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99 · Dec 2019
Going places.
Gulishta Dec 2019
Drift with the wind....
     Float above the water.
Relish the thirst. ...
     Consume the hunger.

Dive under the water. ..
      Breath through your soul.

Live among the rest. ..
      Until you're one whole.

Shine under the shadows. .
      Dance through the pain.

Calm within the storm...
      Burn under the rain.

Dark beyond the light ...
       No passion forgotten.

Blister within ice...
       Don't wait for tomorrow.
96 · Apr 2020
Changing faces...
Gulishta Apr 2020
On the sidewalk
As we bumped into each other
I saw a familiar face
In the face of a stranger.

The look of surprise
As we found a kindred spirit
A fleeting recognition left
Left me quiet reeling.

A face emerged
A face of my dreams
A trick of the light maybe
But the face I kept seeing.

A face with a secret smile
A face holding a joke inside
A face full of longing
A face as dear as mine.

But the time passed
Made a few mistakes
Then the face unveiled
A stranger... wearing the familiar face.

A face of a storm
A face I couldn't blame
A face filled with ugly
But ugly was on surface.

I stare for few minutes
In the hope of a recognition
I wanted to peel the mask
To see.. the face of my dreams again.

Instead I find
Few more of little surprise
The face I become afraid of
The face I no longer recognise.
96 · Dec 2018
Gulishta Dec 2018
To cherish something you already have,
Is just a matter of paying attention.

To make your surroundings and people around you happy,
Is just a matter of observations.

To have something good to say,
Is just a matter of respect and understanding.

To provide a companionship without expecting anything in return,
Is just a matter of listening and learning .

To resolve the complications and problems,
Is just a matter of conversations.

To know someone or to see someone to their core,
Is just a matter of letting the person in.

To hold your heart in your hand without caring about getting hurt,
Is just a matter of trusting with completion.
93 · May 2020
Dark times
Gulishta May 2020
Days and nights
All mend together
Live inside your brain
Free for the moment.

Bleak midwinter
Angry coloured sky
The Sun's constant struggle
How'd the day goes by.

Far beyond the view
A hope or a mirage
A fight against invisible
Hang in there...
We will see the sunshine.
93 · Mar 2020
Gulishta Mar 2020
The conversations
we had with our past
Urges us to creat
A better present
But the work load of today
Come on ...
Let's talk our future.
91 · Mar 2020
Dream catcher.
Gulishta Mar 2020
Close your eyes...
Think about the things you want,
Let it shine...
Even if there's darkness of the night.
Brought back the light..
It's been hiding in you inside.

The path ain't easy...
Take a break...take it easy.
Shadows above the shoulders...
A journey amidst the rest...
Meaning hidden among...
Every unturned stone's side.

A story of a dream catcher...
A tale forgotten with time...
A dance of night and starsign...
A sole source of virtual reality...
Tell it..... with a smile.

Deep rooted longing...
A master in disguise...
Bleeding through the pores...
A passion to achieve or
A passion to realise.
91 · Dec 2019
Beautiful ugly.
Gulishta Dec 2019
Maybe the thing you always thought that was right for you ...was always has been the wrong thing...
Maybe the one thing you thought would complete you...was the thing that made you feel hallow...
Maybe the beautiful illusion was just that an illusion... hiding the one beautiful ugly from your wretched heart.
89 · May 2020
Gulishta May 2020
Express the desire
Of what you're afraid to feel
Keep that considered
As you put it in a seal.

Hold your secrets
keep you at your best
Live what you love
Then go on a quest.

The journey you'll live
As you chase away your ghosts
The house of cards upturned.

You'll learn to stare down...
The haunted.

The love of insomnia
The lust for the night
You'll learn to face the demon
You've been trying to hide.

The face of the truth
The face of your dark side
Just a step ahead
As you open your mind.

The journey you'll live
As you chase away your ghosts
The house of cards shattered.
As you win ....
The stare down.
87 · Mar 2020
Been a while.
Gulishta Mar 2020
It's been a while,
      But I still got time.
Still fighting the night,
      Still reviving the light.

The journey goes on,
      And the life keeps moving.
Weight on the wings increased,
      Still flopping them for flight.

It's been a while,
     Still trying to write.
The same old pain,
     With some different lines.

Nice to see you around,
      Oh yeah...I'm also fine.
Still hoping for better,
       And I still got time.

It's been a while,
     Still keeping us aside.
The chaos keep erupting,
     But I find it alright.

The labyrinth we called life,
     The way I'm trying to find.
The Blood went icy,
      Then the fire you ignite.

It's been a while,
      Prayers keep us live,
Buried under the mud,
      Still wish to survive.

It's been a while,
     I'll see you again sometime.
Without the pins and needles,
    Then it will be alright.
85 · Sep 2020
Gulishta Sep 2020
My eyes saw...
     But my heart believed.
With my battered heart,
    And an insignificant mind.
With some empty threats,
     I chose to live.

With a broken trust,
      And some deceptive truth.
A lie concealed quietly,
      With the help of my trust.

The boundaries set,
     Then the boundaries broken.
My earnings of lifetime,
      Somehow got stolen.

But my eyes saw...
Heart didn't believe.
My mind could tell..
But the heart didn't see.

With some broken bones,
      I mend my soul...
Been choosing to free,
      With a permit to steal.

With that insignificant mind,
      I learned to seal.
And with my battered heart,
      I choose to live.
84 · Mar 2020
Gulishta Mar 2020
Sometimes it hurts to let go
But it's the best thing you
Could do for yourself
And for the other person as well.
Cause there's nothing
Left to say anymore...
Without reason you're
Stretching it...
Without reason you're
Bothering an innocent...
Without reason you're
Holding onto the straws...
Baby ...I know it's hurt
But it's time to really let go.
Hanging onto something's
Corps is just wrong...
The relationship has
Died it's natural death
It's time to let it be buried too...

I'm not saying don't mourn it
Please do ..take your time.
But know that when you can
You have to move on.
84 · Mar 2020
Gulishta Mar 2020
For the new beginning
       For a do over
To find a hope somewhere
       Cause life isn't over.

To fly under the weather
     Above the scorching sun
To stare at the icey moon
     Cause the world is still open.

To leave behind the mistakes
    To learn a better lesson.
To hold the head high
     And to heal what's broken.

To smile for the emotions
      To accept the short comings
To love yourself first
       Cause it's the start of the beginning.

To survive within the night
     To cherish the light
Dark or bright...

      Cause it's life.
84 · Apr 2020
I ask no more
Gulishta Apr 2020
In the little things
I learn to ignore
All the words kept inside
Can't hold them anymore.

An image starts to form
A scene full of life
The pain buried deep
At the back of my mind.

Every step further
I'm losing hold on real life
A world form with words
An escape ..from the madness insight.

I'm surrounded in chaos
Tangled in told lies
But the beautiful picture behold
The beauty of outside.

I asked to look
Been always ignored
Now hidden in a cloak
I ask no more.

Been told to give
Didn't mention the take
An empty shell left
the pearl on the neck.

Standing my ground
Losing everything on it's wake
The truth of the beauty
When ugly comes on surface.

The image tainted
A scene with another take
The eyes showing emotions
The heart left taped.

I asked to look
Been always ignored
Now I demand to be seen
And I ask no more.
83 · Apr 2020
Gulishta Apr 2020
As the doubt about
the worthiness
Of my own mind
starts to creep in
And I starts to
Judge my own blunt
When the only thing
Holding me back
From shattering
Into tiny little pieces
Is the small voice
In the back of my mind
Sounding awful
Similar to the words
Already spoken...
And the direct connect
That voice have
From my faith
To my soul
Is the thing
That helps me
Keep Finding
Something within me
To love again.
83 · Dec 2020
Gulishta Dec 2020
An ugly descriptive hole
        People call them doors
I'll keep it wide open
    But won't ever cross the threshold.
82 · Sep 2020
Gulishta Sep 2020
The aim was to move on,
To leave everything behind.
To stop looking forever,
For the things I couldn't find.

One moment.. only one,
With some peace within my mind.
To live a life with love,
With respect and dreams ..but nevermind.

Holding onto something,
I was sure to be mine.
Reflecting on my heart,
As it made my eyes shine.

To lose the rest,
I started to despise.
Be the work in progress,
Where I taught to hide.

A drink of my fears,
To understanding in disguise.
To feel free of burden,
While emotions gathered in a pile.
82 · Apr 2019
In the end.
Gulishta Apr 2019
Using a truth
To tell a lie,
In this game
Of enemies and allies.
Crossing through the Web,
With the soldiers and spies.
A fight among themselves,
Or the fight to survive?
Serving a common goal,
Having to live or to die.
In command of your heart,
On the ground or above the sky?
Flying beneath the water,
Turning back the light.
Running towards the home,
Emotions wearing high.
Hoping to control the motion,
But In the end we all die.
81 · Aug 2020
3 different sides.
Gulishta Aug 2020
A long route taken
To make sense of an emotion
A war wedged inside...
If it does or doesn't matter?

To see three different sides
The sides of an action
Hurt and heartache aside
Just find a conclusion.

Gathering the pieces
Work towards conviction
The Judge and jury assigned
To work through confession.

See three different sides
The sides of an action
To overcome and make sense
The sense of an emotion.
80 · Mar 2020
I see you
Gulishta Mar 2020
If I could...
I would capture you inside my words weave a poem through you
I'll put some melody
A little bit of rhyme
A little bit of rhythm
Maybe I'll compose one tune too.

Then I'll present it
On the day without an occasion
While sitting idly on the bench
Of our favourite garden.
We'll listen to the song of us together.

When your spirit is high
I'll show you ...
What you really look like.
Then ...You'll see what I see
When I see you.
80 · Mar 2020
Gulishta Mar 2020
The maniac ...
Deserve to be parted
From the love he thought
Will never demolish ...
To realise that the thing
He thought he can't
survive without
Was just that...a thought.
79 · Mar 2020
Gulishta Mar 2020
The love you feel....
How do you cherish it
When it turns into
A bleeding wound.
How do you accept
That the thing that gives
You immense joy
Will eventually turn into
Something painful
Something that hurt to even look at..
78 · Jul 2020
Gulishta Jul 2020
Trapped within the definition
You lost your only way out
Somewhat dignified response
As you refuse to scream out loud.

The wind beneath your wings
The urge to fly high
The clouds under your feet
And the birds passes by.

But the fear holds you dear
Within your heart die
The meaning fell on earth
While you converse with the sky.
76 · Jan 2020
Gulishta Jan 2020
It's the easiest thing in the world
To fall in love...
But keep being in it
It's the toughest of them at all.
76 · Aug 2020
Gulishta Aug 2020
I put my heart on a line,
Found a friend to confine.
In a conversation about struggle,
And the identity of mine.

Words spoken out of misery,
I catch them in my throat.
Made it crystal in the end,
Breath started with a jolt.

Faith and confidence,
With my hand on my heart.
I made a fool of myself,
A fool out of my want.

But let the ball keep rolling,
Let the bridge keep us apart.
A misplaced walk of desire, shards.
75 · Jan 2020
Gulishta Jan 2020
Can't see
Beyond the fog
Of this helplessness.
      Prayers are
      Not enough to
      Sanctify this darkness.

            The urge
            To bleed within
            Fighting this hopelessness.

                   Fleeting moments
                   Piercing through
                   This bond of deception.

                           Lies among the truth
                           Fate of my destiny
                           Wait enough to hold
                           A stand for confession.

Help held inside
This mind of mine
Fight against myself
Burn. ...
Or hurt to Sanctify.
74 · Sep 2020
Stretched thin.
Gulishta Sep 2020
The moment stretched thin,
    Within your eyes lies..
The fate of your despair,
     As you face your desire.

Lonely nights caused,
     As your bleeding heart flies.
The leaving of your soul,
      Within the moment lies.

The eyes tell the story,
     The one your smile hides.
You let yourself fall,
     As the time flies by.

The moment stretched thin,
     When you live behind the words.
The expected memories feels,
      Within your soul it cries.

And the moment stretched thin,
     Within the moment lies.
The fate of your desire,
      As you face your despair.
74 · Sep 2020
Gulishta Sep 2020
Just a matter of time
Everything holding
A power over you
Is going to demolish
And turn into nothingness.
72 · Sep 2020
Gulishta Sep 2020
I made a mistake
By filling up the space
The space that'd
Keep me wanting
To bridge
This gaping hole
Between us...

Now...there's nowhere to go.
70 · Aug 2020
Gulishta Aug 2020
A reason unknown to me,
I see love when you look at me.
Your eyes messy and murky,
But there's no place I'd rather be.
69 · Mar 2020
Gulishta Mar 2020
Dept of your darkened mind
    Lures the darkness of mine
To consume the shadows
   And the last glimmer of light.

In the moment of lust
In the passion for thirst
    They dance around in open
     On the music of our hurt.

A call strong enough to break
    A soul that's what on the stake
With the flames of burning desire
    A death of light ....with a red hot fire.
51 · Jan 2020
Gulishta Jan 2020
Is it possible to be able to live with a constant ache that starts to feel like it's  the only thing that's keeping you alive?

Is it possible to somehow be able to live with a hole shape of your heart in your chest?

Is it possible to become one with ones deepest darkest pain as if that's the only significant thing left?

Is it the brain or the heart that's need to shut up for one to completely lose themselves?
50 · Jan 2020
Gulishta Jan 2020
Deep enough to hurt,
You crawled under my skin.
Cut through my veins,
You bleed like a sin.
A face of ***** desire,
Bonded on dark kinship.

— The End —