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We lost connection—
Longer pauses on phone lines,
  .  .  .  Last words on a wire.
 Jan 2014 Katie Lo
Mind Cheat
 Jan 2014 Katie Lo
My lips have never known the taste of yours.
My nails have never scraped down your chest.
My legs haven’t wrapped around your waist.
No my body has never had the pleasure of being pleasured by you.

You haven’t slipped off my dress to caress.
You haven’t pulled my hair just to kiss down my neck.
You haven’t ****** me until I’m left screaming.
No your body doesn’t know the heat of mine.

But here we are covered with guilt,
Wearing that scarlet letter for this emotional affair.

© 2013-2014 Peach
 Jan 2014 Katie Lo
They keep telling me that there is more fish in the sea
But you were the whole ocean for me
 Jan 2014 Katie Lo
Theia Gwen
I made a comment about jumping off a building the other day
And you looked at me and said "You shouldn't joke about suicide."
And I completely agreed, suicide is not a joke
But little did you know, I wasn't joking
And even though I smiled as I said it,
I silently begged you to see behind it
And pull me far, far away from the edge
Before I fell where no one could reach me
Because their is a huge difference between wanting to die
And wanting to **** yourself
It can make the difference between life and death
And I'm afraid I've gotten to the point
That I might just want both
 Jan 2014 Katie Lo
Theia Gwen
If our love story were in photographs
You'd see two socially awkward teenagers
Completely candid and unchoreographed
Quick little snapshots of two people who slowly became friends

You'd see moments of a girl falling for a boy with black curls and skinny jeans
Her depth of field was shallow and she couldn't see she was obsessing over the wrong person
Her mind was muddles by her crush and she couldn't see clearly through her lens

You'd see her slowly lose affection for the boy in skinny jeans
And her f-stop finally let the light in
Her brunnette best friend started occupying her dreams
Oh no, she couldn't be falling for her best friend?

You'd see time lapse photography of a girl who couldn't admit the truth
Every girl thinks of kissing her best guy friend, right?
She knew that in a game of love, she would always lose
He occupied her brain like works of modern art

You'd find a picture of a girl who finally accepted how she felt
And stopped seeing things in monochrome
She took a chance at love
And captured the best picture of them all
Oh, god. All of the bad photography puns. It fits though since I met him in photography. I wanted to expand the ideas in my poem B21 and I mean the world of photography puns was wide open!
Her eyes
held me captive

her kisses
set me

 Jan 2014 Katie Lo
Yaz Dincer
My beautiful reflection.
You make me anxious.

Your eyes. Your mind. Your smile.
My thoughts run a mile.
Why cant you just be mine?

We could share stories and songs.
And moments and memories.
Let our energy flow and mingle,
create great serenity.

So much familiarity,
but still a stranger.
Youve shared so much of yourself
without really sharing anything.

Just by being who you are,
I am falling in love.
Your awkwardness is so sweet,
it makes my palms sweat and my heart fleet.

I don't even know what I say
when I'm with you.
I don't care
cause maybe you arnt even listening too.

I think we think the same things
but dont say it out loud.
Trying to catch the wave of our crazy energy interaction in bloom.

You say youre comfortable with me,
but you clearly arnt.
I can hear your voice trembling
and your beating heart.

I cant sleep
cause your on my mind constantly.
I wonder if i cross yours too

Writing poetry that barely even rhymes,
trying everything to get you off my mind.
 Nov 2013 Katie Lo
 Nov 2013 Katie Lo
She wants to whisper secrets into his ear late at night
and tell him that if beauty was measured in inches
he’d go on for miles and miles

She would tell him that it’s okay to be bad sometimes
a certain darkness is needed to see the stars
she would whisper
and you can’t shine bright unless there’s
darkness too

She would tell him not to waste his words
and exhaust his mind thinking of someone that
doesn’t see the whole ocean in his eyes

If she could sleep a night by his side
she would tell him that he’s most lovely at night
when he’s scared and lonely
when nothing seems real but the darkness
outside his window

She would lift his sleeves and count his scars
to see how many times he needed her
how many times she wasn’t there

She would kiss him softly and whisper
that she will never let him hurt  
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