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Gaffer Jun 2015
I called you on the phone
But you were dead and all alone
Did you see my name
Are you playing a game
Don’t keep me hanging on

I called you on the phone
But you were dead and all alone
Is this a game
We’re not the same
Dont keep me hanging on

I called you on the phone
But you were dead and all alone
Don’t you understand
I’m a man
Don’t keep me hanging on.

I called you on the phone
But you were dead and all alone
You’ve crossed the line
For the final time
Don’t keep me hanging on.

I called you on the phone
But you were dead and all alone
They told me plain
You’re insane
She's hanging on the phone.
Gaffer May 2015
I’m gonna play my vinyl in the ******, and that’s final
Life is bad when you're sad
Ain't you glad they took you out of school, coz you were cool
Chicks don’t understand your waveband, don’t know the beat, take a seat
Let me explain, give it plain, feel the pain, I’m on a higher plane
Take a shot, I’m hot, fire around my soul, like coal burning in the night, dynamite
Touch the aura, stars at night delight in my plume
They give me room to shine, divine
Radio waves take me further down
DJ thinks it’s cool to swear, records on air, doesn’t understand, I’m on a higher plane
Can’t explain to lower creed, we give them seeds to grow, and still they sow
Watch them bow and scrape, no escape, see them run
Radioactive fallout kills the pain, don’t eat the fruit without the silver suit
Read the signs, stars are on the wane, I’m on a higher plane
Black women wear white to shine the skin, purify the race, educate the masses to a greater state
White man loves black, he sees the dark touching deep, can’t sleep without the thought, black women enslaved to bleed, chained and made to sleep
White women wear black to get back, we’re all insane, you know where I am
Now we’re on the moon, and very soon to change the smile to gloom
Looking down I saw Iran
Pressed a button during sandwich break, changed the map forever
Rediscovered China on a trip to Mars, now there’s just a wall
Made the six o’clock around the globe
Jupiter seemed a distant star, and we all went to sleep
Tomorrow was another day to play.
Gaffer Aug 2015
Front page news
Sad times ahead for happy people
Get in line
Politicians losing the whip
Seen gratifying in phone boxes
A liberal conference
Army cuts have seen the Swiss win the neutral war
Big aeroplane playing hide and seek
Same *** marriage plunged into disarray
Heterosexuals revoke clause 69
Mary's got a headache
Migration watch in london spot new species
A rare Nigel
The stay together campaign have run out of money
Independents rolling in the black stuff
Later changed to multi coloured stuff
Guiness drinkers in Swiss tanks demand apology
Women say bedroom tax is affecting performance
Men agree whilst channel hopping
Bald people in North Korea wigging it
Same *** mannequins in Moss bros
Church moving to M and S
S and M on Saturday nights
Hp poets uploading
Bound to offend some dummies.
Gaffer Apr 2016
Right I’ve taken what you said on board, and I spoke to Lynn and she’s definitely up for it.
Okay love. Up for what, why does she talk to me when I’m watching the football. Who the hell is Lynn. Okay fumble along and find out what the hell she’s talking about.
I mean, you would never have guessed Alan and Lynn were that way inclined.
Alan and Lynn, that’s the boring ******* who garden all day. He does flowers, she does vegetables. Rebels without a cos. What the hell would we be doing with them.
So we’ve booked the hotel for this friday.
Christ, she’s booked a garden convention, a weekend away with plant pots. What the hell is wrong with that woman.
Lynn says they do it all time, she says we’ll love it.
That’s great love, can’t wait. Okay I’ll need to fake a heart attack, the thought of a weekend with Bill and Ben is just too much to take.
I’ve told Lynn you like black underwear and stockings. She says that’s great, she loves dressing up.
Fucksakes, they’re swingers, the boring ******* are swingers. I know I said our love life was boring, but for christsakes not Bill and Ben.  How the hell do I get out of this.
Lynn says Alan loves nurses, so I’ve bought a nurses uniform.
Listen love, I don’t want Alan to see you in a nurses uniform. I love you too much to share you with another guy.
You really haven’t got a clue.
What did I say to you earlier.
You said you spoke to Lynn.
No I didn’t, I said my mum was coming to stay for the week.
We’re definitely not going swinging with Bill and Ben.
Do I look like I do swinging, this is what I keep nagging you about, you don’t listen to a word I say.
Right, I think I’ve learned my lesson, when’s your mum coming.
This friday.
That’s great, look forward to it. The mother in law, or the vegetable woman in stockings. Choices, choices.
Gaffer Aug 2016
It was the less i could do
Climb the mountain
Scale the kitchen
Talk to the neighbours
Find a neighbour
Inspiration, need it
Words on the refuse truck
Toss it in
Screaming kids
Screaming mothers
What, oh *******
Talking art
Modern stuff
Bed with a ****** in it
Go home
Bus it
Converse in a foreign language
Can’t understand them
I live here
Inspired to shout
Who am i
This week
A sign on the wall
Jesus saves
Bankers own heaven
Drowning in realization
Happiness can be bought
What price
Snow on the hills
Dutchman panics
Refuse collector has a Phd in
Bus stoppers look in awe
Three together
Another day dead
Dear diary
Boots in bin.
Gaffer Jan 2017
The woman’s talking gallstones
He’s going on about his eyes
That one’s under the doctor
What does that mean
She doesn’t understand the younger generation
The price of fish
She’s come in with her leg
That caught my attention
Does she have three
He came in with his leg last week, now its his arm
Her daughters pregnant with triplets
For some reason i imagined them doing it three times that night
Hospital food is still awful
Maybe it’s the price of fish
You don’t want admitted on a Monday
Note to body, heart attack Tuesday onwards
You don’t want that Dr Campbell
I had him last week
Doctor Baker is nice
My goldfish died
That happened to my dog
Wonder if it ate the goldfish
My doctor's experimenting on me
Sure the medical board don’t allow that
Okay, all hell's broke loose
Dr Campbell has taken a heart attack
On a Monday as well
Poor Dr Campbell, he was so nice
Well that’s the kettle calling the *** black
What’s wrong with you son
Well i thought i was going nuts
But I’ve now made a remarkable recovery.
Gaffer May 2015
I remember the darkness before the flames
Remember when death called your name
So strange, we were all so young then

I remember you saying, the shadow was cast
Remember laughing, I’ll have your girl when you pass
So strange, it didn’t last

I remember the dead, the screaming eyes
Remember till I die
So strange, I never asked why

I remember thinking, never again
Remember going straight back in
So strange, had to win

I remember going out drinking with friends
Remember them asking me to explain
So strange, I never saw them again

I remember going over the hill
Remember the kills
So strange, no glory, such a bitter pill

I remember when I knew it was over
Remember how I didn’t die
So strange, why

I remember the day I walked away
Remember looking back
So strange, felt like yesterday.
Gaffer Oct 2015
The irony of it all.
She'd been having an affair for months
Kept it so discreet
Then she found out he'd been having an affair for years
How ironic was that.
Gaffer Mar 2016
I’m walking to my grave everyday
A step closer to being saved
It says it on the sign
Jesus saves
Come in, take a pew
Conversions at two
Bit like the Pub
Come in, take a pew
Have a few, looking great
How do you do
Both battling for my being
The all seeing
The neon sign
Both providing spirits for the weak
Who do you seek
It’s a dilemma everyday
Yet one I play
I take a pew
Raise a few
Look up to see
Our Father and me.
Gaffer Jun 2015
I’m walking to my grave everyday
A step closer to being saved
It says it on the sign
Jesus saves
Come in, take a pew
Conversions at two
Bit like the Pub
Come in, take a pew
Have a few, looking great
How do you do
Both battling for my being
The all seeing
The neon sign
Both providing spirits for the weak
Who do you seek
It’s a dilemma everyday
Yet one i play
I take a pew
Raise a few
Look up to see
Our Father and me.
Gaffer Oct 2015
They always said.
There goes Joe
You can set your watch
To Joe.
Always has time for everyone.
The reports were sketchy at first.
He just started shooting everybody.
They thought it was a terrorist at first.
He killed himself.
That's what they do.
They gave his name.
It didn't make sense.
It was Joe.
They couldn't accept it.
He had time for everyone.
Gaffer May 2015
What’s your underwear doing in my drawer
Probably getting a knock back
Did you put petrol in the car
No, I put diesel in
Remember that little lecture the RAC man gave you
You saying I'm a bad driver
Let me see, the neighbours new driveway
My high heels got stuck
So they did, number seven in the insurance manual
Never mind that, you drove by my mum last night
I know, they were just too many witnesses to run her down
Just you remember, someday I’ll be like my mum
Doubt that, she’s good in bed
Your dad tells me.
Gaffer Mar 2016
You gave me life
Sorry I was a burden
Nine months of misery
Felt it myself
Still, must give you credit
You didn’t **** me
Couldn’t even **** yourself
School was a blast
I was that kid
Borstal opened my eyes
Found like minded nutters like me
That was an education
Still, I did graduate
Straight to man prison
One day they let me out to visit you
To say goodbye
Your gravestone, below your name
It said, sadly missed
How ironic
Two sarcastic people in the world
One day I stopped being bitter
I started laughing
What the hell
Life to lead
Go lead it
Plus, the sign on the wall
Always somebody worse off than you.
Gaffer Apr 2016
So strange, it was dark in the white room
People pondered over marshmallow figures all stood in a straight line
That one at the end, it has eyes
So it has
Godlike, we bow in awe
Hundreds and thousands applaud in unison
Chocolate legions stand routed
The eyes have vanished
Death searches in the night
Jelly baby heads abandoned as mothers cry in colour
Candy fish lead the cortege as the night floats downstream
One jelly baby saved
Adopted Tobleronian
Somethings brewing
Death in the afternoon
God speaks
Go forth to jelly mountain
Hundreds and thousands follow
Tobleronians in hot pursuit
Parting of the waves
Plague the Pharaohs army
He leaves the smarties
To climb jelly mountain
God gifts him tablet for the journey down
The smarties have built a chocolate idol
Furious he breaks the tablet in two
With the Tobleronians on one side
Smarties on the other
He came to his only conclusion on jelly mountain
You just can't get the Staff.
Gaffer Jun 2016
She ***** him
He’s ******* somebody else
They come together
Just different worlds apart

She stalks his dreams
He’s lost in her soul
Together apart
Apart together

She scratches her name deep inside him
He penetrates her mind
Mind blowing
Just different worlds apart

She bares all
He caresses deep inside
But not deep enough
Not right into her soul

She screams injustice
He pulls away
Naked and pleading
Just different worlds apart

She dresses for the final time
He walks away
She goes back to him
They come together.
Gaffer Aug 2015
Baby’s on the other side
Looking for a place to hide
Looking for that sad goodbye
The last attempt before she dies
Baby tried, but now she’s gone
Lying rotting, corpsed upon that journeys way
Baby left a letter, no regrets
Till the day we meet again
For now I’m waiting
Lost in souls.
Gaffer Sep 2015
Couldn’t find the track
Lost wandering in the night
Couldn’t see the signs
Nearly lost the fight

Kick you when you’re down
Throw you in the dirt
Mock you when you’re up
Stone you till it hurts

Running through the jungle
Living in the hell
When it’s time to ****
Disregard the smell

Now the path is clear
Sunlight clouds your eyes
Purpose follows reason
Death becomes disguise

Fear the only courage
Pain the mental spur
Drives you to insanity
Sight begins to blur

Close the door forever
Pushed into the hole
A ghost for all eternity
Lost without a soul.
Gaffer Nov 2015
I draw you in
Five rings of smoke appear like magic
Your face on every one
Christ how romantic am I
Maybe drink a JD  in your honour
It's amazing how little things bring you to me
The phone comes alive halfway through your honour
Your soft **** voice sends a tingle down my spine
You say it's over
Well, that was out of the blue
I draw you in
The sign on the packet
Smoking can damage your health and eventually **** you
So profound
I check the bottle of JD
No warning on that
You disappear into the clouds
Every one a silver lining.
Gaffer Feb 2016
Madeline don’t cry, seagulls in the sky watch upon us
We’re in a different world
Don’t wait for love
Life is waiting for you
Madeline touch my eyes, pictures looking through you
The world can’t wait for Madeline
Get out there, it all belongs to you
It’s in the sky, stars are all around you
Madeline don’t cry, seagulls in the sky watch upon us
We’re in a different world
Don’t wait for love
Life is waiting for you
Madeline your name in lights shining brightly
Everyone loves Madeline
It’s in the air, people shout your name, Madeline
It’s all the world can give you
Madeline don’t cry, seagulls in the sky watch upon us
We’re in a different world
Don’t wait for love
Life is waiting for you
Madeline dry your tears
The rivers flowing by us
Cascading gently touching your face
It's time for Madeline.
Gaffer Dec 2015
The Christmas tree shone brightening up the room
Decorations hung in splendour
Gifts lay beneath the tree
He was sat in his favourite armchair
A man at peace with the world
He would watch the children run down the stairs
The room would come alive as they opened their presents
A special present for the good lady
The noise drifted into the past
A long time ago
Seemed like yesterday
The accident
The Policewoman crying telling him the news
The day he died inside
Seventeen years now
Always the same ritual
Made the day seem right, special
Memories came flooding back
He sat down to rest
Slowly drifting off to sleep
They found him that way
In his favourite armchair
A man at peace with the world.
Gaffer May 2015
My Marie, wasted so much time watching
Sat behind your image, I always wondered
Type me another picture, so I can look inside your head
Reach the final thread

When all the words are said and done
And times we have no longer fun
Please remember how it all begun
Cause no one won, no one won

My Marie, did you really think I’d change
Become your love, rearrange my life to suit your soul
Could we really be such fools
Expect to change the rules forever

When all the words are said and done
And times we have no longer fun
Please remember how it all begun
Cause no one won, no one won

My Marie, another picture in another place
***** talk, ***** ******
Lousy love that didn’t please
High class *****, ******* tease

When all the words are said and done
And times we have no longer fun
Please remember how it all begun
Cause no one won, no one won

My Marie, dressed to thrill, stocking tops where guys would ****
Pink champagne upon your *******
Trickling down your shaven nest
Sighs to screams, frenzied pace
Champagne and love, the sultry taste

When all the words are said and done
And times we have no longer fun
Please remember how it all begun
Cause no one won, no one won

My Marie, we fight goodbye
Mocking insults, tears to cry
Words like daggers deep inside
Daggers deep inside
Goodbye Marie, our time has come
The pictures running dry
Sat behind your image, I always wondered why

One day I was feeling all alone
Felt so really down
Remembered a pair of lacy pants
And put them to my brow
Champagne and scent came flooding back, and time began to clear
For a fleeting moment I had you
And then you weren't there.
Gaffer Mar 2016
Mary on the shore, waving brightly
Life was good
I wrote your name in huge letters on the sand
You were the one
No time to admire said work
The sea so calm
Turned in anger and washed you all away
It was a sign
Just wasn’t to be
Mary on the shore, waving brightly
I turned and walked away.
Gaffer Dec 2015
Ah, Timothy dear friend
Did she steal your heart
Cut you with those razor eyes of beauty
Break you in two
You’re just a man, mere mortal
Never in this world could you tie her down
No jewels, no cars, no house
Just free to take your soul
But you’ve been lucky dear friend
Bittersweet it may feel
No flesh to console
Just a heavy heart
Ah, Timothy dear friend
The game of love is cruel
But would you change it
We all want to be on
If only for a time
That beautiful journey.
Gaffer Jun 2016
She liked the sound of music
Soft and sultry
Sometimes dark
But mostly in mind

She liked turning him on
Watching him smile
******* her slowly
But mostly in mind

She liked the sound of music
Soft and sultry
Sometimes dark
But mostly in mind

She liked the way he teased her
Moving slowly to her love zone
Tantalising her soul
But only in mind

She liked the sound of music
Soft and sultry
Sometimes dark
But mostly in mind

She liked the build up
The tension
The screaming, the release of pleasure
But only in mind.
Gaffer Jun 2016
I’m just popping out for cigarettes
Just popping out
But he never returned
Everyday someone just pops out and never returns
It was out of character
Something must have happened
She left the keys in the ignition, her mobile on the seat
She hasn’t been seen since
It doesn’t make sense
Everyday someone will just walk out the door and never return
They all have their reasons
Stress, money troubles, relationship breakdowns
For the loved ones left behind
Some never recover
****** is always the first thought
Some return in time
Some return after several years
Some change identities, and never return
Eighty percent of people who go missing have mental health issues
Teenagers make up the biggest numbers
The greatest tragedy in all of this is
The Police may find people after several years
The missing person will tell them they don’t want to be found
The loved ones never know this.
Gaffer Aug 2015
What’s so hard about the split
You take the house
I get Jack ****
You get the cat
I paid for that
Have the car
Take the boat
If it makes you happy
Build a moat
All this fuss about a fling
Didn’t mean a thing
Keep the bling
Psychological strain
Well yes, you have been a bit of a pain
Actually driving me insane
But don’t worry dear
I’ll take it like a man
Know you’ll understand
Take a pill
Listen to the facts
I was weak
Seduced by the meek
Was really thinking of you
As you do
Lets start again
Bought you a ring
Just a little thing
To say i love you
Oh, can i borrow the car
Not going far
Probably won’t be back tonight
Hope that's alright.
Gaffer Mar 2017
The moon was at its brightest
Strange things happen with a full moon
The mad go insane
The insane go mad
She said the relationship would never last
I counted nineteen minutes on the clock
It’s your planetary status
Is it an earthling thing
No, not in the physical sense
Are we talking nuts and bolts here, me being the bolt
Yes you’ve got it, you’re not out there
When you say out there, are we talking moon walking
Not in the physical sense, more moon flying
What happened to your last boyfriend
I lost him in the ethos
Did you never think to look for him
No, once they go in, that’s it, you never see them again
Does the full moon affect you in any way
Yes, i shed my skin when the moon is full
Do you have to get naked for that. I mean can anyone join you
Only the soul searchers can join me. Are you a soul searcher.
A few more beers and i’ll be an extraterrestrial
Alas the wanting in you is waning, the star so bright now fades into the night
Is that a polite way of saying you’re dumped.
Not in the physical sense.
Oh i see, i’ve walked into the ethos. Should have seen that coming. Well it was nice knowing you for twenty five minutes. Definitely need a large drink now. Maybe pop into the shop on the way home. Pick up a milky way, maybe a mars bar too.
Gaffer Apr 2015
Only in the dark, the distant dark
The ****** waits in patient silence
Watching, listening, as life passes by
Memories drift the hours into days
Letting the mind play its tortured game
Somewhere in the past, a child plays
Innocent in life as the changing times ahead
Till that day destiny seeks him, as destiny seeks all
The child has gone, dead for a time
Now death follows him
Watching for that weakness of mortal man
Time is running out
He knows that
His enemy know it too
That slight movement
He’s a child again
The shot hits the target
So strange, no sound
No laughter to be found
The child has gone
Destiny has found him
Gaffer Jun 2015
That poignant moment when we meet
Like long lost friends
So discreet
You look good together
Why do you need me
Is he blind
Is it me
We play the game
It’s nothing new
Hotels are full of Smiths
Like me and you
I should move on
You should too
You look good together
Him and you
We plan the next
Somewhere new
Mr and Mrs rendezvous
She’s sleeping now
I gaze her naked way
Thinking to myself
Turning to hide his shame
The woman with his brothers name.
Gaffer Sep 2015
I want you to meet my mum

Oh no, not the mum
That means, I could be the one
There goes the fun
Time for a ring
That couple thing
Need a plan
Insanity is in the man
***, I’m slightly gay
It’s always been that way
I try to hide it
But it just won't go away

I know babe
That’s what I love about you
You’re feminine too

Man, what have I done
Where do I run
Okay, plan two
***, think of the kids
What would they think
Daddy wearing a dress
Their little faces
Such a mess

Don’t worry babe
Take my hand
Let me introduce you
This is my mum

My god, what a body
So fit
Where’s that jeweller
Book the church
I’ll marry her mum
And then some
I’m in love

Babe, don’t get carried away
Theres something I have to say
It’s about my mum

***, tell me all
Write it, ten feet on the wall
Watch me fall

Babe, my mum’s my dad
Aren't you glad
You being that way too
So understanding
It was like god sent you

Okay, i've kind of went numb
Something just registered
Call me dumb
But It seems to me
Or maybe I’m slow
Have I just joined a feckin freak show.
Gaffer Jun 2016
It's lovely outside, I think I’ll go knickerless today.
You don’t want to do that, you might get knocked down by a bus.
Why would that make any difference.
You always have to wear clean underwear when getting knocked down by a bus.
Do you make these things up.
Did your mum never tell you, you always have to wear clean underwear when leaving the house, just incase you get knocked down by a steamroller or such.
My mum said a lot of things, luckily for me I grew up, unlike some people I may add.
Hardly my fault my mum has to come round and cook for me.
Cook, she cuts your sausages, you’re a child.
Sure she’d cut your carrots if you asked her.
Think I’ll wear pants now, you’re driving me nuts.
You’re not wearing white, are you.
Why, does mummy not allow white.
I’m more thinking of the guys in the office.
What, what's it got to do with them.
It’s got a lot, you don’t want the guys glimpsing boring white, put black on.
The guys in my office are too busy to be perving at my underwear.
Guys are never too busy, it's our job in life to check the girls out.
My last boyfriend was never like this.
That’s because your last boyfriend usually wore your knickers.
He just liked the feel of women's underwear.
How is his hormone treatment coming along, is he wearing your bra yet.
Get knotted mummy’s boy.
Talking about mummy’s, I’m taking yours running tonight. Hope she’s wearing the skimpy shorts.
That’s another thing, you told my mum she shouldn’t wear pants under her shorts, why would that be.
Might be something to do with the leg massage I give her after our run.
You are sick.
Your mum’s a cougar. Actually, just thinking about her is getting me hot, fancy a quickie.
Get stuffed, just get me to work without mentioning my mum, underwear, or any other perversions in your sick brain.
Do my best, white pants.
I’ll get you in the car, need to get something.
Nice legs lover, did I glimpse black ******* there.
Well, you said it, we need to keep the guys happy, any luck one of them will ask me out.
Well if they do, tell them you’re not available this weekend.
And why would that be.
Cos I’m taking you to Paris.
Maybe I don’t want to go to Paris.
Oh you will, five star hotel, tickets to see that weird female singer you love.
Okay, I’ll need a new outfit, maybe a few outfits. Will I need **** underwear.
Strangely enough no. Me and your mum bought you some.
Gaffer Jan 2016
In the dark of night

I snuck out of bed

The monster picked a fight

So quickly I fled

Stood by my sister, poked her a bit

A sleepy frown above her eyes

She told me to sit

I was scared and she was wise

She pulled the cover over me

And told me to sleep

She was a big girl, older than me

She held me close, I needn't weep

I dreamed of fields with flowers

And strange round trees

Mountains with towers

And puddles with bees

She stood beside me

Like a  light beam

Watching over me

Setting me free

I was brave for a time

Brave as brave could be

Searching for the monster

Hiding up the tree

The monster saw me

I screamed, he’s got me

Oh no he’s not

We both jumped under the covers

My sister and me.

                                   Lily Nurmi & Paul Gaffney.
Gaffer Apr 2015
Do you think we’re emotionally compatible.
What crackpot class have you joined now.
I'm taking a holistic course.
Why don’t you go and have an affair, you’ll feel better.
No, listen, I want inside your mind.
You don’t, take my word for it.
Soon I’ll be able to heal your body and mind.
Have you ever thought about counselling.
I'm just searching for myself.
Just wish you’d hurry up.
Why don’t you come with me, I've already mentioned you to the teacher.
Oh no you don't, history teacher, history class, coming back to you.
That’s why I need to get into your mind.
Have you ever thought that maybe I'm the sanest person on the planet.
Yes I used to until that time we got lost and you refused to ask for directions.
I didn't need directions
Were you afraid the guy would laugh at you
No that had nothing to do with it
Because you can't read a map
No silly, he said his name was Nelson
Did that upset you, was that it
Did you learn nothing in that history class
Well, not map reading
He only had one eye
Who only had one eye
Admiral Nelson
And that upset you
Jesus woman, nobody upset me, he couldn’t give me directions cos he only had one eye
How does that stop him from giving directions
What, isn't it obvious
Not to me
He can’t reverse a car can he
What’s stopping him
The blind spot stupid
Oh my god, and I wanted inside your mind, you’re a hundred percent crackers
Well you sure as hell don’t want to go out with a guy who’s crackers
You’re **** right I don’t, consider yourself history
Thank god for that, hate long term relationships, three weeks, how did I cope.
Gaffer Jul 2015
She cut the ties
The good
The bad
The menopause
Finally, the long pause
Followed by the loneliness
Days became weeks, became months
It was time
Life begins at forty
Did it end at forty six
Swanky bar
Lights, music, fear
She felt that drowning sensation
Maybe to early
She felt eyes upon her
Smiling, teasing, no words
Her guard was up
It’s impolite to stare
Sorry, I was ******* you
Never in her life
Reality hit home, indignant
And tell me, how far did you get
All the way down to your inhibitions
Twenty three years worth she thought
The ice was broken
Tom was the first
John wouldn't be the last.
Gaffer Nov 2016
I think it was yesterday
Sure she said it was
She’d known about it for weeks
Yesterday was the right time to bring it up
It started months ago
Things were difficult back then
I can’t remember the exact day
Back then
But why would i
You don’t look back, do you
I mean, you don’t think to yourself
Last month i started an affair
People don’t do that
They might say
Last month i ended the affair
It was really about a year earlier
We got talking
Just about past relationships
I mean, you don’t think for a minute
You’re actually entering into a past relationship
But in hindsight maybe you should
It’s been a month since we split up
Looking back
I can see where it all went wrong
But that was yesterday
No point looking back now.
Gaffer Oct 2015
He heard the door slam
She would be back tomorrow
Bet my last dollar on it
One week
Would have lost that bet
Odds on, she’ll be back tomorrow
Stake my life on it
Lost that one
Birthday coming up
Two to one she’ll walk through the door
Just going through a losing streak
She wins by a mile
Fell at the finish
She’ll need to turn up for her present
Put this behind us
The odds are good
New years resolution
I quit, bet you I do
She’s not coming back
What were the odds on that.
Gaffer Apr 2015
Oh God, take thy nagging woman
Bring her back a blond
Slightly dumb, would not be frowned upon

Oh God, could you give her rubber gloves
Make her iron in the ****
If you could

Oh God, one without a headache would be handy
They tell me nymphs are always randy

Oh God, can I get one that’s tight
Not too bright
Brings in beer
Doesn’t shout in your ear

Oh God, can I change her every week
Would that be a cheek
A month would be fine
If I take a shine

Oh God, one more ask
The girls on Hello poetry might take me to task
Can you make them think this is a beautiful sonnet
Aimed at them all, keep it under your bonnet.
Gaffer Oct 2015
You can’t see their mental health
It’s not like a leg break
They keep it locked away
I’m okay, with a smile
Write that down
Hear the bells
I’m okay
Now listen up
The sure fire way to knowing the problem
Is the note
This will tell you all you need to know
You don’t want to read it
Gaffer Sep 2016
What do you know
Didn’t work out for you and Joe
What can I say
Did I mention he was gay
Still, what about you and Di
Brought a tear to a glass eye
It was your mum who asked the question
What’s a Bi ,,,,,
Had to laugh, my oh my
Still, these things are sent to try us
Sorry about Gus, and the bus
Just not fare, oops sorry, meant fair
Your mother tells me you’ve met the one
Drumroll please, he’s Japanese
Strange name though, Harry
Okay just got an update, Hara Kari
What are you doing with these guys, never mind Di
Your mum says its been a week with the Greek
I’m over the moon
Spoke too soon
Fell off his horse
Was it wooden
I’m hearing you’re in Finland with some geyser called Stan
Already I’m thinking, poor man
Okay, your mum’s going on about a bear
Now Stan’s no longer there
It’s a nightmare
Where will it end
What, you’ve found a friend
Setting a new trend
Well, now I feel at ease
You’re kidding, deadly disease
Your mum says you want to try again
O.M.G, have you gone insane
I’m heading for the hills
Taking pills
Throwing myself under a train
Missed the bus
Playing Russian roulette
Oh no, I've just realised
This is how it all begun
You've won.
Gaffer Jul 2015
The sun didn't shine for young Bob
Didn’t shine at all
Mummy drank all the gin
She’s screaming at the wall
Heading for a fall
He knew when to run
Learned when he was young
Bruises only show on the living
Not on the kid for fun
Mummy wasn’t bad
Just sad
Daddy left a time ago
A younger girl
No ties
Now she wants to die
If only she hadn’t had me
Can’t you see
He would have stayed
That's what mummy says
It felt good after awhile
All the pills, all the gin
He thought he heard mummy say I love you
That was nice
Daddy would come home now
They could start again
The sun would shine
Just not for Bob.
Gaffer Oct 2015
The old church lay in ruins, left to languish in time.
He was sitting on the grave talking to Sergeant R Johnston.
Well, I suppose you want an update on the war.
Let me see now, where do I begin.
Monday 0500 hrs, Pete was the first to moan, ******* hate early mornings.
Well, you would stay up all night playing cards.
Yeah, well just you remember that’s two million quid you owe me.
You better watch my back then, don’t hesitate to take a bullet for me, and for fucksakes if you’re throwing grenades about, don’t forget, it’s not the pin you throw, it’s the grenade.
*******, I got over excited.
The attack was sudden, Tony got hit, we were lucky, the ambush was poorly planned, we killed five before they ran.
Back at camp, I was starving, full English was a must, pass the sauce old chap, is that this months ******* you're reading, just love reading the stories.
Yeah right.
Just last week I was reading about this woman who made love to an onion, brought tears to my eyes, do you know her life unravelled in front of her.
You’re full of ****, don’t get the pictures sticky.
News came in, Tony didn’t make it.
The trip to the ******* tent seemed less appealing now.
Kit check, clean rifle, count bullets, kit check, clean rifle, count bullets.
Letter from home, Mary and John are getting married, Mary.
I’ve to see that shrink, what do I say to him.
Tell him you want to unburden yourself, so we’ll call it quits on the money I owe you.
*******, I’ll warm him up for you.
Half an hour later.
******* ******, said my brain was like an onion.
He did, did he, the ***** *******, I was wondering where that magazine went.
You better go see him.
Come in, I’m Dr Massey, I’m going to have an informal chat with you, sort of get to know you, anything you want to ask me.
Your fly is open.
So sorry, right lets get started, you’ve been involved in a lot of the fighting recently, talk me through it.
Let me see, we’re heading out of camp, now I always check the lunch menu before we go, it’s fish, simple dish, not to long on the hot plate, splash of lemon, great. We’re at a standoff, so I say to Pete, toss a grenade at them, guy's a genius with a grenade, can throw it for miles.
Though for some reason he’s mixed up the procedure, the grenade ends up killing the livestock, the enemy see this as an insult and go bonkers.
Then just as things couldn’t get any worse, I get back to camp to find the chefs burnt the fish, I mean, how the hell can you burn fish.
Right, this is interesting, go on.
Next day we’re heading out, steak’s on the menu, now I like my steak well done, so I was looking forward to lunch. Quiet morning, get back to camp, the idiot’s used a flamethrower on the steaks, swear to god he’s the real enemy.
Can i ask you, when you’re on home leave, do you get flashbacks, and if so, how do you deal with them.
I usually discuss everything with Sergeant Johnston.
Right, this is good, he’s been through this himself.
Oh yes, amazing man, do you know he survived the Somme only to be killed a year later in a mining accident.
Okay, wind back a bit, you talk to Sergeant Johnston who is actually dead, does he talk back you.
Come on doc, he’s like the chefs best effort at cooking, dead.
Okay that was quite interesting, what’s on the menu today.
Is that good.
If you want to die, yes, better off reading a magazine.
Do you read a lot.
Yes I was reading this magazine on the workings of the human body, right up your street doc, but I seem to have misplaced it.
Well I hope you find it.
So do I doc, it will be a definite relief.
Gaffer Dec 2016
Nobody cries for yesterday
Not me, not you
Only the dead on the hill
Walk in the night
In this foolish world of lies
Where buildings mourn
And the world drowns
It was then
It was in that moment
I realised
You were maybe everything
I needed
To make my life complete
On this crazy journey, we call life
Every road has an ending
If you walk the distance asked
People stop and touch you for a time
Sometimes you’re grateful
Sometimes not
In the light of the house
You may see me looking in
The guy on the road
Finally realising
You were maybe everything
I needed
Wishing you happiness
On that crazy journey, we call life.
Happy New Year to all Hello poets.
Gaffer Jun 2016
She was just one hit away
Knew the score
Could stop it anytime
Unlike Kelly, stupid *****
******* needle sticking out of her arm
Christ, how many times
How many times did she tell her
She started selling her body
That’s when you know you’ve hit rock bottom
No way back when you start doing tricks
Told her straight
You’ll either get murdered
Or end up dead in a toilet
She knew best
She became a walking skeleton
Pitiful person who would do anything for a hit
It was only a matter of time now
She would inject anything
Till there was no where else in her body to inject
It was probably a release in the end
Her body just gave up
Kelly found her
The way she found her everyday
You look after your friends
That’s what you do.
Gaffer Nov 2017
Someone died today
No headlines
The two lines on page nine taken up with the rescue of the local cat
Just a statistic
Would be sad
But there really wasn’t time for that
The vicar performing a wedding that day
Didn’t really need this
Put out, but would fit it in
The fifty pound fee would come in handy
His parents wouldn’t be attending
He was such a disappointment to them
Could have been a doctor
Instead followed his dream
Sometimes dreams take time
Just like life
Sometimes life is cruel
The dog wasn’t badly hurt
Just dazed when the car hit it
The crowd gathered, concerned
Man's best friend
He lay in the corner, dying
People passed him by
Just a statistic
Following his dream
Into the next life...
Gaffer May 2016
Most tragedies can be avoided if people follow hindsight to the letter.
Gaffer Feb 2016
There’s a woman on the phone who says she’s pregnant, explanation.
Well, in simple terms, the man has to impregnate the woman, this may take several occasions, but you get the gist.
Oh I get the gist alright, so how many occasions did it take.
Well, it's hardly the thing you talk about when you’re planning a baby.
What, how long has this been going on.
How would I know, might be one night, might be long term, why don't you ask her.
I’m not asking your floosie things like that, you should know.
Typical woman, just because a pregnant woman is on the phone, you naturally assume the worse.
I have reason to assume the worse, the neighbours bed you assembled.
Don’t remind me of that, Chinese instructions, it was a nightmare.
I was more thinking of how I caught you in bed with her.
You didn’t catch us in the physical sense, we were testing the bed.
And you had to be naked to do that.
She’s Scandinavian, that’s what they do.
You were under the covers.
She was covering her modesty, the embarrassment you caused that day.
Yeah, I’m gutted.
You really  have to do something about this paranoia.
Are you saying I’m nuts.
Well, the facts do speak for themselves.
You’re so right, it’s a strange thing paranoia, sometimes I think young James isn’t yours.
Just as well he’s the spitting image of me then.
Yes, that’s the strange thing, he’s the spitting image of your brother too.
What, what are you saying, have you been bedding my brother.
Not in the physical sense I think
Well in that case young James is definitely mine then.
Don’t know, the ****** your brother used, the instructions were in Chinese.

Paul Gaffney & Lily Nurmi.
Gaffer Apr 2015
There’s a woman on the phone who says she’s pregnant, explanation.
Well, in simple terms, the man has to impregnate the woman, this may take several occasions, but you get the gist.
Oh I get the gist alright, so how many occasions did it take.
Well, it's hardly the thing you talk about when you’re planning a baby.
What, how long has this been going on.
How would I know, might be one night, might be long term, why don't you ask her.
I’m not asking your floozie things like that, you should know.
Typical woman, just because a pregnant woman is on the phone, you naturally assume the worse.
I have reason to assume the worse, the neighbours bed you assembled.
Don’t remind me of that, Chinese instructions, it was a nightmare.
I was more thinking of how I caught you in bed with her.
You didn’t catch us in the physical sense, we were testing the bed.
And you had to be naked to do that.
She’s Scandinavian, that’s what they do.
You were under the covers.
She was covering her modesty, the embarrassment you caused that day.
Yeah, I’m gutted.
You really  have to do something about this paranoia.
Are you saying I’m nuts.
Well, the facts do speak for themselves.
You’re so right, it’s a strange thing paranoia, sometimes I think young James isn’t yours.
Just as well he’s the spitting image of me then.
Yes, that’s the strange thing, he’s the spitting image of your brother too.
What, what are you saying, have you been bedding my brother.
Not in the physical sense I think
Well in that case young James is definitely mine then.
Don’t know, the ****** your brother used, the instructions were in Chinese.

                                         By Paul Gaffney & Lily Nurmi.
                                                  Dubious ending by Lily Nurmi.
Gaffer Apr 2015
You defy belief
Thanks dear
I mean, seven in the morning and you’re sober
Pub went on fire, early night
Someday you will die a lonely man
My God, that philosophy degree has done you good
Why, because i state the obvious
Exactly, we’re all going to die someday
Not from liver cirrhosis
No, you’ll go from nagging-itis
Always the comic
Being married to you dear, brings out the best in me
Do you ever wonder why i left
Have you left
Yes, i’m now happy with Jeff
Philosophy again, seven in the morning, you passing by
I was concerned about you
Jeff’s boring the pants off you
No he isn't, he’s my rock
Fancy a quickie
Certainly not
C’mon he’s a boring history teacher
Jeff’s a lecturer
It’s written all over your face, frustration my dear
Our *** life is great
*** to the Boer war, riveting
Jeff is tuned into me
Battle of Britain music, is that oral to Jeff
Fucken hate you
I see that look in your eyes
Hate you
You want me
Shut up, lets go
Will you be passing by again anytime soon
Not if i can help it
You sure, i don’t mind helping out
Going for a romantic weekend with Jeff
See you Monday then
Only if i'm passing by
****** brilliant!
Gaffer Aug 2015
You defy belief
Thanks dear
I mean, seven in the morning and you’re sober
Pub went on fire, early night
Someday you will die a lonely man
My God, that philosophy degree has done you good
Why, because i state the obvious
Exactly, we’re all going to die someday
Not from liver cirrhosis
No, you’ll go from nagging-itis
Always the comic
Being married to you dear, brings out the best in me
Do you ever wonder why i left
Have you left
Yes, i’m now happy with Jeff
Philosophy again, seven in the morning, you passing by
I was concerned about you
Jeff’s boring the pants off you
No he isn't, he’s my rock
Fancy a quickie
Certainly not
C’mon he’s a boring history teacher
Jeff’s a lecturer
It’s written all over your face, frustration my dear
Our *** life is great
*** to the Boer war, riveting
Jeff is tuned into me
Battle of Britain music, is that oral to Jeff
Fucken hate you
I see that look in your eyes
Hate you
You want me
Shut up, lets go
Will you be passing by again anytime soon
Not if i can help it
You sure, i don’t mind helping out
Going for a romantic weekend with Jeff
See you Monday then
Only if i'm passing by
Gaffer Apr 2017
Nobody came to the party
The lights were set down low
Nobody came to the party
It was like they didn’t know
The music touched your soul
Crept inside, never letting go
The spirits passed through
Glancing around
Like they knew
Something didn’t ring true
They waited for a time
As the night stayed on hold
Nobody would say the words
They just knew
Nobody was coming to the party
Not now, not ever
They closed the door
Wanting to get away
Trying not to speak
Begin another day
The spirits waited
Like they knew too
Nobody came to the party
They were all just passing through
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