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Grey mirror May 2018
He murdered her soul
Yet he is applauded by all,
Because he was born in the spotlight
And she belongs in the shadow.
Grey mirror May 2018
The moment I decide to give up
A spark ignites in a mysterious cup.
A special tea garnished with
the aroma of friends,  family and even a foe,
it challenges me to taste all that life has to offer,
Be it sweet, sour or bitter.
Grey mirror May 2018
While trying to save a soul
I lost my own.
10w soul
Grey mirror Apr 2018
Men are created to lead
Yes I do believe,
But you have no right
To force a woman to bleed
She is not a machine
Meant for your pleasure,
She has a heart
You ought to treasure.
Her duty is not only
to bear children
But she loves, nurture them
And shares their burdens.

God bestowed her with a mind
Dear society don't be blind!
She has the free will
To do what is right

Treat her 'A HUMAN'
Grey mirror Apr 2018
Being broad-minded
I believe in God.
And I do not narrow down
My beliefs
in the things
that are seen.
And how do you define being broad minded?
Grey mirror Apr 2018
The earth has evolved they say,
belong in historic caves
Along with all that
Expired and decayed.

Little children ending up
with older human!
It's a new trend
"Pedophilic love"
Everyone gets hurt.

Multiple ****** partners
Of any gender,
diseases come after,
Ohh but why bother!
We all fall ill
and die any day.

A child on the way,
Take a pill and
abort the unwanted,
So you may look pretty
With a thin body.

****** don't care
What you wear,
They are just men with
Ravenous appetite
To rip and tear.

Carry firearms
Shoot em' all
Who are you to judge
Whether they are innocent
Or not.

So the earth has evolved you say
All I see is a world rotting away.
It saddens me to see how the world is dieing gradually daily.
Grey mirror Apr 2018
My thorns had *****
And blood had spill
For my words ****
And run down chills.
I couldn't tame my tongue
For then, I was undone.

I lost my grip,
I let you slipped
The solitude consumed me
I fell on my knees,
I begged please
Silence my voice,
Chain my tongue.

At present, I'm redeemed
My words have healed.
To those I've hurt
I hope in the future
Your forgiveness I shall breathe
As for now I urge you
Accept my apologies.
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