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Deep Ponderer Oct 2017
My past sheds off
This fall
Wrinkling away
In the shades
Yellow orange brown
Dying on
the winter ground.
Clothing, grooming
My frozen soul
To spring out fresh love
In the summer rain.
Leaving the past behind this fall
Deep Ponderer Oct 2017
Don't let emotions
take the wheel
But steer it
In the direction
You need to be.
Don't let emotions control you. Learn to take control.
Deep Ponderer Oct 2017
I have a God
But I keep saying
I don't have enough
I'm way too fat
I am unloved

The only one
That shed his blood
For my sins
the only one
Who sacrificed His life
So I may have a place
In Heaven
Isn't that love?

But I still belong
To the ungrateful kind
A lazy swine
Who only whines
Nothing is ever enough.
We are the generation of the ungrateful. Nothing is ever enough.We make our problems God size, when will we realise God is more than enough!
Deep Ponderer Oct 2017
Be kind
But stay witty,
For there are always
Prowlers in between.
Love man, trust God, for man is flawed and will leave you hurt. So stay alert.
Deep Ponderer Oct 2017
The greatest achievement
A man can achieve
Is peace
In the midst
Of lonely.
I'm sure most of us when alone feel like no one cares or loves, feel unwanted and thoughts run wild. But sometimes we have to learn the skill of accepting lonely as beauty. When u finally find peace in lonely there is nothing you can't achieve. No more place for suicidal tendencies.
Deep Ponderer Oct 2017
I tried to fill this empty
With all the worldly delicacies
A momentary satiety,
Although I was well aware
This hollowness is dynamic
The intangible kind
Invisible to the naked eye.
Yet how shallow
was my perception.

Only unconditional love
So intangible
Dynamic yet splendid,
Can fill this empty hollow
And grace thus follows.
Only the love Of Jesus can fill the empty void within, and He saves us through grace.
Deep Ponderer Oct 2017
In my merry days
I desire company
For if they appear
only in my dark days
I know they pity me
They feel I'm in need
For alone I fail to breathe
But how false that is,
For then I know
They are the ones
that come and go
Not the ones that stay.
I need them
in all my days.
I want to thank those people who are with me in my dark as well as happy days. But for those who were there only in my dark days. I'm sorry to say, but I dislike pity.
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