment? ?
Was it my stupidity? ?
     Or your reasonable points for why we shouldn't?.
Was it because it didn't happened? ?
I feel so hanged up and out my mind.
Or was it a plain simple nothing??
Just Something conjured on own my mind.

For this unknown emotion,
       That I feel for you.
For this unnamed relation,
       We are living in.
For this yearning I feel,
       Everytime I'm around you.
For this strangest bond,
       That I've ever seen.

I wanna know...
            Once just once.

What it feels like,
          To be known as you.
What it sounds like,
          To hear from you.
What it seems like,
          To be held by you.
And it actually means,
          To not to be away from you.
110 · Jun 2019
Stand by.
Gulishta Jun 2019
Keep on smiling ..
     If you wish for me to smile.
Keep on moving...
     If you wish for me to walk by.

Keep on reaching...
     Someone will hold you tight.
Keep on pursuing...
      No one can make you hide.

Keep on looking...
     If you wish someone to find.
Keep on loving...
     And I'll meet you on the other side.

I'm a picture ...
     You're my portrait.
I'm abstract. ..
       You're there present.
Live in the moment. ..
         Life's too short to waste on stand by.
110 · Mar 2020
Straight up good.
Gulishta Mar 2020
Trapped within itself
A silent cry ...
of an abandoned soul.
Hold me upright,
Cause I can't anymore.

With my wings tied tight
I'm learning to fly
All around and above
I'm seeing myself
With your eyes..

The faith I see
The picture you paint
A lone lost star
In search of its moon..

you came
You made me believe
I see.....I smile...
I stop....I sigh...
I creat...I heal...
I learn...I fly...
For the trapped the one who freed ..
This world with you ...
....straight up good..

A stranger unknown
Make believe the fact
The search came fruitful
Then I met myself.

The limits I see no more...
Maybe it's an illusion...
Maybe it's not.

You came along..
The star ain't alone anymore..
My own little constellation...
I can fly towards horizon.

You made me believe..
I see.....I smile...
I stop....I sigh...
I creat...I heal...
I learn...I fly...
For the trapped the one who freed ..
This world with you ...
....straight up good.
This one's for you!!!!
110 · Dec 2020
Cash on emotions
Gulishta Dec 2020
Been a while
     Since my last write
           You moved me a little again
                  So let's give it another try!.

What a burden
        To uphold
              It's a door
                      We should just close.

On your way
      Back home
           Don't turn back
                  Please don't knock.
109 · Aug 2019
Gulishta Aug 2019
Little by little,
It started with some smiles.
Coming closer to the end,
But baby how we survive.

Inside my heart forever,
You've made home for yourself,
My mind on the constant loop,
You are the only thing making sense.

A battle between,
The love and desire.
My thirst unquenchable,
My heart's a bonfire.

I'm in the feelings,
Or the feelings are in me.
Your greatest gift acquire,
But I can't give you me.
109 · Oct 2018
My time.
Gulishta Oct 2018
Keeping a hope alive. .
Like a burning candle,
In a stormy night.
Wanting a wound open. .
Just to have it bleeding
And aching to feel Alive.
Burning desires. ..
And holding on to them tight.
Passion Flickering ...
Just beneath the eyes.
A loose end..
Like an unfinished song. .
Broken Verse and jumbled melody,
But going back to it again
After some time.
A goofy smile. ..
To hold on to the last sanity,
And to survive through the night.
The positive attitude,
Keeping every set back on side.
Going through the motion,
But working towards making it alright.
One day ......
One of these days. ..
There will come a time,
And that time will be mine.
108 · Dec 2018
I'm Alright.
Gulishta Dec 2018
Everything is good.
Everything is alright.
Now,I can think about you.
Without fighting the urge to cry.
Now, I can remember the time together.
With my face full of smile.
Now, I can talk about everything.
Whether it's the good or the bad time.
Now,it doesn't feel,
As if the world is crashing down.
Now, I can look up at the stars.
Without having a break down.
Now, I can walk the streets of our past.
Without running the other side.
Now, I can have an entire meal.
And keep the food inside.
Now, I can face the world.
Without having you by my side.
It's still sad that we didn't work out.
But now the pain isn't killing just a nagging in my mind.
Now I'm walking alone for a while.
It took an amount of time.
But, I'm okay and I'm alright.
106 · Jan 2019
Lesson of the lifetime.
Gulishta Jan 2019
And suddenly as a smack to the face I realised that I don't actually need you to live my life.
That I can survive a broken heart and even the broken trust,I was able to see in the hindsight.
It took about a day to see the reasons,everyone kept showing me for a while.
I won't say you were wrong cause it'll paint me in a wrong color as well and I won't say I was right.
I just wish that I would've gotten a little bit of fight.
A little bit of yearning and efforts from you to make us survive.
To just have it for a moment no matter how small,I just wish for you to come out from the shadows in which you supposedly hide.
But sometimes wishes are just not meant to be answered because we are somehow better off without them to actually learn and move on with a hard learn lesson of the lifetime.
106 · Apr 2020
Music of visual serenity.
Gulishta Apr 2020
Smooth lines
       Expressive eyes
             Innocent wide smile
An honest to god lie.

Fate intertwined
       Within a bracket hide
              Need something exceptional
A dread forming inside.

The want within reach
        Every sense override
               Worded desire hypnotise
Turned euphoric high.

Burned through the night
         Clothed in warm light
                 Pieces falls in places
Shines brighter than starlight.

Twinkling amidst the dark
         Showering in scattered fireflies
               Music in the visual serenity
And the promise to be mine.
105 · Dec 2019
Gulishta Dec 2019
A rhythm goes on
With the sound effect
Of your laugh.

A beat beating
with the beat
Of your heart.

Forming music
The instrument
You played every part.

Spotlight smile  
Full of life
Like a shining star.

Magic words
Making verse
On a merry world.

Dance of souls
On a song of love
That goes on and on.
103 · Dec 2019
Gulishta Dec 2019
You should go home
It's late. ... I said
He went right into my arms. ...
I'm already here...he said.
102 · Jan 2019
Gulishta Jan 2019
Scream loud,
      Let them hear you growling.
Launch yourself high,
     Then get the dice rolling.

Pull yourself together,
      Stand tall.
Do not let yourself anymore,
      Been a while, you've been stalling.

      Do not be afraid.
You will achieve it,
      Just Know..
           what you will do,after achieving.

See the sky,
      Aim to the ground.
You will be up above,
      So start climbing.

It's a game,
     Of hunters and preys.
Been a prey too long,
     Now let's start hunting.

Life is too short,
    To waste on what ifs.
You're worth every risk,
    So start doing.

You have a name,
    Written in the stars.
This is your life,
    So start shining.

Been silent too long,
Been hidden too long.
It's time to be seen,
This is you...
So let them hear you breathing.

Been afraid too long,
Been lost too long.
Now,..the time has come.
And it's time for finding.
102 · May 2020
Gulishta May 2020
I wrote ...I erased...
I refined it....then wrote it again.

The words....of the memories....
Writing the soul....with different stories.

Calmed breathing...finally controlled...
Pulse under normal...then.... I let go.
101 · Dec 2020
Set me free.
Gulishta Dec 2020
With the verses
of muted songs
Grasping as you
Struggle to control.

Hold on tight
To your sanity
Working through
Your magic.

Wordly meaning
When the doubts
Starts creeping
The shadow among
Your light
You taught to let go.

Capture inside
let the scream out
Within the world
Or despair
You set me free.
100 · Jul 2020
Gulishta Jul 2020
To wield a power
You always need a weapon
A weapon of your choice
Words...the words of treason.

A perfect answer
For an imperfect question
A civil moment of truth
The truth of your salvation.

Hard earned trust
Memories to make amends
A broken soul untrapped
As the last straw snapped.

A virtual reality
The memory of it all
A direct shot to heart
The blood turning cold.

A mental illusion
Suppressed expression
The love out of hand
While you wait for perfection.
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