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69 · Aug 2022
Grey Aug 2022
I feel as if my time is near its end.
Premonitions haunt my mind as it also drains my soul.
I’ve lived through many instances where either I should’ve died or that I did and someone or something always brought me back.
Repeated pressure on my chest,
Forcing air into my lungs.
No one ever tells you how much it hurts when you finally inhale that deep exhausting and painful breath.
How your eyes are watery and burn.
Your chest feels like it’s been crushed.
Your throat is drier than the Gobi desert.
Then everything else hurts,
Your head pounds for a while.
Everything is laggy vision wise.
Hearing is echoey.
Or another thing,
The electrical shock to your chest.
You wake up tingly.
Same painful breaths and all of the above,
Just add tingly.
Like your entire body was nerve wise asleep and it’s all tingly.
Every time I’ve come back I feel less.
This last time I came back she was still punching my face.
Couldn’t see out of my right eye,
My neck felt like barbed wire was wrapped around it and rubbed it raw.
The aftermath of her choking the life out of me.
And for what?
Unresolved issues that she never spoke of to any of her family,
Yet takes every aggression out on me.
The one person who would never hit her,
And just let her do it.
68 · Nov 2021
Twisted & Broken
Grey Nov 2021
Truly I must’ve been born with greatness,
Or so I believed.
Now I see…
I shake the very world,
The truth comes to light.
Hated by many because I am not afraid to speak my mind about their silver tongues two faces and back stabbings.
Oh gods,
Pray that I will never become truly a monster
68 · Jun 2022
Grey Jun 2022
Suddenly breathing is harder, abrupt inhales and sharp exhales.
Stomach tightens and jaw clenched.
Whatever you do…
Whether the reaction is positive or negative, it’s all perceived as negative in everyone’s eyes.
You can’t **** up.
You came too far to lose it all by showing what you’re feeling.
Don’t cry
Don’t get angry
Don’t let it hurt
Don’t smile
Don’t scream
Don’t laugh
Don’t Do Anything.
You know that whatever you do it all falls back on you.
The shaking and twitching starts because you’re muscles have been tight for too long.
Just keep a blank face.
It’s okay.
You didn’t do anything wrong…
It was out of your control…
Even standing in the shower away from everyone, tears build up but they can’t come out.
That’s when I realized it’s fear…
Fear of losing everything I’ve worked for.
Fear of not being good enough.
Oh that repetitive thought.
The whole car ride home was intense,
Hearing all the bills piling up, the persistent reminder that I have to save my money but somehow pay all the bills.
I just needed my phone service turned on and listen to music, even that I couldn’t do.
This whole night one thing after another,
I will say I am proud that regardless I somehow have gotten through it.
Now I’m hoping that she reads the message about how my phone service wasn’t on…
Either way…
Just can’t show it.
So I lay here body twitching under the stress.
Knowing that in just a few hours,
It all starts again.
Hopefully it’ll be an easier day.
Just need to get to the weekend.
68 · Apr 2022
Grey Apr 2022
“Hey you’ve been distant today, btw I swung by your aunts and your sisters today said hey, they said they miss you. Also yes I posted a pic to Snapchat for the first time in awhile cuz didn’t want you to forget my goofy *** face. I’ll bug ya later. I love you”
It’s the little things that make the difference,
She understands that I’m working on getting my GED and hopefully a good job before I join the military.
Idk she’s different, no rush and no worries.
Just understanding and patience,
It’s something new
68 · Feb 2022
Grey Feb 2022
There’s no doubt that I will always be here, no matter how hard it is or how much it hurts to see you struggle.
I showed up that one night in the spring,
And I’ve shown up ever since.
I walk a dangerous line between who I am and who I was.
Yet for you I will always show up.
Because in the end it’s always been you.
Even if you never choose me,
There’s still a part of me that believes in the small chance.
68 · Jan 2022
Grey Jan 2022
Losing your identity because the one you love and that “loves” you takes a bigger toll than you think.
At first Della presented herself as supportive,
Come to find out once again silenced.
I put my head down hoping to lessen the vibes in the room.
Never really got to speak my mind, share my views.
Always met with the disregard,
The instantaneous change of subject.
Luckily now I am able to speak freely,
Now I am with someone who is interested and open to learning more.
Trust me I talk a lot especially when I’m excited :)
It’s refreshing to be able to be proud of who I am and where I come from without the belittling by someone who said they love me
67 · Feb 2022
Grey Feb 2022
While I was sitting in silence,
You were out laughing and falling in love.
While I was alone in pain,
You filled the empty place that was once mine.
While I was dying,
You were living.
And the entire time I loved you regardless,
Even when you replaced me,
When you said you hated me,
I laid on that gurney, red & blue flashing.
The beeping, the police, emts firefighters all yelling but it sounded echoey.
It hurt to breathe, every breath was like hot coals down my throat and chest.
My eyes burned & felt scratchy.
My nose bled like crazy from the dryness.
Endless ******* beeping.
The cold air in the ambulance wasn’t cold enough for me,
I still felt like I was burning in hell.
Scorching searing heat.
All I could do was lay there and repeat the story of exactly what happened.
And also to call you.
To call the one person who probably couldn’t care less about what was happening.
The doctors rushing to check me out completely and threw 3 blankets on me even after I said I still felt hot.
They were right to do so because not even a minute later,
Full panic attack, all adrenaline that kept us alive gone.
Endless shaking and the soot making my eyes water more and my nose burn.
All I could smell was gasoline, burning rubber plastic, cigarettes, liquor, smoke, burning grass.
I could hear the flames roaring like a lion announcing its attack.
Yet I also kept saying to call you.
Of course no one called you,
When we were released from the hospital I fell into the PTSD depression slump, I drank a whole bottle of Jaeger because at that point I didn’t care what alcohol it was or what it tasted like.
I needed someone,
I needed you.
Actually I didn’t need anyone.
I just wanted comfort and safety.
Yet in the end I'll never get that.
And that’s okay, I survived
67 · Feb 2022
Grey Feb 2022
I keep going back to that moment,
Right after we slid into the ditch.
As we literally hung in the balance,
Too much weight on the right side and we’d roll deeper and deeper into the ditch.
It was the moment that was so quiet and still.
Where every part of me shuddered,
Where we both forgot how to breathe.
Dangling as she slammed her foot on the gas pedal,
Causing the grass below the left driver side tire to spark on fire.
In that moment of stillness as the dry grass burned,
Don’t move.
Figure something out.
She can’t move.
I can’t move.
Are we going to die?
I can’t stop shaking.
I can’t breathe.
******* we are going to die.
That moment where all the questions and decisions in the world happened,
The left tire blew erupted into flames as I grabbed her shoulder, leaving her towards the left side to stabilize us as much as possible.
I told her to push her feet into that break and not to let up until I tell her to.
Climbing into the back seat breaking the window and climbing out.
Pitch black smoke everywhere I actually lost my directions and couldn’t see the van.
I couldn’t breathe.
After fumbling around like a blind man,
I found the door and had to rip the seat belt off to get her out.
She was frozen so I had to carry her to the other of the road.
That’s when the next moment happened.
The shuddering, the heat of the flames.
The crackling of the fire, the moonlight reflecting on the river.
That’s when I did the most stupidest thing,
I ran back into the fire.
67 · Mar 2022
One person
Grey Mar 2022
Can someone explain to me how I could finally start to breathe again.
How I was a better person and I was healing.
How I started to smile again without faking it.
How the nightmares weren’t as frequent.
How everyday was becoming brighter.
How I was getting better.
Only for one girl to say all the right triggers,
To play with my head again.
How could one person cause such pain and now here I am.
This time i don’t even know where to start.
67 · Dec 2021
Grey Dec 2021
We game
We laugh
We joke & even cry.
Always goofy friends with endless hours talking away and laughing even if the video game frustrates us..
Yet suddenly one day i noticed the change in your voice, it was more nervous high pitched.
We started talking about relationships,
Now we FaceTime before going to bed,
Talking about the what ifs.
We look out for each other,
Noticing when somethings wrong…
I think that maybe this time…
I hope this time,
The universe answered my prayers,
And she’s the one.
Of course we are both worried about the what if we break up and it’s hard to be friends again…
That worry comes to mind yet here she is…
Telling me it’s going to be okay, she’s got my back like I have hers.
Now it’s the plane ride over and she’s in my arms
Gently stroking her hair and she snuggles closer to me,
The one thing we’ve both longed for.
She sets up her PS4 and we game till we want to watch a movie.
“It’s going to be okay, even if it’s a lot to handle sometimes. Life does that, challenges us.”
She falls asleep so soundly and peacefully,
With her nestled in my arms I too drift off.
I love waking up next to her, as she smiles every morning telling me she loves me dearly
Maybe this time the universe is indeed kind,
We both longed for this,
The safety and peace we never had before.
66 · Apr 2022
Grey Apr 2022
There are days where I wish that I hadn’t gotten out of that vehicle that burned & the flames roared.
I should’ve stayed in that seat,
Life wouldve went on for a lot of people.
I’d fade away from memory and existence.
No one would care to even remember why should they?
If I had accepted that it was the end of all things for me,
I’d be at peace now.
Not this hollow shell of whoever I thought I was before.
Terrified of the world
Pressured now to enjoy the life I have.
That’s the problem,
I can’t because there never was any reason to enjoy it before and maybe I had cheated death.
Maybe I was supposed to go.
Next time I wont try to intervene,
Next time I will go gladly
66 · Apr 2022
Grey Apr 2022
Two completely different individuals who are destined to destroy in one way or another.
A dangerous union,
Many have warned about the coming calamity.
One will have praises & the love of many.
The other will have been broken & battered.
One has the heart of a lion yet piously flawed.
The other who’s lived a life as all lone wolves do, hanging on.
A reminder of characters from the tale of Fire & Ice.
One lives their life as if nothing happened,
After they’ve betrayed, lied, laughed & poetically killed the other.
Broke their spirit & destroyed what soul they had left.
In the end the pious lion always goes on & tells the tale of how they were always innocent.
Stalking their next prey,
Yet somehow their forked silver tongue always let’s them get away.
A long list of now broken naive people,
A pile of broken hearts & shattered dreams.
All for one’s ego.
Little did they know that maybe just one would be their greatest mistake.
That one person becomes the monster of their own design,
Now truly there is one who became more than just prey.
65 · Jul 2022
Grey Jul 2022
They say a man is the most dangerous man when he’s lost all he’s ever loved.
This is true,
What I’ve come to learn is that a man is more protective of what he’s found after he’s lost it all and somehow or someway,
He was blessed to find a woman who loves him flaws and all.
Who he’ll build a house for, and yet she makes it a home.
Who blesses him the most beautiful gift of all,
With little hands and little feet that will grow to hands that will endure.
With laughter and smiles that he can’t help but smile when those pop in his head when he’s at lowest.
The reason he always kept on going and found a way to make it through any and all hardships he faced alone.
Now he must face a new season of living,
Be a better man each day.
Be a better father each day.
And never give up.
If he ever falters, she’s there and never gives up on him.
This is the love and the hope he held onto through many broken nights,
Many times he prayed for the right moment, the right woman, the right time.
Nevertheless, every single time he can’t help but feel pride and joy.
This is it,
She’s the one.
Always has been and Always will be.
65 · Apr 2022
Grey Apr 2022
Now that this new step in life is taking hold,
Now everyone will wish they’d treated me better.
They’ll regret what they’ve done.
It’s ironic because they’re the same people I gave up everything for,
Yet now I’m finally choosing to become more.
To prove to myself and all of them that I deserve so much more than they could ever give.
And that I didn’t deserve to be hurt or broken by them.
65 · Jan 2022
Grey Jan 2022
I’m exhausted.
The bitter truth is everything I had ever worked for,
Struggled for,
A great job and amazing work experience,
3 vehicles, one I got for my parents 2 I bought for me.
My parents house paid off, an apartment for me and my best friend.
A bond with my family, amazing people in my life.
All home in some way shape or form because of my one decision to love someone who never understood the value of it all.
The hard work it took.
And now even though at times I hate myself for my decision.
I know I can come back stronger.
Even now I have been given the opportunity to reconnect with my family.
And I love them with all my heart and soul.
The decision I made to love someone who was comfortable with telling me to leave my family behind haunts me,
Yet I know I am loved.
And now there is no way to go but up.
With my best friend who’s the most amazing beautiful strong woman by my side,
My two dogs who are the best dogs I swear.
My family who I now know will never turn their backs on me.
Together anything is possible.
65 · Mar 2022
Grey Mar 2022
I learned that all along I was trying to be happy,
And that in the end none of them ever cared.
How could they?
I gave them the dagger hoping that they saw it was a sign of trust…
and yet instead they plunged it deep.
Now happiness is a fairytale.
Love is a cruel trick.
And I am left completely and utter numb.
Grey Jan 2022
Surprised to see you at my door as I am embraced,
The feeling of safety and absolute love.
A gentle smile as you make the joke about your “spider sense”
Sensing I wasn’t okay.
We sit by our fire and watching our Disney movies on the projector.
Cold crisp air broken by the warmth of each other and that crackling fire.
For a while I couldn’t stand fires, not after that Saturday morning…
“Your counselor called. Said you were off so I came back home.”
“Home? I thought North Dakota was home, for both of us.”
“My home is you, where you are.”
“How’s Liam?”
“Growing baby boy, definitely misses the all nighter gaming noises. He can’t sleep throughout the night unless I put one of your stream videos on.”
Campfire crackles as the winter moon lights our night sky.
It’s warmer here than we’re use to, so stargazing happens every night.
Learning the constellations.
It’s refreshing to know I don’t have to choose between the one I love and my family who isn’t perfect yet loves me all the same.
Smoke cigarettes and laugh throughout the nights.
Together we enjoy the moments that fleetingly pass by yet are frozen forever and stored in memory.
It’s interesting how far we’ve come,
Almost predestined with my fathers and your mothers side so close before.
Who knew?
63 · Aug 2021
Grey Aug 2021
Sitting in a chair with a coffee in one hand at a breakfast restaurant , the sun was shining and everyone was walking by going about their everyday life.
Just as I was about get to leave I heard your voice,
“hey Josh”
I turned around and saw you there smiling,
Even though I knew something was wrong.
You didn’t need to explain you sat down immediately and we sat there in silence as if we were honoring a loss.
He had broken up with you because we were all supposed to meet to discuss our lives together.
When you’d finally told me, you tried to leave.
And I responded with
“I have loved you from the moment I met you, everyday I wanted to be a part of the world you are in. I was an young and stupid idiot who never could get control of their feelings or emotions, but you I finally saw that it was possible. And that anything is indeed possible. I look at you and you are the strongest and bravest person I know. I’ve loved you when I was able to hold you in my arms. I’ve loved you from afar when you’d left to find yourself again. And I will always love you no matter what.”
She smiled,
“Can we just run away? Can we just go?”
And just like I woke up.
Back to reality where I know I’ll never be able to call her mine again
Grey Feb 2022
I don’t understand how someone who said they loved you so much,
Could erase you like you’re nothing.
I didn’t ask to love you as much as I do
I also didn’t know that I had to just erase everything we had every memory and force myself to move on like you.
I want to heal the right way not force myself to move past everything I feel.
I don’t want to just act like it was all nothing.
I didn’t ask to be in that accident either and I didn’t ask for all the pain, the anger the hurt I didn’t ask for any of this.
And I don’t understand why I can’t just heal
Not in a rush.
I can’t just jump into a relationship and say I’m better without you
I can’t just delete every memory I have from you because those are the most precious memories I will always carry and I can’t let those go.
And you are cruel, you have been cruel.
Yet I cannot hate you, I could never hate you.
And now you say I broke you when I blocked you for the first time
I will never understand that,
I had to live with being broken like that over and over again.
It hurts, it rips you apart and I am sorry that you felt that.
I also know I can’t let myself hurt anymore…
I wanted you in my life as well, I wanted to grow and heal and I wanted you to be proud of me.
Yet this whole time I was hurting myself more.
And I can’t do that anymore.
63 · Feb 2022
Grey Feb 2022
It’s understandable,
My life is complex though I wish it was simpler.
There’s the past me who loved being toxic & never gave a second thought.
There’s the part of me that my father wishes me to be, the side I despise the most.
And then there’s me now,
I’m living in between life & death it seems.
I really don’t care anymore,
I just choose to be happy.
Yet everyone will always see the old me.
Hopefully some don’t.
Itd be nice if someone would understand.
That the world is truly full of unknowns and worrying about everything is pointless because what matters is now.
Until the day comes that someone can truly understand or accept me then I suppose it’s just me.
And that’s okay.
62 · Sep 2021
Grey Sep 2021
It’ll be too late before she realized
That I could’ve done it
62 · Jan 2022
Grey Jan 2022
Every villain needs their arch in the stories.
After years of constant pain & betrayals,
Now the time has come.
After trying to be the good person that everyone says you can be,
There’s a breaking point.
Time to give them hell,
My life is my own.
And by my side,
The woman who shares the ideology of its us before anyone.
Who shares the experiences of pain.
Together we build a world to call our own.
Shrugging off with a smile as those who use to hold us back try once again to hurt us.
They hold no power,
They are where they are meant to be,
In the past
62 · Feb 2022
Create your demon.
Grey Feb 2022
Make me your villain,
It’s okay.
You know only one side of the coin,
The day will come when you will be curious as to the other side.
Let me know when you’re ready
Ill be here as usual.
The side no one hears.
Create your very own demon in the closet,
All I wanted was to be happy and watch the movies
Not get roped into your twisted toxic relationship
My only goal was having fun on apex or at least having company on the game.
Yet here we are once again
You’ve made me the scapegoat.
All of you again,
When ironically this time I was innocent.
62 · Aug 2021
Grey Aug 2021
At one time,
I believed I could do great things.
I actually started to dream and hope for better outcomes.
Because she helped me become more.
I know what I am what I always will be.
So I’m going to back,
I mean come on.
It’s not like I deserve being happy anyway,
All that hope those dreams just gone, she took them with her.
All because I didn’t want to lie or hide anymore
61 · Apr 2022
Grey Apr 2022
It’s ironic,
The gift Ive been told I have.
The quote is that everyone wears a mask to hide their true colors,
Throughout my life I’ve been known to be the cause of people showing their true colors.
I always thought this was a dark gift, I don’t like losing people.
Growing up I never understood why & now I’m older I see the benefit of it.
The thing is I don’t do anything, I am comfortable in myself and that makes people uncomfortable.
I speak my mind and say what I feel knowing fully well I can be rejected for anything.
Granted I know my limits, the irony is I try to be as honest as I can be.
And voila, it never fails.
They all blame me for their own reasons,
I laugh because they dig their own graves.
I observe and I try not to forget important things because a lie is easy to catch.
And when you catch them in that lie, they all react the same.
The denial, the anger, the need to play victim to everyone else.
Then comes the silence, and then ego steps in because of how insecure they really are.
It’s a dangerous gift I always thought,
Mainly because I know people do get hurt, people I care about.
In the end I am blamed, unlike them I try not to bring up their past mistakes as they do to me.
As they scratch & claw for anything to turn it around on me.
It hurts still yet I can’t just react that’s never a good thing, but there were times I really wanted to.
61 · Mar 2022
Grey Mar 2022
Can someone explain to me why I have to be the one people take their **** out on?
Like I’m trying to be a good person and be there for the people I care about because **** i don’t want anyone to feel how I do when no one checks on me or really cares for that matter.
But it’s like when I try to, and honestly it’s scary as **** because everyone reacts different,
And It Never Fails!
They snap at me and then somehow I’m just an ******* who doesn’t actually care about them and I’m just “acting”.
Please by all that is good and sacred please can everyone in my life for once just take all their **** out on someone else and notice that I actually am here and I actually am trying to be there for them?
Well ****.
61 · Jul 2022
You’re Welcome
Grey Jul 2022
I would like to start off with you’re welcome.
For being the first boy she lied to,
For being the one she was able to break down completely,
For being the one she was to destroy mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially.
For being the one that she needed to break so she could learn what love actually is.
For being the one who showed her that it’s possible to love someone that evil and never judge them.
For being the one who forgave her every time she found a new way to torment.
For being the one she used all of her toxic behaviors on.
For being the one who’s heart was tried & tested yet always find a way to still love her.
So of course when you hurt her, it pains me.
Because you got it easy.
You didn’t get the endless nights of drunken rage,
The lies.
The running around with people she said I could trust,
They ended up being the least trustworthy.
The endless insults.
The twisting of words,
The manipulation.
You’re welcome that all you had to do was be the one she could trust but turns out you two are just the same.
You’re welcome,
For being as toxic as she is.
Now the both of you can ruin each other’s lives while I still somehow get the drunken phone calls and crying.
Welcome to hell I tried to warn you
61 · Sep 2021
Grey Sep 2021
I see the demons in the night again,
Itching to torment and fulfill their hateful desires.
Their home lies in the dark quiet hours of the night,
Lately I’ve become more accustomed and welcomed.
Fever and and cold chill down my spine when I wake up from a sound sleep.
Now I no longer wish for sleep,
Only peace.
Eyes yellowed and red, sunken are full of anger and hate.
Yet I’m not afraid,
And I don’t know why.
I don’t even know if they’re dreams anymore or if maybe it’s something else
61 · Feb 2022
Grey Feb 2022
It’s like being in that fire again,
The inescapable feeling that this can hurt you.
This will hurt you,
And the choice is whether to stay in that fire knowing it will hurt.
That it will **** you every second you stay in it.
Then there’s the choice that also hurts but in a different way.
Right now it’s a choice of do I love you so much to the point that I will keep hurting myself?
Or do I go and choose to try to love myself.
Either way each choice feels like being in that fire.
That moment when everything changes and even the atmosphere stifles you.
And it hurts because in the end what’s the point.
61 · Jan 2022
Grey Jan 2022
Never hurt someone who’s only intention was making you happy.
When they showed up to a house that was broken glass everywhere, after seeing the person they love slamming their head against the floor.
In the end no matter what you do,
The wrong one will only use you for a temporary happiness until they get bored or scared.
And in the end you’re just the idiot who gave their all and ended up more broken than when you met them.
60 · Jan 2022
Grey Jan 2022
Mornings start with the tracing on my fingers writing out I love you,
Soft kisses on your nose and forehead as you gently wake.
You snuggle closer to me as I wrap my arms around you,
Luckily we can sleep in.
My baby softly grumbling because you yearn to be closer.
It’s these moments I hold dear.
Nudging your nose against my neck and smiling as you fall back asleep.
Safe and warm in my arms.
Or when we play apex,
The competitiveness between us unless the random tries to be an ***,
Then all I can hope for is that they can handle your wrath.
How you’ve taken the time to learn the game so we could spend time together,
Long distance never was a bother between us.
We found our way, knowing we have our lives and life goes on.
So we travel back and forth,
Until now.
We’ve repaired the broken house my ex had a hand in destroying,
My parents love the extra help.
And they love you.
We can live our lives finally without fear or worry.
Without having to give up or run.
Without all the heartache and betrayal that we’ve only known through our former lovers.
Finally free.
Able to breathe again.
Able to love again.
Forever |Always
60 · Mar 2022
Grey Mar 2022
A text out the blue,
“Hey I’m back in town…I miss you & i overreacted you didn’t deserve that, can we meet up and talk?”
At first I ignored.
Those words kept coming to life in my mind,
As if I could hear her saying the words.
Suddenly I hear the words of Della and others,
Telling me how I shouldn’t have reacted.
I started feeling the same feelings and telling myself,
“Don’t do it, everyone else makes the choices for you. They leave, you don’t get a say or chance. Everyone else knows best, everything you do is wrong. You can’t feel any emotions or show them. No one likes that, you can’t even have opinions, keep your mouth shut. Everyone else that has been in your life has all left because of you. They all say you’re the problem, you broke what you had. It’s all you. And if you meet up with this amazing wonderful woman, you’ll end up alone again once she gets tired of you. They always have a way out”
My only response to her was,
“I can’t.”
Honestly I’d rather be alone from now on,
And it’s for the best anyway
60 · Feb 2022
Grey Feb 2022
The ravens, the eagles.
They would circle the tree outside my window, I’d heard their caws throughout my lifetime.
My love, she tells me the gods have watched over me for years.
The pain and suffering we’ve endured yet somehow overcome in extraordinary ways.
Yet the same signs, the ravens & the eagles.
We’ve both grew up with them.
For now we both know, the gods watch over us and even now continue to show us their mercy.
59 · Feb 2022
Grey Feb 2022
If only the gun hadn’t jammed,
I held it to the side of my head.
At last sweet comfort of silence for eternity.
An end to all the hurt, the pain, the end of everything no one could understand.
The feeling loneliness gone, no more arguments or longing to be heard.
No more waking up and smiling so everyone knows you’re okay.
No more pressures, just instantaneous end.
Yet it jammed.
And to this day I hate myself for it,
For not finding another way.
Maybe now someday it’ll end in a peaceful way,
She would hurt…
Yet I think she understands
That I am truly exhausted.
I’m ready to go.
Grey Feb 2022
I hate you because you are nothing but a ****** ******* that doesn’t care about her,
That kept her in a drunken state of mind and called it happiness.
I hate that you act weak and cry expecting pity, preying on her kindness.
Taking advantage of the fact that she will go above and beyond for those she cares about,
I hate the fact that I listened and watched and couldn’t do anything because I am miles away.
I hate that you called her a ***** and a ***** for wanting to be happy,
For making her choose between being happy and only half hearted happy.
I hate that you call it love when it really poison.
And of course she’ll take care of you you convinced her that you are lovable and here I am the witness to your true side.
The endless calls telling me that you will **** yourself because you aren’t good enough,
I witnessed your petty anger and saw in your eyes the real you.
And how you said you love playing her just so you won’t have to be alone.
I witnessed how pathetic you are.
And even now she begs me not to message you,
Because you are truly the greatest liar I have ever met.
For her sake I will sit back and watch you f*ck up again.
This time I will laugh and also feel sorry for her.
You play a dangerous game and one day she’ll see you for who you really are.
The message I’ve typed out and never got to send to the piece of sh*t who thinks he got away with it all.
59 · Apr 2022
Last & Low
Grey Apr 2022
I know my place,
Low & Last.
Last resort after there’s no one else to be there.
Yet even though I know my place I still get so excited to be around you.
Then it hurts again because I remember it won’t last long,
There’s always someone or something who will always be better than me.
It’s not pity I want or wish for,
Honestly I want to dull myself, dull that excitement.
Yes I know I am Last & Low.
59 · Mar 2022
Grey Mar 2022
7:13 am,
My mind never seems to stop wandering, honestly I wish there was just a switch.
Instead I’m doing my laundry with her on the FaceTime,
I keep worrying about what could happen.
What has happened.
Like what if our time together again is really is just going to be cut short again.
Honestly I’m worried about her,
I don’t want to see her hurting again.
I don’t even think she believes me when I do tell her I want to be her friend,
It’s like with everyone in my life it takes extraordinary measures to just be heard.
Which I don’t want to do anymore, it’s exhausting.
I use to always try to get my point across, put my foot down kind of.
I just want to be happy, and I’m learning new things like being comfortable in telling someone no I don’t want to do that.
I use to be a big people pleaser because I was taught that the idea of you is important, how you look, how you present yourself has to be perfect.
Now I just like doing the things that make me happy and I’m okay with doing them alone now.
It was scary at first because I use to hold onto the idea that I needed to find a partner in life to make it so to speak,
When really all i needed was to be able to be happy with myself.
So far so good.
Sometimes it gets dark,
I second guess myself.
I don’t know maybe it’s all part of the process.
Even writing this is all over the place,
Honestly I’m worried she’s gonna have a nightmare and that I’m not gonna be able to calm her down.
Or that maybe I still can…
Either way all I know for sure?
I can’t figure out what I’m feeling exactly, only that I want to be here for her no matter what.
Like I promised
59 · Sep 2021
Grey Sep 2021
Two options.
Tell her the truth and end it in a nice way, but she’ll come back or you’ll go back. Whole toxic cycle.
Be the bad guy, break her heart so she can actually heal. Push her towards the guy who’s better. So she can be happier.
I just hope I chose right.
59 · Mar 2022
Grey Mar 2022
Love is a dangerous thing,
You can put yourself on the line over and over again because you care about that one person so much.
In the end they just leave, they’ll never know much you sacrificed for them.
They don’t care why should they?
Being alone is better.
59 · Mar 2022
Grey Mar 2022
What do you do when your entire world is flipped?
When you think you finally know all the variables only to learn that it was all a lie?
That you’re really nothing.
No one.
For a time I was the son of a powerful and terrifying man with a dark history,
The son of a woman who left me to have a better life.
I learned many things from a sister who was an evil that knew the best.
I admired a brother who was a formidable force.
Most of my life was just endless pain and torment from all sides
It’s all I’ve ever known.
Only to find out it was all a lie.
59 · Aug 2021
Grey Aug 2021
The world accepts my chaotic mind, for they find it beautiful.
Dancing with my demons, no more hiding.
Yet the perfect world turns dark when I’m asked those questions
“Who have you loved?
A girl with golden pocket brown eyes.
The one who saw me as more.
It was always her.
58 · Dec 2021
Grey Dec 2021
The hardest part….
Was saying those words…
Fists clenched and holding back those burning tears…
“I forgive you…”
And I realized that regardless of how much I was hurt and still hurting, it was time to let go.
Maybe the ones I still love and miss, the ones I care about did and said the things they did because in their minds there was no other way….
They’re human too, maybe they’ve been hurt enough too through out their life…
Those words were spoken aloud and I felt a relief,
Like the pressure dispersed the heaviness evaporated.
It’s not all at once, maybe I’ll have to say “I forgive you” a hundred times a thousand…
Eventually I know…
All the agony, the pain, the hurt the pit in my stomach feeling, the flashbacks, the echoing voices….
It’s all a part of the journey.
I forgive you.
58 · Feb 2022
Grey Feb 2022
At the end of the day, after long hours of daily life.
We find ourselves in our separate lives.
The bitter truth of how your love for me was but a lie, and yet I can’t help but wonder if you’d finally led someone else into your trap.
The need to not be alone, the constant want for pity.
I find myself feeling sorry for the poor soul who has wrapped themselves in the web of lies you pulled many times before.
One day I hope they live to see the truth,
Or maybe not.
Either way the sad reality is that one who compels others to stay in their lives only by twisting the truth so they can be the victim.
It’s pathetic and small.
Yet I find myself once again hoping for the best,hoping you find the help you need.
And that one day the lies stop.
Because until then the pain will never go away.
Around and around we go.
We’re all pawns in Her game.
The dead, the broken, the blind.
58 · Feb 25
Grey Feb 25
Chaotic and violent thrashing of thunder and cracks of lightning
A tortured soul and a burdened mind.
Within a life that seemed destined to be nothing more than bleak and surviving alone,
There she was.
The one who heart and soul I was meant to find.
Her kind and gentle soul filled with love and compassion,
Someone who has seen and lived through pain and suffering yet,
Her smile beams and radiates joy throughout a room.
The smell of her hair and her touch ever so loving.
To a young man who’s stated never again to love,
How could someone so beautiful and so perfect love someone like him?
His dark past, the nights filled with torment and though she’s seen his darkest moments…
She loves with her all and day by day she is teaching him to know the truest love,
How to give and how to receive.
It’s okay not to be okay.
To be open and never have to worry about feeling alone.
Her hand in mine,
The promise of never again will we have to suffer another heartbreak (other than who ate the last bite on the plate)
Truly love is a wonderful and beautiful thing,
To find in a vane way of saying perfection when there is no such thing,
Here she is.
My beautiful wife,
Love of my life.
The one I adore and hope each day I’m becoming a better man for.
Truly I love you and have searched for you.
Forever and Always, Always and Forever.
Across the galaxies and across the pages of time I will always love you.
57 · Aug 2022
Grey Aug 2022
Death was comforting,
It was silent, still & peaceful.
Then I heard the rumbling, the cracking.
It was the first time I saw the thunderclouds roaring their tremendous roar.
The lightning piercing the sky and the hill.
I heard “not yet”
That’s when I felt the air in my lungs again,
She was still ontop of me punching with all of her might,
Choking me once again.
Smile on her face.
I used whatever I had left to push her off me,
I pushed her back so she was standing and I could finally stand up.
I knew my family was right outside that hotel room door and I couldn’t see out of my right eye but I opened the door. They walked in looks of horror as they saw my bloodied beaten face.
I turned back and there she was sitting as if nothing happened.
The irony of all this is that I never hit her once.
I didn’t want to hurt her,
Regardless of me not fighting back,
She enjoyed it.
57 · Apr 2022
Grey Apr 2022
I will make them all regret the day they turned their backs on me.
I will rise above more than they could ever accomplish.
I do not believe that the gods have protected me from death numerous times just so I live a small pathetic life like they all wanted me to.
In one way or another they’ve all tried to make me into their own perceptions.
They all have their ideas of me, yet they all made the mistake that they know me.
Or know what they’ve created,
How much I’ve let happen because I believe that people can care about you.
It’s a disgusting lie they tell themselves.
The truth is I was the fool for telling them parts of me that they ultimately used for their own gain.
I’ve been belittled, degraded, betrayed.
I am the fool,
Because I believe their disgusting lie.
Now they will regret it.
They will wish they were better than the **** they are.
And this time when they cry for their losses and their pain deep down I hope they know,
I was always the one who tried to protect them.
No more.
By all the gods I pray for vengeance, revenge.
56 · Dec 2020
Grey Dec 2020
“I’ll be there to pick up the pieces”
The most terrifying sentence I have ever heard,
It pierced my soul
The words that came from you,
The hurt in your voice.
And how I shut you out trying to make her happy
When I never spoke to you, my best friend
What nobody understands is that there’s a darkness growing inside
I sit alone in the early morning hours,
That darkness brings a smile to my face.
I love you
But I’m no good for you
Or anyone
I feel it inside me,
Just a pitch black angry and emptiness
It comes out,
And it scared you
Tonight, like so many other nights
It’s me against the devil himself
We sit in the dark hours,
The quiet abyss.
Laughing at the pain
Completely gone
Nobody can save me now.
I sold my soul to devil when I stopped talking to you,
The one who’s there to pick up the pieces
And I’m fighting,
Every night
To be here
For the next day, to see your smile
I love you
But the battle in my mind is never ending
55 · Mar 2022
My “perfect” life
Grey Mar 2022
Now with the most recent events,
Got jumped about 3 times because of things that weren’t even my problem to begin with but I have the family name so yeah, my left eye hemorrhaged, if I ever get hit or fall on it I will go blind for good.
Broken and cracked ribs, left cheekbone was broken still swells every now and then.
I almost died. AGAIN.
This time was when I was drinking with my niece who’s actually a year older than me.
We went for a cruise that was indeed a drunken cruise.
She drank way more than I thought she did and I was drunk too.
We were driving on the road to my grandpas church,
She tried to turn around so we could go back up the road cuz that road ended by the river.
Instead we high centered and slid into the ditch.
We were balanced on a old buried tree trunk.
She tried to push the accelerator all the down to rev us out, that caught the dry grass on fire. And then the left driver side tired caught fire.
So I had to climb out the back left window of the van, and pull her out.
Now that should’ve been it, but I thought I could get the van out of the ditch.
So I ran back into the now burning van,
Grabbed our phones and tried to grab the insurance papers.
Burned my hands in the process but I got out,
And just in time because it did explode not a big one but it exploded.
I could’ve died and somehow I just got out in time even though I went back in.
I couldn’t breathe, it hurt to breathe.
I couldn’t stop shaking and repeating what happened in detail to the cops the emts the doctors and the nurses.
The shaking scared me because of the fact that I couldn’t just stop.
My hands were tingling and they felt like someone used sandpaper on them or something.
The strangest thing was that I kept telling everyone to call Della, the girl that left, my ex. I just wanted to talk to her.
I remember being in the van before I had to Climb out the back, that I kept seeing mountains in my mind.
I saw mountains, the black hills, the yall prairie grass, I saw the desert sands of New Mexico. I saw every place I loved and all I kept thinking was “please whoever’s  listening let me get out of this alive because I have to see her again. I promised her I wouldn’t die or **** myself. I promised her let me get out of this alive please, she’s gotta know I’m okay I have to be okay, I have to stay alive, I gotta move I gotta get us out. I gotta live, I can’t leave her like this even though she ain’t around I can’t leave her in the world by herself I gotta get out, I gotta move.”
I don’t understand I almost died three times in my lifetime and I am here.
I don’t get it. Just hope it’s for a good reason.
I hope it’s worth it, & I will do my best to make it the most of it.
55 · Mar 2022
Grey Mar 2022
It’s almost poetic,
Ones forever loved and will always be perfect and remembered.
And then there’s me.
As always there has to be balance right?
When there’s good there has to be bad.
Somehow I’m the bad one.
I’m the one who will never be accepted.
The one who’s going to always be remembered as the villain.
As the entire truth is twisted to fit both of our needs.
I see it now.
I was the perfect choice to be the opposite wasn’t I.
A stupid boy who only knew how to run or who tried too hard to be better than what he was.
A idiotic boy who was accustomed to being the one who everyone threw their blame.
A boy who didn’t know how to react to anything other than to scream out of the pain.
Who didn’t know how to even react,
Just a scared pathetic boy who reacted.
Now he’s forever the villain in your story.
Family is lie to him.
Even though he hoped and prayed every night for one.
Love is dangerous to him,
Even though he wished for the warmth of it.
Stability, happiness, joy.
All the things he wished for throughout his childhood,
The very things he envied every other person for.
There’s no chance for him.
The odds were always against him.
Yet now that he’s older & a little wiser now he realizes he was meant to be your villain. Or at least your families villain
He sees the truth.
His entire life has been for a reason,
He’s meant to be villain isn’t he?
He prayed to whatever god would listen that he could be shown what he needed to be for you.
And little did he know…
He was meant to be the villain in your story,
You deserve better, the balance.
55 · Mar 2022
Grey Mar 2022
It’s annoying how no one can grasp the idea of me being single.
Apparently “you are too cute! You’re so hot! You are literally the biggest sweetheart”
And no matter how many times I say it,
Everyone chooses for me I suppose.
Everyone else knows best.
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