life -a fairy tale
Happily ever after
I, the author of every page.
Here comes the Queen. Hail!!
When the kingdom was in chaos
The reign of terror began,
Easy to blame
My subjects my slaves,
A narcissist prevailed.
Humbling myself ,an enormous leap
A pauper's shoes indeed.
Looking through the eyes of others
I had a peep,
The life of struggle, an eye opener.
Failure and reckless decision
Were no longer frightening.
Life- a surprise,* What's next,
A road to a storm or a silver lining?
Both an adventure, worth every dime.
*A journey in its own time.
I always plan ahead, if things doesn't go my way according to my time, well let's just say a monster unravels. But lately I tried listening and being patient, putting others need before mine. Somehow my life is a better journey, things happened in its own time.