The moon was at its brightest
Strange things happen with a full moon
The mad go insane
The insane go mad
She said the relationship would never last
I counted nineteen minutes on the clock
It’s your planetary status
Is it an earthling thing
No, not in the physical sense
Are we talking nuts and bolts here, me being the bolt
Yes you’ve got it, you’re not out there
When you say out there, are we talking moon walking
Not in the physical sense, more moon flying
What happened to your last boyfriend
I lost him in the ethos
Did you never think to look for him
No, once they go in, that’s it, you never see them again
Does the full moon affect you in any way
Yes, i shed my skin when the moon is full
Do you have to get naked for that. I mean can anyone join you
Only the soul searchers can join me. Are you a soul searcher.
A few more beers and i’ll be an extraterrestrial
Alas the wanting in you is waning, the star so bright now fades into the night
Is that a polite way of saying you’re dumped.
Not in the physical sense.
Oh i see, i’ve walked into the ethos. Should have seen that coming. Well it was nice knowing you for twenty five minutes. Definitely need a large drink now. Maybe pop into the shop on the way home. Pick up a milky way, maybe a mars bar too.