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Deep Ponderer Dec 2017
My Knight in shining armour
is coming soon
To sweep me off my feet,
To cleanse me of all my iniquities,
He claimed and honoured me,
with the title
"Daughter of the King"
His name,
"Above all names"
*King of Kings
And Lord of Lords.
Psalms 18:1
God is bedrock under my feet, the castle in which I live, my rescuing knight.
Deep Ponderer Nov 2017
Don't let hate consume your peace,
Lest it occupies every space
Your heart can no longer contain,
Protruding like a pigeon's rib cage.
Till one day it lits a grenade,
And explodes an uncontrollable rage.
Deep Ponderer Nov 2017
I asked someone
In a serene manner,
"Why so serious?"
I received a full throated reply,
"Should I act like a child then,
The way you do!?"

I gave a poise reply
With a gentle smile,
*"I certainly do not act like a child,
But the child within
Teaches me to live,
Not to simply survive."
Embrace your inner child:)
Stay blessed.
Deep Ponderer Nov 2017
Right your wrongs
Don't use them as excuses
For others to pity you.
Most of the time we find ourselves searching for someone to say "I understood why you did what you did" but we refuse to rectify the situation
Deep Ponderer Nov 2017
We shadow our eyes with a veil
So we can write our own tale.
But when we catch
a glimpse of reality,
We see only the storm
hindering the sun
And the rainbow of life,
just a fantasy!
Most of the time we fail to embrace reality and we see it as a tragedy. But not all realities have sad endings.
Deep Ponderer Nov 2017
We are like marionettes.
Our fears: our marionettists.
Control bars direct our actions,
the strings limit our abilities.
We preform for an applause,
But not for a visionary cause.
Don't let fear undermine your ability
Deep Ponderer Nov 2017
A promise is meant to be broken,
Kept only for a mellifluous moment,
A whisper so melodious to the ear
But never an indelible action.
Only one is deep rooted,
Conquered with love
A sacrificial affection.
To die and to rise
Was the only solution
For a home in Heaven,
A promise
never to be broken.
1John 2:25
This is the promise which He Himself made to us: eternal life.
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