"I need to write."
Write what?
"Something that makes the morning bright."
Carve the whispers of the wind,
sit in the Sun and free your mind.
Look around the trees,
its bangles, rustling in that soft breeze.
Look a little far away,
where the sky gently kisses the hills,
and with misty leaps the clouds play.
Look inside you as well,
the little kid who, in the nature likes to dwell.
Takes joy in the zoo of clouds,
and when remembers the daffodil crowds.
Stops to look at the frozen lake,
in the snowy evening and
says it saved his day, the crow's shake
of a hemlock tree.
Again, take a closer look inside,
somebody is watching you back.
Think of things and forget it.
Empty your mind and he'll show you the track.
First of all, its almost midnight. I will sleep peaceful knowing I made a mess of words and be embarrassed early morning and write something that makes the morning bright *o*