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FullmoonFlower Aug 2020
In the darkest of the day
under the night sky
that’s where I find my peace
where I feel safest
not in the daylight
with an abundance of color
just give me a quiet space
when the sun has set
under the stars
and if you are there as well
I don’t see why the sun should ever
wake up again
FullmoonFlower Jul 2020
You're golden,
you always will be
to me.

You're shining,
always sparkling
to me.

You're splendid,
always impressive
to me.
FullmoonFlower Jul 2020
He keeps her
safe by day
and warm by night
his hands travels
on her bare skin
one hand on her neck
the other holding her face
planting butterflies
before their lips collide
FullmoonFlower Jul 2020
You are like a rainbow
Bringing color into this life
making me smile again

it has been dark for so long
the rain has been pouring
it didn't look like it was ever going to stop

then you showed
never thought I would see
such a beautiful rainbow, like you
FullmoonFlower Jul 2020
I'm listening to the songs
I screamed to
to get you out of my head
turning up the volume
so I don't get reminded
of all the pain you caused
blur you out
drown you in sad lyrics
like you drowned me in your
empty promises
FullmoonFlower Jul 2020
We're waiting
times ticking
counting down
to the exact time
when we will be
in each others arms

We're waiting
for the time
when we don't
need to count seconds
but for the time
when we will feel nonstop
I'll be waiting at the airport
FullmoonFlower Jul 2020
You're the breeze that made me
let go
let go of my home
my comfort zone
and oh how i'm dancing
in your embrace
I'll follow you
wherever you go
I'll keep following you
until this season is over
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